Posts tagged with: "planning"

  • about 13 min
How to travel on a budget using the sharing economy

Before you put off your next trip deeming travel too expensive or keep waiting for that “one day” where you hope you’ll be able to afford it, consider the sharing economy. Not only could it help you save money, it also allows you to connect with locals and provide experiences that money cannot buy!

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  • about 6 min
Free volunteering: How to volunteer around the world without paying ridiculous agency fees

So you want to volunteer abroad? Good on you! We love that you are looking to give back. But you’ve gone online and you’ve seen some organisations CHARGE ridiculous agency fees for your kindness. How crazy is that? In fact what we are here to do is show you how you can volunteer around the world without paying a cent…

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  • about 4 min
How To Be A Good Workaway Guest and Always Get Invited Back

Be a good guest by following some of the advice here to make your Workaway stay an enjoyable and productive one where both hosts and volunteers benefit.

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