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Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer: mindestens 1 Monat oder mehr
Hi -Please do read our profile fully before applying . We only accept volunteers who can stay for 6 weeks or more.
We are dedicated to helping to protect and save the critically endangered small Skyrian pony - via conservation, education, and welfare initiatives on our small, completely non-profit project on the wild island of Skyros.
****** We are fully booked from now until late April /May but we are specifically seeking volunteers ( up to 3) to join us, who want to be part of a long stay volunteering experience. We are looking for mature thinking volunteers who already have practical daily experience with ponies /horses , horse care etc OR have experience and enthusiasm for farming , caring for dogs and cats, livestock , vegetable gardening, maintenance ******.
We are committed to doing our very best for our animals within the context of a small , remote, Greek island with limited resources.
In joining us to volunteer you will be helping a genuine cause that is based on service to animals rather than to self...and this means you will be doing practical dirty work for up to 4 hours for 5.5 days of the week. If this appeals to you, drop us a line. ( We care for 36 ponies and also 16 abandoned cats, 4 rescue dogs and a rescue goat) . So in brief our volunteers helps us care for the daily needs of all these animals, meaning cleaning up after them, making sure their water sources are clean and filled , helping with feeding, and helping ensure they are all kept healthy.
Maybe you are someone who is looking at settling in for a Winter/ Spring even into Summer stay, offering you the opportunity to immerse yourself in our project alongside of rural Greek life, in a traditional agricultural Greek Island area - getting involved and engaged in the daily care of our rare breed ponies who are very kind natured & intelligent and maybe coming up with some equine enrichment ideas or if you are interested in supporting us with some day to day tasks such as pruning and clearing fence lines, or helping us set up and maintain some small vegetable patches just for the farms use..
Please do read all our info below before applying to join us.... Thank you.
We are a totally non profit based project, dedicated to the care , ethical training, ( we feel we are here to serve our equines, they are not here to serve us), welfare, conservation, and education, of and about the critically endangered Skyrian small horse situated on the rugged but beautiful island of Skyros .
You will be helping to care for our herd of 33 charismatic, highly intelligent, friendly Skyrian small ponies ( who range in age from 3 years old to 33 years old, 10 of whom are rescues)and 3 larger rescue ponies in an environment ,that can be at times, challenging, extremely hot in the summer and wet ,cold and windy in the winter ( although last winter was very warm and dry) . You will also help us care for 16 cats ( all feral rescues) - 4 dogs ( 3 rescue), 1 rescue goat and quite a few chickens.
We love volunteers who are mature in character, enjoy working and are energised and can take initiative. People who are practical, can listen and follow directions and are also able to problem solve, enjoy simple down to earth tasks, intelligent, positive, open minded, flexible, enjoy quiet time, are dedicated, emotionally intelligent, enjoy outside physical dirty farm work and have experience with horses/ponies or farmwork and are happy with the basic pleasures of life, away from the world of social media and ringing phones.
We prioritise volunteers who have experience with horses OR highly practical countryside people particularly if you are also open to understanding that we are on an island with limited resources meaning we have to think out side of the box - in terms of best methods of horse care eg Track systems, non pasture land, water shortages due to drought conditions, no equine vet , farrier etc.
We also accept people who have experience with farm animals or farm work or have good handyman, maintenance or DIY skills or are interested in veg gardening and can stay for at least 8 weeks.
We have been blessed in having volunteers who return to our project many times over many years and have also had volunteers who stay with us frequently for a year or more, We love long stay people as a true authentic trust is built over time and our animals appreciate getting to know people over a period of time to be able to trust them too, it also means volunteers can see some projects through to completion and immerse themselves in the true slow deep pace of island life, and it allows our non profit to run more effectively and efficiently.
So if you are seeking to have a meaningful, authentic, interesting, adventurous experience please do get in touch. We frequently form long term friendships with our volunteers and have a good few past volunteers who return on a bi annual basis... ( this year Sept 2023 to Sept 2024 we have had 5 past returnee volunteers come back to support us from as far back as 2013!)
Our project started in 2006 and since 2009, we have enjoyed hosting over 300 volunteers , not just from Workaway but also internships, independent travellers, people via horsemanship networks, and other volunteer sites.
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Our base is a rustic, basic, old small working farm, based in a remote and traditional Greek farming area which is near the sea, an archaeological site and pine forest, on a traditional , wild and beautiful Greek island.
If you want to be part of a genuine charity/non profit project, and help us care for our herd to the best of our abilities , then please do get in touch and we will send you detailed information about our project and a volunteer application form.
We really look forward to hearing from you and thank you.Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten
Karitative Arbeit
Hilfe bei Ökoprojekten
Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
Betreuung von Tieren
Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
Handwerkliche Arbeiten
Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten
Volunteers get the chance to be in close contact to nature, the sea and forest,& Greek culture. It is a simple basic life far away from the modern world , with the most amazing star filled night skies..
You will support a genuine project that is - conserving a rare breed , committed to understanding equines way of thinking and behaviour and very much aiming at what we can do to support the equine and putting their needs first rather than them fulfilling our needs.
You will get to understand the challenges of looking after many animals 24/7 and 365 days of the year .
Skyros is an incredibly safe place great for walking and exploring and as a woman this can be extremely liberating . Houses and cars doors are left open and their is still a real sense of community. We have incredible night skies with no light pollution, and an overwhelming quietness of nature and it is an extremely safe space to walk hike around. It is a great place to put away your mobile phone and get reconnected to nature and her rhythm.
You will have the opportunity to learn about horse management and we will offer at least one ethical horsemanship ground skills training during your stay.Arbeit
Most of the tasks are centered around our herd of friendly Skyrian ponies , watering, yard work, sweeping, pooh picking their fields, moving hay, filling hay nets, making up and giving our at need ponies their supplements, developing enrichment ideas for our track system, unloading hay deliveries, handling the ponies, grooming , picking out feet , mending fences etc . But also walking our rescue dogs or feeding cats cleaning their bowls etc
Depending on the time of the year also supporting occasional horsemanship projects and showing visitors around and possibly painting walls and stables etc. Sometimes there are some very specific projects like fencing , or fruit picking ( we have orange, lemon, apricot, fig trees), and pruning and if enough olives- olive picking in late autumn. We also have some creative projects going on at times.
For volunteers with real experience and who are staying for an extended length of time and have skills with ponies their are opportunities to get involved with a positive reinforcement approach to training, ground skills, liberty work, etc .
The work is usually a split shift with approx 3 hours in the morning and 1 hour in the evening but this changes a little between the summer and winter months.
Their is always a good amount of time free to explore the island , take a walk, rest, sit in a hammock, go to the nearby beach, explore the paths and walks nearby, read a book etc.Gesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: Fließend
Greek: GrundkenntnisseUnterkunft
In the winter and colder months the accommodation is a very basic simple shared room with beds and mattresses and with its own very basic bathroom, and a small area with a fridge toaster kettle sink and a woodburning stove . In summer and warmer months there is the possibility to camp in our small olive grove . This year we also have two Wooden huts that we are trialling as volunteer accommodation in spring summer and Autumn which seem to be a big hit with our volunteers.
We provide a do it yourself breakfast ( muesli, porridge, cheese on toast, peanut butter, tahini, milk,) and a good healthy home cooked lunch. We can cater for vegetarian and non vegetarian people BUT WE can't cater for Vegans, lactose intolerant , gluten free etc its just too challenging , expensive and time consuming to cook for so many different types of diet . Thank you .
We don't supply an evening meal although there are frequently left overs from lunch. So volunteers either get shopping or voluntarily contribute a small amount for us to get some extra supplies for them.
The volunteers room is painted once a year and deep cleaned but it is then up to the volunteers who live in it to keep it clean.Was noch ...
Skyros island is still very traditional, with an unspoilt wild beauty whilst also being very safe as everyone knows everyone, possibly one of the last places in the world where doors are left unlocked and one can walk day or night as a woman and feel safe. Farm life is basic, rustic, simple and far far away from modern conveniences. The farm is in a traditional farming area close to the beach and pine forest. There is a taverna in easy walking distance , and a wonderful ancient archaeological site next to the sea in 10 mins walking distance. There are other beautiful beaches about 1 hour away by foot or with a bike 20 minutes away.
The main village ( 16km away from our farm), is vibrant and very beautiful and traditionally Greek and has good access to internet, two museums and many good cafes and bars. There is limited public transport and if you want to explore the island especially off season the best way is walking , borrowing a bike , hitching or hiring a moped or car. We will also gives you lifts when we are going into the village if we can.Etwas mehr Information
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Feedback (65)
The life and the experiences I made here taught me so much about animal care and the daily routine on a farm but also general things like taking responsibility, building confidence and appreciating what you have.
Spending a long time on the farm allowed me to… read more
The daily work is basic… read more
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The life and the experiences I made here taught me so much about animal care and the daily routine on a farm but also general things like taking responsibility, building confidence and appreciating what you have.
Spending a long time on the farm allowed me to… read more
The daily work is basic… read more
The accommodation was… read more
At first, Julia can come across as a bit shy but don’t be fooled, she is an amazing and dynamic young woman , who very quickly became a steady, truly reliable, and a fabulous help at our farm.
She has a… read more
Clarisse is a calm and gentle person, but with a strong, dynamic and lets get things done energy. We really enjoyed her presence and company at the… read more
It was even good enough to extend my stay for another month.
Their work and the farm‘s purpose (preserve the Skyrian Pony) are honest, direct and goal-driven.
As a non-profit organization, they frequently have to face challenging times.
I, as a volunteer, had the feeling to do something meaningful… read more
- the island: It is very greek, beautiful landscape, rural lifestyle, pretty village, few… read more
Michaela was here in the hottest part of high summer and dealt admirably with working in the heat which is not always so easy. She is… read more
Dareyne came to the farm as a breathe of fresh air, always positive, always energised someone who is extremely competent and capable with horses and farm duties whilst at… read more
She helped on so many different levels, with pony care, cat care, whitewashing, managing day to day… read more
It was such a real pleasure to host Clara. She is a dynamic force, fun , intelligent, hardworking, generous, positive, mature for her years and really melded well with the team here. She fitted in immediately and became a part of the eccentric 2 legged and 4legged family we have… read more
I spent about 2 months and a half at the farm; I actually came 3 times in 3 months! I came to love and deeply care about the farm, the project, the animals and the people. It was a great environment to work in that has so many things to offer if you are ready to open yourself to it.
I discovered two… read more
Clemence was completely new to farm/ physical work, and although the majority of tasks here are for a short duration and simple, light work, I think it was a bit of a shock to her, as it often can be for city people or people not used to… read more
Talented, mature, well beyond her years, competent, capable, intelligent, fun, dedicated and hard working but in a way that brings joy. Just truly a wonderful and rare young woman that we were so lucky to host.
It is unusual… read more
I volunteered for 3 months at the farm May - July 2018 and returned for another 3 weeks in September 2018. Since then I have remained connected to the project by helping run a crowdfunder last Autumn and setting up and helping run a Facebook page. My experience at the farm made me realise pretty… read more
She is an incredibly talented horse woman and trainer and has an enormous wealth of horse… read more
She is a calm, happy, considerate, caring , mature and a hardworking person , who cares for animals in a very dedicated but straightforward and honest way.
It was a real pleasure to host her at the farm for the… read more
Amanda and Stathis built up a wonderful environment for horses and people. I learned a lot about me, horses, people and relationships to them. To live next to each other, but also with each other in a respectful and "happy" way.
Once you've been there,… read more
It was the first time that we have… read more
She is a calm and yet talented presence both with the ponies and people and is multi skilled ( and a great… read more
We really enjoyed life on the farm. During our stay we learned a lot. We have learned a lot about the general handling of horses, but we also got to know completely new methods of dealing with animals. We really enjoyed the day-to-day work, working… read more
They are energetic, positive, honest, mature, capable of carrying out many tasks and great volunteers to work and live alongside of.
Diana was at the farm for nearly two months and Hutham for a month and they were hardworking, helpful, generous and great fun.
Although… read more
I've spend two months and half among the horses during the winter and I had the most wonderful experience. I am coming back to France knowing more about how to be empowered, focused, grounded. Because… read more
I really did have a fantastic 2… read more
sometimes, issues are not resolved and expectations on both sides are unmet. Sadly this appears to have happened in this instance.
For example, for health and safety reasons, it is not a good idea to work with headphones in, when working with our herd of… read more
I wanted to stay on the farm for two months, but ended up staying only one. I had mixed feelings and experiences… read more
What can I say about my stay with Amanda and Stathis ? I learned SO much! I staid about 2 months at the farm (winter months, not always easy...) from mid october to mid december, or so.
You have to be willing to work hard but… read more
It was my First attempt as a volunteer and you made it a Priceless Experience for me …
You both made me Feel at Home , and you were very Friendly and Kind.
The things I Gained are… read more
This review is incredibly overdue but my memories and… read more
I… read more
I think it is not the easiest host to pick because work can be difficult at rainy days, Amanda is a really direct person the room is very basic, you will not get attention all time, your help is necessary. (they are really honest about all… read more
They are also very good cooks, food is always tasty and delicious (Stathis, I’ll never forget your eggs and… read more
I can honestly say that I've never felt so at home or so connected to myself and my surroundings anywhere else in the world as I do on this farm.
The first… read more
At first I wasn't sure if I would stay the whole time but then I settled in soon and to stay was the best decision I could have made. I feel like during my stay I have grown and learned a lot about myself as well as about horses and the general farm work.
The farm is in a very… read more
I was very lucky and managed to do some natural horsemanship training during my stay, something of which many people would pay good money to have a lesson in. The work… read more
They both made me feel very welcome and at home, and the food was really good too. I learnt a lot… read more
The days are a great balance of work and free time and I believe you get… read more
Marieke is naturally talented with horses and is a highly competent horse woman, I was happy for her to handle any of our horses, in terms of training, everyday jobs, stable and feild management and in terms… read more
I have been volunteering abroad for over a year now, and have… read more
A 19 year old who is wise and mature beyond her years , always willing and eager to help , dependable, generous with her time, consistent, reliable,… read more
The work is not overwhelming, and if picking up pony poo ever starts to feel like… read more
She is a great person to teach as she soaks up information and is really receptive to learning. She learnt an enormous amount about handling… read more
Amanda, Stathis and Dimos are lovely people worth knowing, each in their own way.
The food is simple but good – Dimos is an amazing cook always happy to experiment new recipes or cook some… read more
Animal experiene is not essential although love for four legged friends is a must and we guarantee that the love will be reciprocated! (NOTE: A large bag is recommend… read more
The work is hard, I won't lie, especially if you're not from a hot climate. It takes a few days to acclimatise. However it is… read more
Well, stop. Just go!
Since the moment we were picked up from the port, I enjoyed every single second of our stay.
And this is not an exaggeration, I ensure you.
It was strange: On one hand, time seemed to run away from us,
on the other, it just… read more
I would have no hesitation in saying they are two of the best… read more
They live on donations and they deserve every last penny given to them because they truly love what they do.
I had the chance to see the births of foals,… read more