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Be part of the rural community in Isla Lemuy, Chiloé, Chile

  • Favourited 11 times
  • Last activity : 19 Oct 2024



 Min stay requested: at least a week



  • Description


    We are Sandra and Alejandro, we came to live in Isla Lemuy, Chiloé in 2016 to settle with a rural bed & breakfast in a house that has a native forest of 10 hectares. Isla Lemuy is the only island/commune that exists in Chiloé. It allows us to be more autonomous than the other islands of the Archipelago, and it also allows us to live the experience of being part of a community anchored in agricultural traditions that are part of the world's agricultural heritage. . FAO grants a heritage seal called GIAHS and we have obtained this seal because we feel and think that subsistence agricultural traditions are an important part of low-scale human development. Because they are not industrial processes and are anchored in family and territorial culture, alive and present.

    Nosotros somos Sandra y Alejandro, nos vinimos a vivir a Isla Lemuy, Chiloé el 2016 para instalarnos con un hospedaje rural tipo Bed & Breakfast en una casona que tiene un bosque nativo de 10 hectáreas. Isla Lemuy es la única isla/comuna que existe en Chiloé. Nos permite ser más autónomos que las otras islas del Archipiélago, y también nos permite vivir la experiencia de ser parte de una comunidad muy anclada en tradiciones agrícolas que son parte del patrimonio agrícola mundial. La FAO otorga un sello patrimonial que se llama SIPAM y nosotros hemos obtenido este sello porque sentimos y pensamos que las tradiciones agrícolas de subsistencia son parte importante del desarrollo humano de baja escala. Porque no son procesos industriales y están anclados en una cultura familiar y territoral, viva y presente.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Volunteers (we require maximum 2) will have a room and bathroom available and the work is 4-5 hours daily 5 days a week, they will be offered 2 meals daily (breakfast, lunch). We have bicycles available. There is public transport from Castro to Isla Lemuy if you come on foot, we will look for you in Puqueldón, the "capital" of the island, it is a coastal village with 400 inhabitants where the civic buildings of the commune are located. There is access to wifi with good signal.

    Los voluntarios (requerimos máximo 2) tendrán un habitación y baño disponible y el trabajo es de 4-5 horas diarias 5 días a la semana, se les ofrecerá 2 comidas diarias (desayuno, almuerzo ). Tenemos disponibidad de bicicletas. Hay transporte público desde Castro a Isla Lemuy si vienen de a pie, los vamos a buscar a Puqueldón, la "capital" de la isla, es un pueblito costero con 400 habitantes donde están emplazado los edificios cívicos de la comuna. Hay acceso a wifi con buena señal.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    We ask help in the following activities:
    General maintenance of the house (painting, tidying, cleaning)
    Farm maintenance, we have sheep and chickens
    Cut and Order Firewood from the forest
    Erect Fences
    Family cooking
    Carpentry to make a chicken coop
    General toilet of the house
    Support in community manager activities

    Mantenimiento general de la casa (pintar, ordenar, limpiar)
    Mantenimiento de la granja, tenemos ovejas y gallinas
    Cortar y Ordenar Leña desde el bosque
    Levantar Cercos
    Carpintería para hacer gallinero
    Cocina familiar
    Aseo general de la casa
    Apoyar en actividades de community manager

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    French: Beginner
    Portuguese: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    We are always willing to learn from others

  • Accommodation


    Bed & Breakfast
    Hospedaje Rural

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    The possibility to meet a magical island that is part of a mystical archipelago with its culture, its heritage churches (Chiloé has 16 heritage churches, in Lemuy Island there are 3) its legends, crafts, gastronomy and unique landscapes. A treasure of humanity.
    The possibility to have transcendental conversations about the human and the divine, sing, play music (we have musical instruments), read (we have a small library), laugh, cry, everything essential to live a beautiful, hospitable experience.
    The possibility of being in a native forest, the garden of the house. Practice forest bathing or Shinrin Yoku.

    Tener la posibilidad de conocer a una isla mágica que es parte de un archipiélago místico con su cultura, sus iglesias patrimoniales (Chiloé tiene 16 iglesias patrimoniales, en isla lemuy hay 3)sus leyendas , artesanía, gastronomía y paisajes únicos. Un tesoro de la humanidad.
    Tener la posibilidad de tener conversaciones trascendentales sobre lo humano y lo divino, cantar, tocar música (tenemos instrumentos musicales), leer (tenemos una pequeña biblioteca), reir, llorar, todo lo esencial para vivir una experiencia hermosa, hospitalaria.
    Tener la posibilidad de estar en un bosque nativo, el jardin de la casa. Practicar baños de bosque o Shinrin Yoku.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    We have a good connection to internet

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    It is ok with us

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Máximo 4-5 horas al día, 5 días a la semana

Host ref number: 988116114738

Feedback (6)



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Cultural exchange:


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