Help building a dome and in our eco-project in a beautiful area close to Montevideo, Uruguay



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description



    My name is Barbara im a dancer. I live close to Montevideo in a beautiful part of Uruguay *El pinar, next to a river (2 minutes walk) and not far from the beach (15 minutes walk). I live together with my 13 year old son Sahel in a house which I’ve built myself with help of some volunteers. I could recieve ONLY someone with experience in building, or electricity, or carpinter, painting, etc who helps to bild the base of the dome and then the dome that is already done and conecctions. I live in a really nice, quiet and relaxing neighbourhood next to the river Pando. There’s the river and a very big forest very close by and the sea. The exchange will include food and accommodation for around 5 hours a day. Flexibility with work hours is best. I will be working and studying most of the day so your help is really appreciated!

    I like to eat healthy and provide at least three meals a day. I’ve some space in my house for sleeping indise but in sommer is nice to sleep in tend outside in the Graden, I also have 2 apartments that i rent with exclusiv bathroom and kitschen, if they are free you could have a independent house. If they are not abalabel we share bathroom and kitschen in the big house, that depends on the time we arrange. The neighbourhood I live in is famous for artist residents and there are many projects going on like Music and Art Workshops, events, festivals. Every Saturday there is a Circle of drummers playing candombe around a fire. If you’re keen to help with building projects and want to know about peoples life here please feel free to contact me and we can have a chat.

    Hopefully see you soon Barbara!

    Hola soy Barbara soy del campo de la danza y las artes escénicas, vivo cerca de Montevideo en El Pinar (40 min del centro de Montevideo pero en la playa), bien cerquita de la playita del arroyo Pando (2 minutos caminando, 2 cuadras y media) y cerca del mar (15 min caminando). Vivo con mi hijo de 13 años Sahel en una casa que construí yo misma con ayuda de voluntarios. Estoy abierta a recibir voluntari@s unicamente con experiencia en construcción, tanto en carpinteria, construcción tradicional o como en especialistas en bioconstrucción, o que sepan de electricidad, santaria, etc. Este proximo proyecto de construccion de la base de un domo las etapas serian: poner los pilotes, nivelar, armar las bigas de madera niveladas en forma de triangulos sobre los pilotes, colocar los fenolicos que son el piso, doble capa de 18mm, y luego alrmar la esctructura del domo que es de metal y ya viene pronta cortada a medida con bulones (esto toma aprox 2 horas , es super rapido), un domo de 4m de diametro frecuencia 3, altura 2,30m, ese mismo dia hay que anclar el domo a las bigas de madera. Luego segunda etapa colocacion de la lona exterior que eso tambien es en un dia max, los aislantes interiores que son dos capaz de lana de pet (no pica no corta, es plastico reciclado), y por ultimo la lona interior que tambien lleva un dia como max. La parte mas compleja seria desp la union de este domo a un pequeña que tendria la cocina y el baño y son rectos y de madera. Y la puesta de las aberturas. Puedes participar en una o en dos o en todas las etapas.

    Vivo en un barrio muy lindo, cerca del arroyo pando. Estamos muy cerca de las dunas del arroyo y de un inmenso y precioso bosque donde se puede salir a caminar bosque, tambien cerca del mar. El intercambio incluye comida y alojamiento por 5 horas de trabajo diario. Ser fexlibles con los horarios de trabajo es bueno. Yo estaré trabajando, en mi tarea de madre, ama de casa y estudiando en la universidad asi que su ayuda será apreciada!

    Tengo un domo grande de madera ya terminado con aire acondicionado estufa a leña, donde puedo recibir hasta 5 personas. Luego espacio en el jardin en verano para acampar. Tambien hay dos monoambientes que alquilo que si justo uno de ellos esta libre lo puedo prestar como hospedaje. El baño y la cocina son compartidas si se hospedan en el domo grande o en carpa en verano, en los monoambientes obviamente no, ahi son con baño y cocina exclusivos.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    here in this neiborhood we have a lot of cultural and artistic events, drumms, african dances, yoga, meditation, musicbands, mini concerts.

  • Help


    Now the help I need is to see the base of the dome and then the dome that is already done and the most difficult part to see the connections. You can help with just one part or more, that depends on you.
    The help depends on the moment of the construction in which we are, for this next project of construction of the base of a dome the stages would be: put the piles, level, assemble the wooden beams leveled in the form of triangles on the piles, place the phenolic that are the floor, double layer of 18mm, and then assemble the structure of the dome that is made of metal and comes ready cut to size with bolts (this takes approx 2 hours, it's super fast), a dome of 4m diameter frequency 3, height 2.30m, that same day the dome must be anchored to the wooden beams. Then the second stage is placing the exterior canvas that also takes one day maximum, the interior insulators that are two layers of pet wool (it does not sting or cut, it is recycled plastic), and finally the interior canvas that also takes one day maximum. The most complex part would be joining this dome to a small one that would have the kitchen and bathroom and are straight and made of wood. And the installation of the openings. You can participate in one or two or in all the stages.

    La ayuda depende del momento de la construccion en la que estemos, para este proximo proyecto de construccion de la base de un domo las etapas serian: poner los pilotes, nivelar, armar las bigas de madera niveladas en forma de triangulos sobre los pilotes, colocar los fenolicos que son el piso, doble capa de 18mm, y luego alrmar la esctructura del domo que es de metal y ya viene pronta cortada a medida con bulones (esto toma aprox 2 horas , es super rapido), un domo de 4m de diametro frecuencia 3, altura 2,30m, ese mismo dia hay que anclar el domo a las bigas de madera. Luego segunda etapa colocacion de la lona exterior que eso tambien es en un dia max, los aislantes interiores que son dos capaz de lana de pet (no pica no corta, es plastico reciclado), y por ultimo la lona interior que tambien lleva un dia como max. La parte mas compleja seria desp la union de este domo a un pequeña que tendria la cocina y el baño y son rectos y de madera. Y la puesta de las aberturas. Puedes participar en una o en dos o en todas las etapas.

  • Languages spoken

    German: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    English: Intermediate

  • Accommodation


    I have a large wooden dome already finished with air conditioning, a wood-burning stove, where I can receive up to 5 people. Then space in the garden in summer to camp. There are also two studio apartments that I rent and if one of them is free I can lend it as accommodation. The bathroom and kitchen are shared if you stay in the large dome or in a tent in summer, in the studio apartments obviously not, there they have an exclusive bathroom and kitchen.

    Tengo un domo grande de madera ya terminado con aire acondicionado estufa a leña, donde puedo recibir hasta 5 personas. Luego espacio en el jardin en verano para acampar. Tambien hay dos monoambientes que alquilo que si justo uno de ellos esta libre lo puedo prestar como hospedaje. El baño y la cocina son compartidas si se hospedan en el domo grande o en carpa en verano, en los monoambientes obviamente no, ahi son con baño y cocina exclusivos.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    In your free time is nice to go to the duns, there you can walk a lot of time without seing houses, there gos together the see and the river, beautiful and powerfull place. Also we are just 45 minuts from the center of Montevideo the capital of uruguay, you have every 10 minuts buses there. In the neighboorhood we also have each sunday drumms and dance typical cultural expression of the afrouruguayan culture. We also have diferent actitivtys each weekend in the sqere our meeting point, there is also a football and basket place.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    Aqui no hay wifi usamos mobilehotspot, que podemos prestarte del nuestro o puedes comprar un chip o tarjeta sim que vale aprox 3 dolares y cargar tu propio internet rapido.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    yes basicaly ok. Aqui se puede entrar un motorhome o camper al terreno para cargar luz, cambiar agua limpiarlo etc. Luego para dormir depende del tamaño ya que tambien esta el auto que duerme dentro del terreno. Seria cuestion de hablarlo para coordinar.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    i have cats, pets that are okey with them. Tengo gatos recibo mascotas que sean amables con los gatos.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

Host ref number: 443228557348

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