Badges (2)

Profile information
Travel information
We are currently
Our next destination:
New Zealand - from Dec 2024 until Dec 2025 View allDescription
Aodrenn : Young arborsit/tree climbeur of 21, loving extrem sport and passionate about nature.
I study 2 years in carpentry in an art hight school and then I trained as an arborsit.
So, I have some basic skills of gardening and wood construction.
In conclusion, I like to learn about the environement that surrounds me.
I also need to pratice my english.
Nathan : 21y. A great sport and outdoor enthusiast, motivated and full of energie!
I'm eager to learn and meet new people.
I studied in English for 2y in Qubec, Canada, in adventure tourism in remote areas, I'm also certified in first aid.
Very willing and easy-going, I learn fast.Interests
PhotographyNaturePlant careVan lifeHistoryLGBTQVegetarian or veganFarmingCampingAdventure sportsHikingMountainHitchhikingAnimalsOutdoor activitiesLanguages
Languages spoken
French: Fluent
English: IntermediateMore details about my language interests
For one of us, speaking English is still a bit difficutl, but he have good basic and understanding. And why not learning Maori !Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn
We're interested in:
Eco Projects
Art Projects
Animal Care
Life at a Farmstay
Helping around the house
House sitting
Some knowledge of:
DIY and building projects
Able to teach about:
More details about your skills
Gardening/ landscaping maintenance
outside wood construction
Climbing competence with rope/harness
Child Care
All kinds of picking
good cookAge
21 & 21
What else ...
We do this trip without a real objectiv, but to discover a new country and soak up the culture.
Very motivated to work while traveling, easy-going, we don't need much to be happy.Some more information
Driver's licence
Special dietary requirements