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Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer: Keine Vorgaben
Hello, dear volunteers!
I've just (litteraly) drawn a line under July 2020 for you to know where you can stop reading without missing important information :)
I'll do even more than that, as I know you might not have a lot of time and I'm writing, here, more than you'll ever hear me talk IRL ^^ I'll write a few things you really have to know before coming here :) For more details, you'll have to keep reading :)
A couple days ago, a volunteer told me "I'm not a p***y but I have to leave". I believe his phrasing (even it was intended as an insult) was the best he could ever find. If you are not a p*** , maybe you shouldn't come. If you are not as strong, resilient, maybe our farm will be too much for you <3 It's not a problem, every place is not for every one but it is surely better if we all know before hand if you are made to spend time in complete wilderness and... Survive ^^
* We just moved here, you should come with the idea it will be like wild camping. We live in tents, have compost toilets and showers with watering cans. There is no running water.
* There is no specific project. Nobody will grab you by the hand and tell you "do that". It's everyone's responsibitlity to find something to do (or help other who have found a mission)
* I can't guarantee there will be a lot of volunteers. You could be just with us one day and with 7 others the next one.
* All the chores (cooking, watering, dishes, etc) are shared.
* Please, read the whole part about the accomodation, yes, even the part with the rats and the snakes :)
* After that, read the whole February 14th message <3
Now that we've chased away anyone who wouldn't have felt good here anyway, you can keep reading to see how am amazing time we'll have all together :)
Hello dear everyone ! One year has passed since the last update... And what a year it was ! We now have an indoor bathroom with hot water, two caravans, a van (and second van waiting to be converted)! We also have a second dog, Bender, a huge 50kg puppy who can't wait to show you his favorite hikes.
We have a new pizza oven too and host pizza parties every sunday, making the crust with our kitchen pet, Popeye the sourdough.
Three times a week, we meet with other families, locals and worldschoolers visiting to play and learn together. One of those families are volunteers who decided to rent the land next to us! And... after having seen how amazing our volunteers were, three other families of the island decided to get on workaway too, giving the opportunity to our volunteers to meet each other quite regularly and organise excursion and nights out.
Some things don't change, though :) Your main task, coming here, will be the community ones. We share the cooking, the cleaning, the playing with the kids... I usually work online in the afternoons, so that's when I'd love to have someone playing with my 5 yeas old son and/or discuss with my 15 years old daughter. Of course, we still have other projets, the building never ends as we add more places to chill or work on the land and now that we have Bender, the goats kind of stopped getting in our garden.
If you need to work online, we have a separate office for you and just got a satellite connection.
The main philosophy of the land is still that you are your own leader, free to decide what you do and when, and that clear communication is key.
We can't wait to have you here !
December 2023
Dear everyone !
Life is good, we are enjoying co-living with all of you and just going with the flow ! Now and then, we are reminded that it isn't possible for everyone and that, yes, freedom needs structure and so does community living.
Yes, you are free to do what you want, when you want. No bad experience has managed to change my mind about that yet but when living in a community, some things needs to be done. Cooking, doing the dishes, cleaning and playing with Vassilis (born in 2019) are tasks that are needed and shared between all of us.
Some projects have priority on others, they're usually the ones that will make all our lives easier (we are now finishing an indoor bathroom, for example) and we are always open to hear your ideas and help you implement them <3
To be sure we spend time all together to get to know each other better, we decided with a previous group to have a schedule and it is really working well :) We have daily meetings at 9.00 in the fall/winter (and 10am in the spring/summer), lunch at 13.00 and dinner at 20.00.
The two bell tents are gone but we just purchased a new caravan that we will soon bring back up. The two vans and two caravans will soon be moved all together to create a cosy common place for our visitors and our house is always open when it gets too cold in the vans. For the rest... Keep reading <3
See you soon !
September 2022
It is absolutely amazing to see what has been done this last year! And all this with your help ! Thank you :) To who you already came and to you who are thinking to ! So, where are we, one year later ? We have a warm tiny house where we spend the winter all together, we have two bell tents (one is our kids indoor playing place), we have 2 vans, we almost have a caravan (finishing to fix it could be your project) and we have about 5 big spots to put your tent. The way of living and working is still the same, you are free to work on any project you like, either it is something we were planning on doing or something you thought of. But... I started work from home and that means that I need someone to take care of my little boy (born in 2019). We try to cut that in two shifts as there are no reasons for you to work for 8 hours just because I decided to do it but, anyway, he still spends a lot of time with me and doesn't need someone to entertain him all the time, he knows very well how to play by himself <3 We eventually put a fence around our garden to protect it from the goats and we were slowly slowly starting to take care of our vegetables but the fence didn't stop the goats who ate everything. So... No gardening, this winter! Since we arrived here with a cat and a dog, two other cats arrived (with one male who doesn't let any other cat move in) and even... a goat :)
Last year, we organised to Erasmus seminars, one about natural building and the other about permaculture. We're getting ready to do it again this year :)
So, again... Your main "task" will be to socialise with each other, to get to know and share new skills, experiences, talents and... We'll see when you come what tasks you'd like to work on ;)
Can't wait to have you here !
September 2021
Hello dear future friends and visitors <3
Time is going by extremely fast while the life in the forest follows its own slow flow.
We now live on the mountain, still in tents, while starting to design the modification of our van and trailer and about to start building a clay house. We also have a container with a couple beds. So, yes, we still live in tents but there are options for when the weather isn't good (as a reminder, we live in the mountain, it can get chilly at night).
Want to come help build, plant, design, learn from each other and organise activities ? We will be waiting for you :)
September 2020
Hello dear future friends and visitors !
During the next months, we will need a lot of help ! What can you offer ? Hands, motivation, smiles, ideas, experience, etc etc
We are now in the process of starting a food forest where we'll host a leisure and learning hub for seminars, events, retreats but more than anything, just human encounters... (In order to avoid any misunderstanding here, other than the help in the house, the garden and with the children, if you happen to be here during an event, you will be invited to take part of any activity you want, out of your "volunteering hours". Those events are organised by a non-profit association and we will be glad to see you join us)
In the next months, we will need help packing the boxes and then, we'll move all that in the mountain where we will need to create together the basic minimum to live in nature :) In the meantime, I will also need help keeping an eye on my children while I work around...
What do you say ? Interested ?
(If you need to be convinced... Maybe you can read "5 Reasons Why You Should Give Off-Grid Living A Chance & Why Workaway Is The Perfect Place To Start" here : )
Please keep reading <3 Not the whole thing, that's not necessary, but at least the 14 February message-disclaimer, as there are some important info you need to know before coming :)
14 February 2021
Hello dear future friends and visitors !
After years and years of hosting (and hundreds and hundreds of visitors) and a couple of very difficult months, I believe it is the right time to think of what works and what doesn't for us as communication between strangers (or even people who know each other) might be difficult. So... let's start :)
* Our main project, the Agape traveler's hub is more than anything else, a human project. Here, you will meet people from all over the world who have often been traveling for a long time. You will also meet people who have left their home for the first time and want to discover the world. Or you could even meet people who just wanted to come to relax. Your "task", as a volunteer, is first of all to be yourself. We would be more than happy if you want to share stories with my children, the other volunteers, the local team, we would also be more than happy if you prefer to listen to the stories other people tell you. Both are totally fine by us.
* Other than sharing your culture, our main need concern the children. One was born in 2009, the other in 2019 (and we often have traveling children too). As you can imagine, their needs are not the same :) I try to have long term caregivers for Vassilis (the little one) as I had to go back to work but playing with him and discussing with Joyce (my daughter) might not feel like "work" to you but is a tremendous help for me.
* We have a dog and a cat, once we'll be in the mountain, other will certainly come. Our dog is literally addicted to love :)
* At our place, you will meet neurodivergent people as well as people from different cultures and different habits. The only way to be sure communication happens without too many problems is to be very clear. Tell us (and the others) what you want, need or like and even more importantly what you don't want/like. Don't expect anyone to guess anything that wasn't explicitly stated and, in the same way, don't assume other imply things they don't say. We use Agile tools and have regular circles to discuss about any issue that could appear but this "rule" has saved us in the past of a lot of misunderstandings.
* In the hub, everyone is equal. Age, gender or even seniority don't play a role. Nobody will tell you "you have to" do something (only exception is if there is a need to take care of young children. Once you've said you'll do it on that specific day, if you change your mind we'll try to find a way to find a solution but if we don't, please keep your word). The hub belongs to everyone, all its visitors. You are actively invited to find your personal mission, to find something to do. With the rest of the team or by yourself. Of course I have ideas and suggestions but as we are in the creating phase of our farm, you are more than welcome to add your own personal touch.
* Speaking of the farm, this is NOT a wwoofing place, nobody in the local team is a permaculture specialist. We all learn together. Some of my local friends can show you how to take care of the land, some can teach you about renewable energy but we are all avid learners and would be more than glad to learn with and from you too.
* If you feel you need to be guided at all time, this might not be the place for you. As I am very busy and, right now, don't live with the volunteers (that will change again soon, I hope), I always have at least one volunteer (usually a long term one) who is in charge of our new guests, to explain how things work, what has been done, what works are in progress, etc but most of our volunteers have been working in a independent way, organising missions by teams or individuals. You don't have to be active all the time, there will be days when you don't know what to do. Play with the children, cook, clean, ask other volunteers if they need help, I am sure you'll find something. And if you don't, it's ok. Rest under a tree, go for a hike, organise a board game evening and maybe the next amazing idea about our place will appear to you.
I believe that is about it... I hope I didn't discourage you before you even thought of coming but I felt (and have been told) it would be good to clarify those things. It is very important for me that you have read this part of my profile so, to show me you did, please tell me anything about a pink unicorn when sending me your request :) Oh, something else ! I know you are traveling or preparing your trip and you don't have time but some written communication before your arrival might help us get to know each other better than when you arrive, as oral casual (non-facilitated) group conversations are not my forte...
I'm still hoping to see you soon ;)
With love
July 2020
We did it !! We found our paradise in the mountain (on the island), we bought it and now it is time to get ready to move ! So... Skiathos is still covid-19 free and we are doing our best to keep it that way :) but the island is as beautiful and welcoming as ever :)
This summer, we'll need help for various tasks. As always, Rainbow (the dog) would need to be taken care of when we're not there but we'll also make boxes all together AND you can live with us the beginning of this amazing adventure, while we're moving up to our forest :) What do you say ?
January 2019
Hello dear friends and happy new year !
Life is full of joy and surprises, so here we come with new challenges for you :)
A new (human) baby will join the team in July and we plan on having found a nice plot of land to move before that. Sooo... What do we need ? Help at home, like always, and someone to take care of our dog when I have to go to the mainland. At some point, we'll start the boxes again and you might even be here when we'll find our dream-land so we can imagine/design it together !
We hope to see you soon :)
February 2018
Hello, my dear, dear friends !
We wish you all a fantastic 2018 full of trips, love, new experiences and amazing discoveries !
We are in a kind of stand by right now. Between projects and still not completely finished with opening the boxes full of books and toys coming from the play lounge. The teenagers website and garden are still in the theoretical part so, when you'll come, we can't be sure we'll offer you any real interraction with teenagers or children. But you can still help in the garden, in the unpacking, in the webdesign, de painting, cooking, cleaning or come to spend some time relaxing with us and we are sure you'll find things to do :)
See you soon !
September 2017
Hello, dear friends and family !
Here I am with our new projects :) This (school) year, we'll start two different projects with the island's teenagers. We'll help them create a website and a youtube channel where they'll present their life on the island during the 4 seasons. You will be able to help them takes pictures and videos, edit them, look for new ideas etc.
We will also start a community garden.
So if you have video-editing, pictures-taking, gardening skills or none of those but are willing to help anyway, we'll be waiting for you :)
August 2017
Hello to all of you !
We have some bittersweet news for you.
The play lounge adventure is coming to an end. We had 3 amazing years, playing, dancing, singing and having fun with all of you and the children of Skiathos but it is now time to do something else. We don't know what exactly or when it will be ready but we know we want to keep having volunteers at home.
We will keep you posted about the next projects and if, in the meantime, you want to come to Skiathos to help at home, discuss in French or English with Joyce or just spend time with us, send me an email :)
Our previous profile will stay here... But I just changed the title.
We live in the beautiful Greek island of Skiathos with my 6yo daughter and decided to open a play lounge where children of all ages could play.
It was a long adventure full of stress but a beautiful too because we got to meet some amazing people coming to help us.
So beautiful, we had the honnor to be chosen as the host of the month of February 2016 (you can see that on workaway's blog)
Hello to all of you !
Life is beautiful on our little island... The winter is particularly rough this year so our little friends don't really go out very often but we can almost feel the summer wanting to come back...
This year, we'll try to have as many long-term volunteers as possible, in the summer so if you want to come for 2 or 3 months or more, just let us know ! If you can just come for a few weeks... We'll be waiting for you too, of course :)
Higher need starts in April/May, when the sun is already there but the temperature aren't too high, just high enough to enjoy the beach for long hours :)
We'd love to have a vegan cook with us... Will that be you ?
See you soon !
Hello world !
The summer was amazing, thank you :) The toursitic season is over, our beautiful island get quiet again and absolutely perfect for hikes and walks in the mountain. The play lounge is calmer too, but our lovely children keep laughing and running around. We need less help than in the summer but we still do need help... Do you want to come ?
Help needed in April, May, June and July !
Hello world :)
Tourist season is starting ! Our busy season is starting too and we need help :) As I said, i still don't know what will happen after July but, right now, the time is absolutely perfect to come ! There are a lot of kids to play with, the weather is wonderful to hike and even swim and there are not too many trourists yet, the beaches will be all yours :)
If you love children and playing, and if you want to spend a few weeks on an amazing green island, we are waiting for you !
25 February
Hello world !
Summer is approaching, get ready !
Actually, to tell the truth, our team will be changing a lot in the coming months, so I can't really answer yet to anyone willing to come during the touristic season. The weather is already getting warmer, though, and we are looking for people in March and April to play with the kids. Do you want to come ?
Lots of love !
3 December
Hello beautiful travellers !
Our adventure continues in a very exciting way. As always, we have a lot of projects, a lot of new activities ready to appear and a lot of room for you to be part of it.
Unfortunately, right now, finances are difficult. Until March/April, we won't really need a lot of volunteers and, more importantly (because if this wasn't the case, I would have no problem to host all of you), I can't afford to feed a lot of people. So... If you have something particular to suggest, some kind of workshop for kids (or grown ups) or talent, send me a message and I'll do my best to make it work. I really hope money won't be a problem anymore in the future but right now it is. So... Don't hesitate to send me a message :) and if it is possible, I'll be more than happy to have you hereArten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten
Hilfe bei Ökoprojekten
Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
Betreuung von Tieren
Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
Babysitten und Kinderbetreuung
Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
Handwerkliche Arbeiten
Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten
We usually have a lot of volunteers at home, you can be sure, when you come, that you'll meet (usually) interesting people from all over the world.
Other than sharing your own skills with the others, you'll be able to learn from them too, to discover new tools and techniques, games etc...Projekte mit Kindern
Dieses Projekt schließt möglicherweise den Umgang mit Kindern ein. Mehr Informationen findest du in unseren Verhaltensregeln und Tipps hier.
If you have ideas and skills about what needs to be done in the mountain, we cannot wait to hear them :) Gardening, building, creating, imagining, playing with the children, cooking, cleaning, playing music, laughing, sharing, etc You are your own manager. We decide together about missions to be done every week but you are expected to be autonomous enough to do whatever you prefer to do.
I'd want to start helping more on our website and get more busy on social media. Could you help with that ?
I now have a full time online job and I'd need you to play with Vassilis, my 5 years old little boy, during some of that time. Other than that, we meet three times a week with a group of 5 year old children. If you have ideas, you're welcome to share them with us !
As there are usually at least 2 or three more volunteers, we'd love you to share your knowledge and skills with everyone, so we can all learn together.
Lunch and dinner are prepared by the whole team for all of us and everyone is responsible for keeping the place nice and clean.
Of course, all those tasks are separated between the whole team, you see together who wants to do what and when :)Sprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Greek: Fließend
Englisch: Fließend
Französisch: Fließend
Niederländisch: Gute KenntnisseDieser Gastgeber bietet Sprachaustausch an
Dieser Gastgeber gibt an, dass er dir gern seine Muttersprache beibringt oder selbst eine Sprache lernen möchte.
Bitte wende dich direkt an ihn, um weitere Auskünfte zu erhalten.Unterkunft
Winter 2025 update :
Everything is still under construction but we managed to build a straw tiny house to spend the winter months :)
When it is too cold to be anywhere else (and, believe me, in the mountain, on an island, it gets very very cold and humid), we can all be together in the tiny house, warmed up by an amazing wood stove. The volunteers sleep all together in the mezzanine.
The rest of the year, your main accommodation will be tents (ours or yours) but we also have two caravans, a van with 2 double beds and another with one single bed. Depending on how many volunteers we host, you might have to share the caravans.
We are 5 km away from the town and the nearest beaches. That's 1 hour hike when you go down, 1,5 hour up (at least it is for me, with a baby on my back. I'm sure you'll do it in less). Some times I can drive you down (or go and pick you up) but you shouldn't take it as granted, as it will depend on the baby sleeping, the state of the car, if I have money for gas, etc Most of our visitors go and come back from town hitch hiking, that's going quite well as the island is very very small. Coming up with a taxi costs about 15-20€
We all share an outside kitchen (inside when necessary) where meals are vegetarian, solar heated watering can-showers, one indoor bathroom with fire-heated water and compost toilets (if you don't know what a compost toilet is, please google it before coming), trying to keep nature around us as wild as possible.
We now have a huge cistern full of water. There is no running water around the farm but a couple of taps close to the kitchen and the outdoor shower. We also have 10 and 20l recipients to bring water around :) Drinking water is brought in glass bottles from the nearby source :)
We have 1 cat at home who spends most of the time outside, in the summer but inside the rest of the time. And two dogs who would looove to go explore the mountains and the beaches with you. Rainbow is a love addict and will become quite exciting while seeing you, barking and jumping on you. Pet her head (or I will) and she'll calm down. She is very nice, lovely, and has never hurt anyone but can seems quite overwhelming if you're afraid of dogs. Bender might be even more overwhelming as he is a 50kg 1,5 year old puppy. I will love playing with you and show you the forest and the peak of the mountain but is also guarding the house.
We live in the mountain, next to a forest, you will meet bugs, goats, mice, snakes and any other living creature loving that kind of surroundings. Our cohabitation is a peaceful one but you have to keep in mind that an animal feeling it is attacked will attack back. Look where you put your hands and feet :) In the beginning of the Summer of 2023, the rats and mice population suddenly grew a lot. With a few modifications to the kitchen, our food is safe and clean but you will see them around, especially if you walk around at night. They are very cute (and I am not the only one saying so) but if you have a fear of rodents, now might not be the best moment to come...
Look at the pictures for more details.Was noch ...
More information and pictures will arrive later. If you're a family with young children, the kids are welcome to come just to have fun too !
Etwas mehr Information
Internet Zugang
Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang
Wir besitzen Tiere
Wir sind Raucher
Familien möglich
Kann Digital Nomads unterbringen
Yes we can, we have an office (with an amazing view on the sea) with a couple desks, with room for more workers :) Our internet connection is an unlimited satellite one.
Platz zum Abstellen von Camper Vans
I will post pictures of the trailers camping as soon as it it ready :)
Hier sind Haustiere in der Regel willkommen
Rainbow and Bender the dogs love hosting new furry friends :) The cats are not so enthusiastic but when they don't like our new companions, they just hide away. You have to know though that, right now, there is no fence around the land, so you'll have to know if your pet tends to go away... We've had bad experiences with dogs running away to chase goats and sheeps and even breaking in someone else's garden to kill chicken so... Please let us know if there is a risk that would happen and we'll discuss together the solutions :)
Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal
mehr als zwei
Feedback (78)
She invited us to stay with her to work togeather on an eco project, to build a community and to enjoy the beautiful island… read more
The warm and kind welcome of this place immediately put us at ease.
It was our first experience as a volunteer, we really loved this week spent with Ilektra, her family, her neighbors and other people we met.
We were able to discover a very beautiful island, the hikes are superb, the landscapes… read more
Winter was… read more
Weitere Bilder
Dies sind zusätzliche optionale Bewertungen, wenn Mitglieder Feedback hinterlassen. Es wird die im Schnitt hinterlassene Bewertung für jede Option angezeigt.
Korrekte Angaben im Profil:
Kultureller Austausch:
She invited us to stay with her to work togeather on an eco project, to build a community and to enjoy the beautiful island… read more
The warm and kind welcome of this place immediately put us at ease.
It was our first experience as a volunteer, we really loved this week spent with Ilektra, her family, her neighbors and other people we met.
We were able to discover a very beautiful island, the hikes are superb, the landscapes… read more
Winter was… read more
10 days was clearly not enough but we know she will be back and cannot wait to see what her next adventures… read more
Elektra is a golden person, very kind and always available to help you in any way possible.
Also Vassilis, her son is really adorable.
Hope to have… read more
He became part of the family from the first day he arrived here, blending in the group, playing with… read more
How to start this review ? How do you review a friend ? By saying thank you, I guess.
Thank you for everything ! For your presence, your skills, your hugs, for being there when needed and giving space when needed. Thank you for your shoulder when I felt I was about to collapse, thank you for all the wood you cut. Thank you for the… read more
I waited some time before writing this, because I wanted to have better perspective, and I still don't know, if it's the magic of the place, the people, the rules that guide them, or probably everything combined, that… read more
As individuals, they are sweet, smart, nice, gentle, full of energy and initiatives and always willing… read more
The air we breathed was so free, we loved every moment spent there. We’ve met extraordinary people, strong and full of initiative and ideas. We loved the time spent with the little Vassili, who’s one of the funniest people ever, so smart for his age; we had… read more
Janne is more than amazing !
What ? That's not enough ? You want more details to decide if you will host her ? Ok, ok... Janne came with her friend Hasse to spend a few weeks with us. They have both the nicest, gentlest, smartest soul there is. Always willing to help, ready to jump from cooking to playing to… read more
Always ready to help, full of energy and inspiration, she would finish a task, go directly to the other and suggest a third one. She is a very good friend… read more
And, of course, we said yes. Because when you have a couple like Térence and Lou voming your way, you don't say no! Whoever you are, wherever you are, if those two want to come to you, just say yes. Trust me… read more
Ilektra was really helpful, and has a warmfull conception of welcoming people. Special thanks about the hike that we did all together and the walk to the sea side. Ilektra has the will to build and settle up a community life on her land… read more
It is certainly not your standard vacation staying here during… read more
The moment she arrived, we felt like she had always been part of the group! Calm, discreet, always willing to help, cooking nice diners and sharing stories, she is already missed by everyone !
Merci pour tout et bonne chance pour la suite ! <3
It took me so long to write a review because I still haven't really realised she left... She became a part of the place from the moment she arrived. She helped with absolutely everything, while being nice, smiling, funny and full of stories to tell and experiences to… read more
Elise just left a few days ago, after 4 months here, and it is very moving for me to try to put words on what she means to… read more
She will arrive in your life and you'll realise you were waiting for her but that she came the exact right moment to bring color, music and joy in your life. Oh, that music... We would all be in the house, doing our things and suddenly you'd hear that angelic voice appearing out of… read more
From the first moment you will meet them, Aris will make you feel like you have a friend to lean on, a person who gets you and whom… read more
From living in London, it took a day to get used… read more
But Tim didn't only play with Vassilis, he took part to absolutely everything happening around the place. His cooking is amazing, his artistic vibe is now a permanent part of our daily live and either you want to have a serious discussion or… read more
The land itself has a nice mix of areas to work and relax, an open kitchen with always a good supply of vegetables and food to make different meals whenever. You really… read more
It was a real pleasure to have her here and her presence helped us a lot during the beginning of our first winter up here in the mountain. She is patient and full… read more
Thomas has one of the biggest hearts I've ever met, so big I don't know how it can fit in his very… read more
And that's just the… read more
I went there as part of an internship, to learn about translation and communication above all. But I left having learned so much more than I could have hoped, in these topics of course, but also about building, gardening, living in nature, living in… read more
First of all, Leeloo is an amazing person. Nice, smart, funny, helpful, imaginative, comprehensive, patient, etc etc You will really spend a great time with her, laughing all the time and feeling like… read more
Thank you for everything :)
Really, WOW !
They just spent 3 months with us and I cannot describe how helpful they were. And nice ! And funny ! And interesting ! The initial idea was for them to take care of my baby when I was at school but they did so, so much more than that. They cooked almost everyday, they took care of the house, they got… read more
Alexandros is not only cool, he is an amazingly good guy. His goal in this lifetime seems to be to help as many people as possible. He might be new in the workaway… read more
You have NO IDEA how amazing that silly Breton is. (And if you don't know what Breton means, he'll tell you fast enough)
Antoine and his friend Marc were here for... A few days/weeks/months ? I don't know exactly, as it felt like I had known them forever but it went waaay too fast too.They were amazing volunteers, guys, individuals,… read more
They were amazing volunteers, guys, individuals, friends and helpers. Just amazing. Always ready to help, full of imagination and talent, they did an incredible job in my garden and filled our… read more
Je suis restée à la maison pendant trois semaines. Durant les deux premières semaines j'ai travaillé au "Joyce'N'fun", c'était simplement incroyable de pouvoir jouer avec les enfants grecs. J'ai adoré ! Ensuite, j'ai passé une semaine… read more
It felt like she was part of the team for waaay longer than that, as she always knew exactly what to do to… read more
My stay at Joyce'n'fun in June 2016 has been very special. The playground is surrounded by a colorful and playful energy you cannot be bored of, and is located on an idyllic island, Skiathos.
The volunteers stay in a lovely house nearby, sharing meals and accomodation together.
Electra is not… read more
Maybe This comment here came late .. but today i rebuy ..
The first thing i want to do is to extend my thanks to Ms Electra she is great woman and very nice ..
yes was the first experience for me in my life ..
Electra was very modest and simple with everyone and learned lots of them .. she was… read more
This was my very first experience workaway and I can already say that it s one of the best for all the future ones to come
I couldn't find more patient, sweet, caring host than Electra, she made my journey really wonderful and I miss all my wonderful babies in the playground
I can't wait to… read more
Electra was so lovely and welcoming and working in play lounge was so much fun. The children were all amazing.
Thank you Electra for the opportunity, a great first workaway experience :)
It's clear that they both love spending time at the play lounge and so did I. The work is very well organized and like in any play lounge there… read more
We have learned a lot and we will keep all the great moments we had there.
It has been an amazing time in a beautiful island! We will always remember this time with all of you and with the kids and volunteers.
Wish you all the best!! Happiness, love and fun!!!!
Thank you!!!
Alberto &… read more
personally I was a little stressed from working with children , but they are adorable and you cant dont love them . These two weeks have passed too quickly and I wish stayed longer ! Finally , I recommend this Workaway, you can not… read more
It was a fantastic experience.
We worked on the morning with the children that then are so lovely.
We used to spend our free time to visit the fantastic island that hosts 60 beaches.
Electra is simply a lovely person, she has a very big heart! Joyce, her doughter is a very clever and… read more
I had a lot of fun taking care of the children (even if I didn't speak any greek! -> this is really not a problem) and going around with other volunteers.
I hope we see each other again !
She was amazing with the children and a great team player too. Her smile, good mood, laugh, everything makes her a perfect partner !
Lotte was only with us for a couple days but I am really glad I told her to… read more
Joyce, Ηλέκτρα, Κατερίνα και Σκιάθος,.. μια μαγική σχέση !! Είναι τυχερά τα παιδιά στη Σκιάθο που έχουν !!
She helped on every level, at home, at the play lounge, with the other volunteers and with my partner.
She is always willing to learn and teach, smile and talk, she is incredibly patient and is capable to listen, listen and listen whenever needed.
The kids loved her, of… read more
She will help you, understand you, comfort you, make you laugh or whatever else you'd need...
Merci pour tout, Christine et à bientôt !
Well, you have no idea how much more of all of that she has in her heart !
Anne-Sophie is a diamond, she is excellent in everything she does ! She is one of those volunteers who can "see" what has to be done.… read more
Always eager to help, always smiling and so incredibly sweet !
She arrived in Europe from the other end of the world and had some surprises here. She was absolutely welcoming to anything new to her, always eager to learn more about different cultures and willing to see and discover something… read more
They were very helpful, each of them in their own specific way and it was a plasure for us to have them around.
They arrived after a very difficult summer and they helped me move back in the house I hadn't staid in for the whole summer. It was a difficult task but they were excellent.
They also… read more
The work at the play center is easy and the kids are nice, not being able to speak Greek is not as big a problem as we expected.
Skiathos is a wonderful island with extremely… read more
Elekra is a kind and giving person. It is evident that she is an… read more
Thank you for the hugs, for your help, for the games and the support ! Thank you :) and hope to see you soon !
She IS the sun and the colors you'll see in her paintings ! She is the warmth coming out of her crafts and her smile is magical. 10 days were clearly not enough but she left her mark and we are all lucky enough to be able to admire her art every day <3
Thank you !!
He knew we were waiting for the electrician to come to the play lounge (the fans were installed a couple days later) but had never complained… read more
Electra seems like a wonderful woman with a huge heart but I did not have a good volunteer experience and ended up leaving early.… read more
4 stars indeed is not enough :)
This feedback is looooong overdue, but the great moments are still bright in our memories.
Whoever wants to, can go to the guestbook in the dining room and check out the real deal what we thought about the… read more
Kristi and Jaan are just amazing ! As a couple and as individuals, they are smart, kind, wanting to learn and help and work and discover and, and, and !
The whole family (couple, child, dog, other volunteers) loved them and we tried to keep them for a longer time (we kind… read more
My door is open, it's always been open but that kind of communities give you one more chance for someone amazing to pass the door and come inside.
Sebastien didn't come with Viviane but with a friend for a couple days. A few days... Not enough ! Really, really not enough but enough to know we want them… read more
They are both very talented in a lot of different ways ! Joan will fix anything needing fixing in your house or computer and Anouk will be there to document your life in a splendid and very discreet way.
We'll be… read more
The only negative thing was that we had so many things and ideas in common that we almost couldn't discuss about it, as we already knew we agreed :) It wasn't really a problem,… read more
Joyce loved her company a lot too and so did the other kids of the island. We certainly hope to see her back… read more
i am so happy that i went &… read more
He is... big :) Seriously. With any meaning you want to give the word. Amazingly calm and smiling, full of great ideas and initiatives, always ready to help, learn and discover. The kid LOVED him, our dog loved him, our house and garden loved him and so did we !
If you have the… read more
Thank you for your help, we hope to see you again somewhere :)
Even if these days were more or less cold and rainy (... more than less :) ) I was welcomed very warmly. Electra and Stephane are so open and friendly! Giving a lot of love and devotion in all what they do. Definitely worth to see and live with, even if only for… read more
I felt as home from the begining and enjoyed the nice family atmosphere.
Wish you all… read more
Thank you for everything !
They arrived here when we were in a difficult situation but still were patient about it and found ways to make us feel better.
Thank you for everything !
This was our first workaway experience and we had really good time in Skiathos. Since the day we landed Stephane was there to take care of our needs .
We are really thankful to Electra that she gave us chance to visit and contribute and with all of this her daughter JOYCE and our son ADI enjoyed their time playing… read more
She didn't only help us, she also found the time to go and help Skiathos' cats ! Her heart is that big !
I tried to keep her from taking the boat the day she left but, well... I know we'll see her again !
Dank je Kiki !
What a wonderfull time did I hade those 1 1/2 week in Skiathos...
Since the first day, or even moment, I felt very welcome.
I had already made some plans for visiting a bit more from Greece the next week, if I didn't I defenitly stayed longer!! When I was standing in front of… read more
He is amazing, I really wouldn't be able to describe how he made us feel, what he did for us, how he changed our business and our lives.
He might be waking up… read more
After few seconds I realise my time in Skiathos is over but later I wonder if those amazing summer months was a kind of dream and I´m still sleepy (because you, Electra, you know I could sleep for months! ;)
Thank you so much "Joyce `n´ Fun"; friends-volunteers (Rachel,… read more
She was calm and helpful, smiling and easy going.
Thank you for everything !
We painted the wall in a very colorful way , it was fun :)
Elektra and Stephane welcomed us in a very friendly way!
we met two people with a big heart that want to play , enjoy the life and give an opportunity to children to play in their playlounge… read more