Help to look after horses and all the tasks involved in Mallorca, Spain

  • Favourited 120 times
  • Last activity: 25 Apr 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    [Workaway note: please contact this host in Spanish]

    We are animal lovers. We live in a farm of 18,000 meters of land for riding club 1km from the town of costitx, located in the center of the island of Mallorca.
    We work taking care of the horses and giving riding lessons.
    On the farm there are 27 horses, dogs, cats, chickens, etc.

    We want independent people with their own initiative who can work hard, preferably strong men or girls who are used to field work, being able to use machinery (chainsaw, brush cutter, etc ...) that means being able to keep up with the pace every day and not be Tired the second day (we are tired of the guests being more lazy than us and on the second day they do not want or can work because they say they are tired) if so, they must leave their room within two days of their notification. .
    We do not accept or allow the consumption of alcohol and drugs of any kind.
    Electricity or excessive water consumption will not be abused and the internet is an indispensable privilege ... do not demand it if it is not possible during your stay.
    We like to eat healthy (we only eat meat maximum once a week and fish once a week, lots of vegetables, fruit, rice, pasta, legumes, we don't spend money on food such as: butter, sausages, milk, pre-cooked food, fried foods , chocolates, snacks, and non-basic and necessary things) we have a beautiful edible garden and our life is quiet and lonely (at the end of our workday we do not feel like going out for a drink or walking with the guests) and away from the city With plenty of time to spend with yourself (refrain from guests who are dependent on us to walk or go shopping), there is public transport service !!.
    To be able to demand horseback riding, guests must work hard and then enjoy horseback riding, things are worth it!
    If you think you can meet the requirements and at least work like me, then go ahead, you can write ... but thank you and let's not waste our time and energy which is valuable !!! thanks

    PS: Upon arrival, the guest must leave a deposit for possible damage or theft of € 100, which will be returned in full at the end of their volunteering.
    They must also sign a volunteering contract in which they agree on the conditions of their volunteering and the length of stay.

    Somos amantes de los animales . Vivimos en una finca de 18.000 metros de terreno destinado a club de equitación a 1km del pueblo de costitx ,situado en el centro de la isla de Mallorca.
    Trabajamos cuidando los caballos y dando clases de equitacion.
    En la finca hay 37 caballos , perros, gatos, gallinas,etc y sobre todo mucho trabajo!!
    Queremos personas independientes y con iniciativa propia que puedan trabajar duro, preferiblemente hombres o chicas fuertes y que esten acostumbrados al trabajo de campo, poder usar maquinaria ( motosierra , desbrozadora, etc...)eso significa poder llevar el ritmo cada dia y no estar cansados el segundo dia.( estamos cansados de que los huespedes sean más vagos que nosotros y al segundo dia no quieran ni puedan trabajar porque dicen estar cansados) de ser asi deberán dejar su habitacion en un plazo de dos dias a partir de su notificacion..
    No aceptamos ni permitimos el consumo de alcohol y drogas de cualquier tipo.
    No se abusará de la electricidad ni del consumo de agua en exceso y el internet es un privilegio lo exijas si no es posible durante tu estancia.
    Nos gusta comer sano ( solo comemos carne maximo una vez a la semana y pescado una vez a la semana , mucha verdura, fruta, arroz, pasta, legumbres, no gastamos dinero en comida como : mantequilla, embutidos, leche, comida precocinada, frituras, chocolates, aperitivos, y cosas no basicas y necesarias ) tenemos un huerto precioso y nuestra vida es tranquila y solitaria ( al terminar nuestra jornada laboral no tenemos ganas de salir a tomar algo o pasear con los huespedes) y alejada de la ciudad, con mucho tiempo para estar con uno mismo ( abstenerse huespedes que sean dependientes de nosotros para pasear ho salir a comprar) , hay servivio publico de transporte!!.
    Para poder exigir montar a caballo los huespedes deben trabajar duro para luego disfrutar paseando a caballo , las cosas valen !!
    Si crees que puees cumplir con los requisitos y como mínimo trabajar igual que yo , entonces adelante , puedes escribir....sino gracias y no malgastemos nuestro tiempo y energia que es valioso !!! gracias

    Además deberán firmar un contrato de voluntariado en el que pactan las condiciones de su voluntariado y el tiempo de estancia.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Visitors can learn to ride horses and make excursions with horses discovering costitx roads and landscapes.
    You can visit archaeological remains, production of artisanal cow cheese, production of very famous wines, ride a bicycle, ....
    Costitx is a growing town, full of foreign residents, people who travel, very well located in the center of the island from where you can tour the entire island.

    Los visitantes podran aprender a montar a caballo y realizar excursiones con los caballos descubriendo los caminos y paisajes de costitx.
    Se pueden visitar restos arqueologicos , produccion de queso de vaca artesanal, produccion de vinos muy famosos, pasear en bicicleta,....
    Costitx es un pueblo en crecimiento , lleno de personas extranjeras residentes , gente que viene de viaje, muy bien situado en el centro de la isla desde donde se puede recorrer toda la isla.

  • Help


    I need help with daily horse care tasks (Monday to Sunday):
    feeding 2 times a day, (in the morning at 8:30, food, water and cleaning of stables) and afternoon at 18:00 food.
    Also maintenance of the facilities of the horses, cleaning of manure, painting, cleaning, building, etc ...
    Other tasks to perform:
    paint the house, take care of the garden, take care of the garden,, keep the facilities in good condition, electricity, construction with wood, help with the tractor ...
    And also learn languages, English, .... !!!

    Necesito ayuda en tareas de cuidado diario de los caballos ( de lunes a domingo):
    alimentacion 2 veces al dia ,( por la mañana a las 8:30 , comida, agua y limpieza de establos ) y tardes 18:00 comida.
    Tambien mantenimiento de las instalaciones de los caballos , limpieza de estiercol, pintar, limpiar, construir,etc....
    Otras tareas a realizar:
    pintar la casa, cuidar el jardín , cuidar el huerto, , mantener las instalaciones en buen estado, electricidad, construcción con madera, ayuda con el tractor....
    Y también aprender idiomas, ingles,....!!!

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Spanish: Fluent
    English: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    We offer room in the house located in the same club.
    It is advisable to have a vehicle, it is 1 km from the town but otherwise there is no problem in accompanying visitors.
    Ideal for couples or friends traveling together.

    Ofrecemos habitacion en la casa situada en el mismo club.
    Es aconsejable que se disponga de vehiculo , se encuentra a 1 km del pueblo pero sino no hay ningun problema en acompañar a los visitantes.
    Ideal para pareja o amigos que viajen juntos.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    The horse house is located 1 km from the town.
    The town has regular public transport that connects with other nearby towns and cities, as well as there are two bars, two grocery stores, a pharmacy, a bank.
    Visitors can come accompanied by their pets.

    Guests must be independent regarding their transport and mobility.

    La casa de los caballos esta situada a 1 km del pueblo.
    El pueblo posee transporte publico de manera regular que conecta con otros pueblos cercanos y ciudades cercanas, asi como hay dos bares, dos tiendas de comestibles, una farmacia, banco.
    Los visitantes pueden venir acompañados de sus mascotas.
    Los huespedes deben ser independientes respecto a su transporte y mobilidad.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    si viajas con tu mascota ( perro), debes explicar detalles del animal.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    25 hours a week

Host ref number: 233485748262

Feedback (4)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (4.5)