Championship sled dog racing family in Anchorage, Alaska, USA

  • Bisher 203 mal gespeichert
  • Letzte Aktivität : 1 Sept. 2024



 Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer:  mindestens 1 Monat oder mehr



  • Beschreibung


    We are a sled dog racing family located just outside of Anchorage, Alaska. There are 12-18 dogs we train and care for and we are only 15 minutes from the city of Anchorage. Lots of outdoor activities and majestic sites to do/see in this area.

  • Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Betreuung von Tieren
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten
  • Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    See and learn about Alaskan outdoors, our Northern culture, Sleddogs and animal husbandry.

  • Arbeit


    We both work full time jobs and would love to have you experience Alaska with sleddogs, be part of our family and teaching our son about another culture.
    We need positive attitude and willing to jump in. We will not babysit you and many times you have to find ways to get busy. You will be working with strong athletic dogs so have to be fit and strong.
    We are a multicultural family and travelled ourselves when younger. We speak several languages and lived in several different continents!
    We want you to learn about sleddogs and take this experience back and promote our sport. You will be learning about feeding, cleaning, socializing, training canine athletes And of course be part of our family.
    We are Alaskans, we hunt, fish and respect our land. If this doesn’t work for you please do not apply. We are only looking for interns who can stay for a longer period of time. You will be helping about 3-6 hours a day during the training season.
    Our current intern is a “repeat” :) from Germany and we had interns from Argentina, Germany, Scotland, Russia, France, Australia, Italy, Spain, Canada, Ireland and Switzerland,…and had mostly wonderful experiences during their stays in last 6 years! Many of our workaway family come back to revisit and stay!

  • Gesprochene Sprachen

    Englisch: Fließend
    Persian (Farsi): Fließend
    Französisch: Fließend

  • Unterkunft


    Your will have your own apartment in our house with full bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and high speed WiFi. E-Bike, regular bike and skis too! ;)

  • Was noch ...

    Was noch ...

    Alaskan wilderness within minutes! Ski trails within 1/2 mile, bike trails at 200 yards. Lakes within walking distances.

  • Etwas mehr Information

    Etwas mehr Information

    • Internet Zugang

    • Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

      Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

    • Wir besitzen Tiere

    • Wir sind Raucher

    • Familien möglich

  • Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal

    Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal


  • ...


    Some days only couple hours a day, others 5 hours. max 20 hours a week

Gastgeber Ref-Nr.: 481353247649

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