Help with a family organization that promotes a more humane and natural way of life in La Calera, Colombia



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    We are a family organization that promotes a more humane and close to nature way of life, under the principles of environmental and social solidarity, responsibility and awareness. We seek help in the construction of an agroecological farm that demonstrates self-sustainability, a small land that can produce what a family needs, balanced food, decent housing, recreation, education, research, creativity and everything that leads to happiness in the to coexist with nature. We support the development of our project in a solidarity economy based on barter and the place. We are working with bio construction from recycled materials such as pallets, mud, bottles; agroecological practices are carried out under principles of permaculture. We also consider the transfer of technology and knowledge should motivate the peasant population and people with limited resources to invest in low cost technics to develope a sustentable society. We hope the above is enought attractive to call a group of people to work, to promote cultural exchange and to follow a healthy life. We look forward to your collaboration.

    Somos una organización familiar que promueve una forma de vida más humana y cercana a la naturaleza, bajo principios de solidaridad, responsabilidad y conciencia ambientales y sociales. Buscamos ayuda en la construcción de una granja agroecológica que demuestre la auto sostenibilidad, un pequeño terreno que pueda producir lo que una familia necesita, alimentación balanceada, vivienda digna, esparcimiento, educación, investigación, creatividad y todo lo que conduzca a la felicidad en el convivir con la naturaleza. Sustentamos el desarrollo de nuestro proyecto en una economía solidaria basada en el trueque y la sitio. Estamos trabajando con bio construcción a partir de materiales reciclados como estibas, barro, botellas; las prácticas agroecológicas se realizan bajo permacultura, también consideramos la transferencia de tecnología y conocimientos deben motivar a la inversión comprendiendo un bajo costo para la población campesina y de escasos recursos. Lo anterior es atractivo para llamar al trabajo en grupo, al intercambio cultural y a una vida sana. Esperamos tu colaboración.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Farmstay help
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    We are producing organic food, we interact with our peasant community and with nature around natural reserves such as Chingaza and the eastern hills of Bogotá, we speak Spanish, German and English.

    Estamos produciendo alimentación orgánica, interactuamos con nuestra comunidad campesina y con la naturaleza en torno a las reservas naturales como Chingaza y los cerros orientales de Bogotá, hablamos español, alemán e inglés.

  • Help


    Alternative low cost energies such as solar, wind, hydraulic; ethnobotany recovering ancestral knowledge, eco tourism as a field of cultural interaction, artisanal production as an expression of creativity and development of the person.

    Energías alternativas de bajo costo como solar, eólica,hidráulica; la etnobotánica recuperando saberes ancestrales, eco turismo como campo de interacción cultural, producción artesanal como expresión de creatividad y desarrollo de la persona.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    English: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    We have a very comfortable villa available for volunteers' housing with ample social space, two dining rooms, living room, kitchen, artisanal oven, two double bedrooms, gardens. There is hot water and heating. We are also building loft rooms in a cellar. We offer the food that the orchards give (35 types of vegetables, in addition to the aromatic ones and fruits), and our poultry animals.

    Tenemos a disposición para la vivienda de los voluntarios un chalet muy confortable con amplio espacio social, dos comedores, sala, cocina, horno artesanal, dos habitaciones dobles, jardines. Hay agua caliente y calefacción. Además estamos construyendo habitaciones estilo loft en una bodega. Ofrecemos la alimentación que dan las huertas (35 tipos de hortalizas, además las aromáticas y frutas), y nuestros animales de corral.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    Gozamos de un ambiente de familia, de respeto mutuo y mucha solidaridad.

    We enjoy a family atmosphere, mutual respect and a lot of solidarity.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


Host ref number: 884994818139

Website Safety

Feedback (3)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile:

Cultural exchange:


Help on our family farm in Barichara, Santander, Colombia
Help out in our nature reserve within the natural park of Los Farallones de Cali, Colombia