
Enjoy Conscious living, farming and co-existing with nature in Nemea, Greece

  • Favourited 484 times
  • Last activity: 25 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    If you are tired of your 9-5 job and seek for something more meaningful, then you
    should know this…

    Here is what most people do…

    They go traveling, volunteering for a certain amount of time and then they go back to their old life, continuing in the same old way…
    Until they are fed up again and something in them is screaming like crazy: Your life is

    This is nonsense…

    And the truth is, some years ago WE were NO different….

    We all used to seek a possibility to escape this Job-Family-House-Life stereotype.
    This “going on vacation once per year” idea
    Tired of doing the same things every day…
    Same routines…
    Drinking coffee at the same hours…
    No space for Spontaneity…
    No way to feel the Freedom we deserved…

    This is like having a thorn in your foot, but being unwilling to remove it in order to walk further…

    So, let’s look closer into this…

    But first of all, let us tell you who we are…


    For over 15 years, we have followed and received the Love, Wisdom, and Truth from the person who initiated this entire endeavor. Serving as our teacher, he holds a special place in our hearts, guiding us through weekly teaching seminars. If you are interested, you can apply to participate in these seminars, and applications will be evaluated based on inspiration, reverence, and openness.

    Living up on a Greek mountain, our team works daily towards the completion of a
    ''Modern Asclepieion''
    Yes, that’s right! We are building a healing sanctuary.
    We aim to create a space which promotes «Εύ Ζήν» (Ef Zin) - a healthy and fulfilling life, that expresses our virtues and values..
    that is why we call our Center – Community, a UNIVERSITY OF LIFE

    We cultivate, nourish and provide the right “tools” for someone to experience the
    true essence of Life… to experience Freedom through Unity.

    Can you imagine 50 people of different ages, nationalities and backgrounds living all
    together joyfully and in harmony?
    As one big family… eating, working, singing, dancing all together?

    Music actually plays a major role in our life.
    We own one of the largest Gong collections (Thundering Cymbals)
    Designers, painters, photographers, potters and more are part of our family and all are
    open on exchanging ideas.

    Well, visit us and experience it yourself.


    How we begun…

    Everything started in 2006, when a man inspired by our vision, donated this Land to
    us. In the beginning, it was dry and barren.
    The only plants that where there, were an old vineyard, a walnut tree and a plane tree.

    We began cultivating the earth, making it fertile with love and dedication throughout
    all these years.
    Today our trees, shrubs and herbs exceed 2000, with over 300 species.
    The Plant kingdom is our main occupation.
    We cultivate vegetables, fruits and nuts using a combination of natural methods..
    Fukuoka, permaculture, biodynamic, traditional methods…

    Green energy from solar panels is being used for our watering system and all the
    facilities on our estate.

    Over the years, the flora has evolved..
    People and animals are now finding a hospitable place to grow and create beautiful
    relationships and friendships…
    The original dream of harmonious co-existing came true…
    It became our daily life!

    All activities in our land are based on the truth of Unity.
    By taking care of our plants and animals, we learn how to take better care of
    Our approach towards all beings is respectful, honest and with love for perfection.

    So, you might ask yourself… what makes this place so special?

    Well, we have to say that..

    Even though a farmer’s life is very enjoyable and adventurous, the reason of our
    presence here goes way further…
    It is the relationship with, first of all, ourselves…
    And then the relationships between us…
    That is the true goal!

    We aim to awaken our full potential as human beings…
    To become the best version of ourselves…
    And to learn how to thrive no matter what the circumstances may be…
    This is the secret of our harmonious and balanced CO-Existing!

    So now you might ask yourself, what will I gain from this?

    By reconnecting and Co-Existing with Nature…
    You will get the possibility to see life with clear eyes…
    You will be able to experience meaning in every moment…
    And not only that
    You will be in bliss no matter what you do, where you are and with whom.

    We call it FREEDOM

    But hey, we need to warn you…

    This is NOT for everyone!

    We give you the keys, but you need to open the door yourself

    Meaning that, whatever you will learn, discover and experience here, depends on
    how much you want to look deeper into yourself…
    willing to let go of everything that you don’t need anymore…
    and make space for new, beautiful things to enter your life.
    So aside from the fact that we need help to maintain our beautiful land..
    We want to say that…
    There is a chance for you to make a turn in your life like we did..
    Some of us live here and some only visit often…
    But all of us can tell you that our lives have changed indeed..
    Life has proven it!
    Our perspective changed, from a dull, meaningless life to a magical game which is
    to be experienced in joy and bliss in every moment…
    With love for every moment…

    This is what motivates us to welcome you here..
    As well as, our wish for you to have such experiences as we do.

    Sooo, did we spark your interest?

    Write your application, tell us what you find interesting in our way of living, come by, meet us and…
    experience what it means to COEXIST.

    One last thing…

    As we said before, we live according to our principles and virtues, promoting a
    healthy life. Hence our life here is free from self-harming behaviours that include
    addictive substances (e.g. smoking, drugs etc.).
    We do like to enjoy an occasional glass of wine with dinner, or a cold beer on a hot
    summer’s day of course, but at the same time we honor our principle “nothing in
    excess”. Any kind of addictive substances are not welcome on our Land.

    In order for you to be able to enjoy all of this, we have established certain principles that enable us to all coexist harmoniously. Whether you come for a day, a month, or more, respecting these principles is a basic condition to be able to enjoy our daily life together and co-create with inspiration and love.

    Therefore, a necessary condition for someone to attend our place is:

    -His behavior should be appropriate to the space, and to respect the plants, trees, the space in which he is, but above all to respect people, and in particular respect and follow the directions of those in charge of each field of work, as well as the reception staff who will guide him throughout his stay.
    - Participates happily in tasks and facilitates the flow of tasks. We are all here to enjoy our Everyday life and not to burden each other.
    - What's nicer than a sweet smile, so we encourage if you want to come, wear your best mood and the nicest smile and be sure to get all the smiles back in the multiple

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Depending on the season you’re interested in, what you’ll experience with us
    changes. Subjects and activities that you might gain or expand your knowledge on, are:

    -Organic farming
    -Natural methods of cultivation (Fukuoka, permaculture, biodynamic, traditional
    -Planting trees and vegetables

    Also, natural techniques about how to protect plants from parasites, weather
    conditions like heat and cold, water Management.
    How to cook and preserve the food you grow, fun facts about trees and plants.

    On a more personal level you’ll get a chance to...
    Get to know yourself in a different environment
    Develop a beautiful relationship with yourself and others
    Reconnect with Nature
    Raise your consciousness
    Experience how living in a community is like
    What does it feel like to share moments and the everyday life with a –very- big family

  • Help


    As you can imagine, with over 2000 plants, the nearby fields where we cultivate our
    vegetables, our farm where we take care of our animals etc., there is pleeenty of work
    Especially in the summer time…
    Planting, watering, harvesting, as well as having fun, laughing and eating juicy fruits
    from the tree, all of it takes time and people!

    Soo basically we need hands all over the Land. With a variety of tasks like gardening,
    constructing, cooking, cleaning and making sure all places are nice and beautiful, you
    can hardly be bored, trust us!

    See here what’s happening throughout the summer:

    Golden experiences May-November

    -White and red mulberries start to grow in May and by the beginning of June we are
    ready to shake the trees and enjoy a fruit rain!

    -Are you ready to step on our tall ladders and collect cherries? If not, spring and
    summertime is also the season of the herbs; we collect and dry them.

    -During the summer many kinds of fruits are available in our gardens together with
    Mediterranean vegetables.

    -Did you leave some space for figs? If not, you can help us dry more fruits and collect
    and store the nuts.

    -During the autumn the grapes are sweet and ready to become grape juice and
    concentrated grape syrup, we call it petimezi.

    -If you want to swim in Greece during autumn, you can help us harvest the olive
    trees and learn how to make the olives edible.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    Greek: Fluent
    English: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    Live together with other volunteers in our guests' place, which can host up to 15 people in one shared room or bring your own tent and set it up under a beautiful pine tree !!
    We have a few tents we can lend, If you don’t have the possibility to bring your own tent. Just crosscheck with us before your arrival.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    There are many activities you may experience with us, including:
    -Bach flower remedies or tincture therapy
    -Gong-Bath (Sound Healing Session)
    -Self-Awareness Seminars
    -Yoga Sessions

    Living off-grid gives us the opportunity to be surrounded by beautiful untouched
    nature, where you can hike and explore the area! Our estate is about a 20 min car ride
    to the closest village. There are plenty of options in a fairly close range with a car.
    Worldwide popular archaeological areas of Mycenae, Corinth and Argos, the
    site of Nemea where the Nemean Games took place in ancient times. Nafplio City with its
    picturesque small roads is also an amazing place to visit and the beach is about a half
    hour drive. You can join us on our frequent excursions to a waterfall outside a nearby village, or at the beach.

    You can reach our community by national bus (Village of Ancient Nemea), although
    we encourage you to come by car, in order to be independent and move around
    freely, as we do not have any cars for common use.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    This host has indicated that they love having digital nomads stay.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    If you are planning to come with your dog, inform us before.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 696867164848

Feedback (9)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (4.8)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (5.0)

Give a hand around my home and enjoy life in Chania, Greece
Create a tranquil space in nature in Chania, Crete, Greece