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Host rating
80 %
Last replied
9 Nov 2024
Reply rate
66.7 %
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Hi, we are Michele (47, it) and Anika (36, ger),living in Umbria in an old house in the forest with 16 sheeps,one dog and 3 cats.We do basically a life in the nature, wich includes the production of pecorino cheese (Jan-May),vegetables and fruits from the garden ,olive oil (Oct-Nov),soaps and natural coloring.
Ciao,siamo Michele (47,it) e Anika (36,ted),viviamo in Umbria in una vecchia casa nel bosco con 16 pecore,un cane e tre gatti.Facciamo una vita molto a contatto con la natura che include anche la produzione di pecorino (Gen-Maggio),ortaggi e frutti dall'orto,olio di oliva(Nov-Dic),saponi e tintura naturale.
Hallo, wir sind Michele (47, it) und Anika (36, dt), Wir leben in Umbrien in einem alten Waldhaus mit 16 Schafen, einem Hund und drei Katzen. Wir leben das Leben in der Natur und produzieren und verarbeiten Perorinokaese (Jan-Mai), Gemuese und Obst aus dem Garten, Olivenoel (Okt-Nov), Seife und Naturfarben.Types of help and learning opportunities
GardeningDIY and building projectsCreating/ Cooking family mealsGeneral MaintenanceFarmstay helpHelp around the houseAnimal CareUN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve
Cultural exchange and learning opportunities
At first here is possible to learn from the practice and not from the intellect what means the sentence "everithing is connected".Here we are the guest and the nature is the owner.She can give everything to us and we can take from her with respect,understanding when it's too much and everybody can improve his skills,creativity,sensibility to use less the credit card.
Inanzitutto qui e' possibile capire nella pratica e non a livello solo intellettuale cosa significhi la frase "tutto e' connesso".In questo posto noi siamo gli ospiti e la natura e' la padrona.Lei puo' darci tutto e noi possiamo prendere da lei ma con il necessario rispetto,capire quando è troppo, e tutti possono coltivare le proprie abilita',creativita' e sensibilita'ed usare meno la carta di credito.
Auf sehr einfache Weise kann man hier lernen und verstehen, wie alles und auf natuerliche Weise miteinander verbunden ist. Der Eigentuemer ist die Natur und wir sind ihre Gaeste. Sie kann uns alles geben und wir duerfen von ihr nehmen, insofern wir respektvoll mit ihr umgehen. Jede*r kann seine Faehigkeiten, seine Kreativitaet und Sensibilitaet keine Kreditkarte benutzen zu muessen verbessern.Projects involving children
This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.
We would like to have support in the daily activities or in special project:this can include taking care of what is around the life of the sheeps,the jobs around the garden,the elaboration of the products,cooking,and/or special projects like creating an improving new space for guests,building a little stable,compost toilet,stone wall to create terrace etc..
Ci piacerebbe che gli ospiti ci aiutassero nelle attivita' di ogni giorno e nel realizzare progetti mirati.Cio'puo' riguardare le attivita' connesse con la vita delle pecore,i lavori nell'orto,l'elaborazione dei suoi prodotti,cucinare e/o progetti mirati per creare e migliorare gli spazi per gli ospiti,costruire una piccola stalla,una compost toilet,muri a secco per nuove terrazze etc...
Wir freuen uns ueber Unterstuetzung bei den alltaeglichen Aufgaben und/ oder bei speziellen Projekten. Damit meinen wir jegliche Arbeiten rund um das Leben der Schafe, Gartenarbeiten, Verarbeitung von Gemuese und Obst und Kochen. Zusaetzlich haben wir Projekte im Sinn, wie zum Beispiel der Ausbau eines Gaestezimmers, einen neuen Stall fuer die senior-Schafe, eine Komposttoilette, Trockenmauern fuer Terrassen etc.Languages
Languages spoken
German: Fluent
Italian: Fluent
English: IntermediateThis host offers a language exchange
This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
You can contact them directly for more information.Accommodation
Here you will have your private place in the house with two beds a bathroom and the kitchen or in your tent outside or in our camper. We like to share everything what is around cooking and wash the dishes. We will eat toghether and we are vegetarian so if you want to eat meat you should cook it by yourself.
Da noi le persone possono dormire nella casa dove sono disponibili due letti in stanze private,un bagno e una cucina,oppure fuori nella propria tenda o anche in un camper.Ci piace condividere le attività come cucinare e lavare i piatti.Mangiamo tutti insieme e visto che siamo vegetariani chi vuole mangiare carne se la deve preparare da se'.
Hier hast du (habt ihr) deine (eure) Privatsphaere im Haus mit zwei Schlafmoeglichkeiten, einem Badezimmer und einer Kueche oder in deinem (euren) Zelt draussen oder aber in unserem Bus. Wir moegen es, alles rund ums Kochen und Wieder-Aufraeumen zu teilen. Wir werden zusammen essen und wir sind Vegetarier*in (und wenn du Fleisch essen moechtest, dann muesstest du dir das selbst kochen).What else ...
The place where we live invites you to quiteness and to come back to yourself.the sun give us often magical moments so that during the activities you find time for enjoing.Birds butterflies wild pigs and fallow deer are our neighbors and give the feeling peace.The next village is 2 km far,the train station is 15 min. far with the car.Perugia is 45 minuts far with the car,we are in the middle between Rome and Florence, Orvieto and Citta' della Pieve are two little cities very beautiful in old middle age istorical style.Around us is possible to go to a natural bathing place or to natural hot spring.the Trasimeno lake is 40 min. far by car.
Il luogo dove viviamo invita alla calma e a ritornare a se' stessi.Spesso il sole regala momenti magici e l'atmosfera e' in genere rilassata. Uccelli, farfalle, cinghiali e daini sono i nostri vicini e condividono con noi questa pace.Cio' nonostante il paese piu' vicino dista solo 2 km,la stazione dei treni e l'autostrada 15 min. di macchina.Raggiungere Perugia richiede 45 min.di auto e siamo nel mezzo tra Roma e Firenze.Orvieto e Citta' della Pieve sono due piccole citta' bellissime in stile storico medioevale.Qui intorno e' possibile raggiungere luoghi dove fare il bagno sotto cascate naturali e anche terme libere all'aperto.Il lago Trasimeno dista 40 minuti in macchina.
Der Platz auf dem wir leben, laedt zur Ruhe und zum Zu-Sich-Kommen ein. Die Sonne schenkt uns oftmals magische Ueberraschungen, so dass neben den Aktivitaeten immer wieder Zeit zum Verweilen und Geniessen gegeben ist. Voegel, Schmetterlinge, Wildschweine und Rehe (und v.a.) sind unsere Nachbarn und geben das Gefuehl in einer heilen Welt zu leben.
Das naechste Dorf ist 2km entfernt und der naechste Bahnhof ist mit dem Auto in 15min zu erreichen. Wir leben in der Mitte zwischen Rom und Florenz. Perugia (Hauptstadt Umbriens) sowie die zwei huebschen kleineren mitteralterlichen Staedte Orvieto und Città della Pieve sind in 30-45min mit dem Auto zu erreichen. In 20-40min gibt es eine Badestelle, eine Therme, ein Freibad und den Trasimeno See.A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
Can host digital nomads
We have no problem if people work with the computer during the free time,but here the internet connection is not full power
Space for parking camper vans
This host can provide space for campervans.
Can possibly accept pets
We have sheeps, one pastore maremmano and three cats. Who comes with his/ her pet has to respect and take care for the balance and the peace of this place.
How many Workawayers can stay?
More than two
Feedback (9)
The work was manageable, ranging from outside work helping in the garden to interior renovations.
Michele picked me up from Orvieto train station so finding the place was no trouble at all - and when it was time to leave I was… read more
The house is in the middle of the forest and during the night you will have the pleasure to hear a lot of animals !
I arrived in a stressful moment of my journey, this stay allows me to slow down and take distance from all my… read more
These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.
Accuracy of profile:
Cultural exchange:
The work was manageable, ranging from outside work helping in the garden to interior renovations.
Michele picked me up from Orvieto train station so finding the place was no trouble at all - and when it was time to leave I was… read more
The house is in the middle of the forest and during the night you will have the pleasure to hear a lot of animals !
I arrived in a stressful moment of my journey, this stay allows me to slow down and take distance from all my… read more
Michele and Anika are very welcoming, open-minded and easy to be around.
Their house is halfway up a mountain in the forest with a great sunset view and lots of possibilities to go on walks through the Umbrian countryside.
I had my own spacious room with a big bed… read more
It was a great 360' experience! I hope to see you soon! :)
Anika e… read more