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100 %
Last replied
16 Jan 2024
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Our farm is located on 155 acres of fertile land, which have never been cultivated for 70 years. We have started our journey in 2020 when our seeds met our organic certified soil. We are now continuing as a "agro-tourism and local experiences center" We are designing our farm within the permaculture system and sustainability is our most valued criterion. We have compost units (vermicompost, cold, hot, biofertilizer), seedling greenhouses, animal units (poultry&donkeys), vegetable gardens, event spaces, traditional food preservation units.
Çiftliğimiz 155 dönüm arazi üzerine konumlandırılmış 70 yıl boyunca bakirliğini korumuş topraklara sahiptir. 2020 yılında ilk tohumlarımızla başladığımız yolculuğumuz ve organik sertifikalı topraklarımızda Agro Turizim Yerel Deneyimler merkezi olarak devam etmekteyiz. Permakültür sisteminde dizayn etmeye devam ettiğimiz çiftliğimizde sürdürülebilirlik en önem verdiğimiz kriterimiz. Kompost ünitelerimiz (solucan, soğuk, sıcak , biogübre), Fideleme seralarımız, Hayvan ünitelerimiz (kanatlı ve eşek), bostanlarımız, özel tarladan sofraya (şef table ) etkinliklerimiz için restaurantımız, kadim kiler kültürleri ile üretim yaptığımız gölge ve güneşte kurutma ve pişirme ünitelerimiz mevcut.Types of help and learning opportunities
DIY and building projects
Animal Care
Farmstay help
Creating/ Cooking family meals
Help around the house
General Maintenance
UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve
Cultural exchange and learning opportunities
Our farm is and agro-tourism and local experience center. We use the permaculture system in all of our fields. Our kitchen presents dishes from Turkish culture and "farm to table". Also we have ancient and treasured recipes for our pantry products. The area we are in, is known for agriculture but we are also surrounded by the most beautiful bays in Bodrum area. Yalıçiftlik Bay is 15 km, Mazı is 30km, central Bodrum is 20km near us. We are also neighboring the Leleg Trekking paths. All the bays and villages surrounding us has the most beautiful natural and historical beauties.
Çiftliğimiz Agro turizm üyesi olmakla birlikte yerel deneyimler merkezi olarak geçmektedir. Toprak ve bostan alanlarımızda kadim kültür ve permakültür sisteminde dikim ve uygulamalar yapılmaktadır. Mutfağımız türk kültür akışında tarladan sofraya şeklinde dizayn edilmekle beraber kilerimizde türk kültüründen özel reçetelerle soslar hazırlanmaktadır. Bulunduğumuz bölge tarım içerikli olmasına rağmen Mazı koyuna 30km , Yalıçiftlik koyuna 15km ,bodrum merkeze 20km , Leleg yolu patikaları ise arazimize komşudur. Bodrumun tüm koyları ve köyleri tarihsel yapılar içermektedir.Help
- Maintenance of the vegetable gardens
- Waste control of the field and living areas
- Maintenance of the animal units
- Using the compost units
- Watering the garden
- Little repairing works from time to time
- Bostanların bakımı, sulaması
- Arazi,yaşam alanlarının atık kontrolü ve temizliği
- Hayvan ünitelerinin bakımı
- Kompost ünitelerinin hazırlığı ve kompost yapımı
- Ufak tamirat ve bakım işlemleriLanguages spoken
Turkish: Fluent
English: IntermediateAccommodation
Tent, Bungalow
Bungalows has 2 beds, shower&WC and hot water 7/24.
Çadır, bungalov
Bungalovlarda 2 yatak, duş ve tuvalet bulunmaktadır.What else ...
Central Bodrum, Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology, Bodrum Antique Theatre, Myndos City ruins, Local handcrafts Center, beautiful beaches, trekking routes like Leleg.
*There are public transportation for these places
Bodrum Kalesi , Sualtı arkeoloji müzesi, ören yerleri, antik tiyatro, yerel elsanatları merkezleri, bakir koylar, yürüyü parkurları( leleg yolu) görülebilecek noktalar. ulaşım dolmuş ile sağlanabilir.A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
How many Workawayers can stay?
More than two
Feedback (2)
Kezban hanım, the host of this lovely farm is a very cheerful, energetic and kind person. She explained as much as she could about their methods and sustainability of their farm which was very interesting to learn. The work is not too hard and not too easy in… read more
I worked on a farm that produces organic products and supplies them to hotels and restaurants in Bodrum.
Here, you can learn how to avoid wasting anything and how to reuse everything in a very proper and beneficial way.
It was fascinating for me to see that the people on this farm have unlimited… read more
These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.
Accuracy of profile:
Cultural exchange:
Kezban hanım, the host of this lovely farm is a very cheerful, energetic and kind person. She explained as much as she could about their methods and sustainability of their farm which was very interesting to learn. The work is not too hard and not too easy in… read more
I worked on a farm that produces organic products and supplies them to hotels and restaurants in Bodrum.
Here, you can learn how to avoid wasting anything and how to reuse everything in a very proper and beneficial way.
It was fascinating for me to see that the people on this farm have unlimited… read more