Samara & Borja

  • South Africa & Spain
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Good Workawayer

Profile information

  • Travel information

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  • Description

    Welcome to our profile!

    We are Samara (South African) and Borja (Spanish), we met in the beginning of 2022 while Samara was visiting Tenerife (Borja's home) during a gap year where she fell in love with more than just the Island. Since then we have stayed here and been studying, Borja has also showed and taught Samara a lot about the Canary Islands and some Spanish aswell. We are now in a time where it is possible for us to leave here and set out into the world on an adventure of exploration, discovery and growth. We are excited to be able to learn and experience as much as possible doing different types of workaways!

    Some more about us.....


    This year I finished my University Degree on Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. I studied 2 years of tourism before that, but I had to leave due to the point of view of the content and the goals of this degree (making money and destroying the land). I'd love to research and learn new ways of sustainable and healthy activities that could become an alternative for the economic model (massive sun&beach tourism) that sadly is ruining my homeland nowadays.

    I am an adventurous person and I enjoy exploring new places and living the moment. I like visual content, photography, all type of music genres,health and sports, history and ecological issues.

    One of the reasons why I decided in trying workaway was the search of magical memories all around the world that I'll keep for the rest of my life. For example, sharing a beer with some people I've just met, exploring amazing landscapes, creating bonds with different people and animals as well as being in touch with the nature surrounding me.


    I am child of the earth, I love being outside and integrated with nature brings me much joy and satisfaction, I believe our natural world provides us with everything we need to live our optimal lives, we just have to embrace it!

    I am passionate about sustainable and alternative living, the ocean, forests, herbalism and natural healing, music, spirituality, yoga, meditation and just life in general. Working and connecting with animals is another big love of mine. I am super keen and eager to experience as much as I can, I believe we can never learn enough of other humans and our beautiful planet.

    I spend most of my time exploring, going to the ocean, reading, foraging for mushrooms and herbs, crocheting, making handy little things and doing various arts ( I recently started water colour painting) . I am an very independent person and don-t mind spending time by myself and having to keep myself occupied. Although I love community living aswell and have had some great experiences with it!

  • Interests

    Movies & TV
    Water sports
    Drawing & painting
    Vegetarian or vegan
    Events & social
    Self development
    Yoga / Wellness
    Van life
    Plant care
    Outdoor activities

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  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Afrikaans: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    Italian: Intermediate

    More details about my language interests
    We both love languages and will be happy to learn some of the native language where ever we go.

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  • Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn

    We're interested in:  

    Eco Projects
    Art Projects

    Some knowledge of:  

    DIY and building projects
    Life at a Farmstay
    Charity Work
    General Maintenance
    Being an elderly companion
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Helping with Computers/ Internet

    Able to teach about:  

    Animal Care
    Helping around the house
  • More details about your skills

    Samara is hard-working and a fast learner, she loves to create and bring new ideas to life. She has experience in general care of and working with farm animals, aswell as having done various renovations , such as painting, basic woodwork, and equiped/upcycled a cave last summer into a home for herself. She has some knowledge of gardening and sustainable living, and she is eager to learn more about this as she hopes to be able to live in a completely self sufficient way in the future.

    Borja is organised and very careful doing the things. You could say that he can read the future because he is conscious, observational and logical. He has done work as a lifeguard and as swimming teacher since he was 18. He is passionate about water activities and sports in general. He has worked in physical activities with people of different ages (mostly children and grown up) and conditions (people with disability). He enjoys interacting with and learning about and from other people.

  • Age

    21 & 25

  • What else ...

    Samara is originally South African but was brought up all over the place, mostly between South Africa, Canada and Europe. The past few years she has spent living and studying in different places in Europe. Her life has given her knowledge and a broad perspective of our world. Currently she is also studying Psychology (online) as she has great interest in the workings of human beings, our emotions, bodies, minds and actions, and how all of these are connected.

    Borja was born in Tenerife and has spent his entire life in the Canary Islands (Spain). He has been studying and sometimes working for the past 6 years. At this moment he's looking for lifegrowth experiences that could inspire me into finding some new ways of living or lifestyles and to acquire new skills in different working experiences. He can speak and understand some italian too.

    Borja has been vegetarian for 4 years, Samara eats all foods but also mostly vegetarian. We are not picky eaters and enjoy trying and making new foods from different cultures and places.

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements



