Abzeichen (4)

Ich bin gerade
unterwegs auf Reisen
Tätigkeiten, die mich interessieren:
Let me know if you're around, I'd love to meet! Always interested in new people!
Hello out there,
I feel the need for some fresh air in my life. With an appetite to broaden my own horizons, I am looking for people who have a story to tell. A place where I can learn and experience authentic culture.
Some information about me:
I am 24 years old and grew up with my three siblings on an organic farm in Bavaria. This has given me a strong sense of responsibility towards our mother earth from childhood on. It means that I am used to agricultural work and not afraid to get my hands dirty. In my free time I spend a lot of time with horses. I love taking care of them, but also working according to the principles of Natural Horsemanship or hacking through the woods.
I also spend a lot of time in the kitchen as I love to cook and bake and appreciate homemade and organic food. I would love to learn new recipes from you!
Since I consider nature a source of healing it would be great to learn more about herbs and their uses, especially for medicinal purposes.
Professional and educational background:
I am a trained management assistant, so I have a business background and some experience in office work.
Also I visited a school for natural medicine last year as I am really interested in healing methods that can be used in daily life for self care.
Last autumn I started studying politics and economics. I want to understand the frame and structure we life in and what is needed and which measures can be taken for a possible paradigm shift towards a social and environmental friendly economy.
Moreover I am am working as a waitress in a restaurant.
Whenever I have some free time I try something new, because I want to see the world from a new perspective.
I am an open-minded, free-thinking, enthusiastic and nature-loving person. And I love the community spirit I experienced while WWOOFing in England.
For me, conversation is the key to understanding and acceptance. That's why I make it a point to dive into any topic that helps to see things from a different angle. I see every person as a teacher, every encounter for a special reason.
For me, it is crucial that we stick together as humankind in times of a deeply divided and changing society.
I would be very grateful to get the chance to stay with you and put my energy into your projects!Interessengebiete
SelbstentwicklungHeimwerken & DIYGartenarbeitenGärtnernMusikTiereSprachenNachhaltigkeitKochen & BackenBücherGeschichtePolitik & SozialesTrampenWandernStrandNaturSchreibenKulturFarmarbeitSprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Deutsch: Fließend
Englisch: Fließend
Französisch: GrundkenntnisseMehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
One of my main goals at work away is to improve my English (B2 level). In addition, I am always happy to speak German with other people and help them.Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Bereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
Babysitten und Kinderbetreuung
Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
Betreuung von Tieren
Tourismus / Gastgewerbe
In der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
Was könntest du arbeiten?
I am always eager to learn new skills.
Etwas mehr Information
Spezielle Ernährung
Es hat mir große Freude bereitet mit den anderen WorkAwayern in den Gärten und dem Projekt der solidarischen Landwirtschaft… read more
I really enjoyed working in their garden, which is beautifully surrounded by mountains.
We always had very interesting conversations at lunch and dinner. They really spread their enthusiasm for the subjects they are passionate… read more
Franziska stayed here for a month and settled quickly into the routine, meticulously doing daily tasks and working really hard on the project we agreed together, to re-model the electric fencing system.
Franziska made the most… read more
Elizabeth is a very kind, open-minded and respectful host who I immediately trusted when she picked me up at the bus station.
She also has some very beloved animals.
I lived in a beautiful old stone house all to myself.
I felt comfortable in the… read more
Es hat mir große Freude bereitet mit den anderen WorkAwayern in den Gärten und dem Projekt der solidarischen Landwirtschaft… read more
I really enjoyed working in their garden, which is beautifully surrounded by mountains.
We always had very interesting conversations at lunch and dinner. They really spread their enthusiasm for the subjects they are passionate… read more
Franziska stayed here for a month and settled quickly into the routine, meticulously doing daily tasks and working really hard on the project we agreed together, to re-model the electric fencing system.
Franziska made the most… read more
Elizabeth is a very kind, open-minded and respectful host who I immediately trusted when she picked me up at the bus station.
She also has some very beloved animals.
I lived in a beautiful old stone house all to myself.
I felt comfortable in the… read more