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Help to remodel our hostel in Samaipata, Bolivia

  • Favourited 49 times
  • Last activity: 21 Jun 2024



 Min stay requested: at least a week



  • Description


    We are one of the first Hostels in Samaipata Bolivia. Our proposal is a place where travelers can feel comfortable, we have a nursery with native plants. We have aromatherapy projects, butterfly gardens, and medicinal plants that we also sell. We want to teach Quechua and English.

    Somos unos de los primeros Hostels en Samaipata Bolivia. Nuestra propuesta es un lugar donde los viajeros puedan sentirse comodos, contamos con un vivero con plantas nativas. Tenemos proyectos de aromaterapia, mariposario, y plantas medicinales que tambien vendemos. Queremos enseñar quechua e ingles.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Language practice
    DIY and building projects
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    We are located in Samaipata, Department of Santa Cruz. It is a beautiful little town surrounded by the Elbow of the Andes and next to Amboro Park, there are trekkings, waterfalls, rivers and ruins to visit. We have aromatherapy and butterfly projects, of course there is our nursery with many plants including plants from the area so you will undoubtedly be able to learn about the flora of Bolivia and different uses of them.

    Estamos localizados en Samaipata, Departamento de Santa Cruz. Es un pueblito hermoso rodeado por el Codo de los Andes y al lado del Parque Amboro, hay trekkings, cascadas, rios y ruinas por visitar.
    Tenemos proyectos de aromaterapia y mariposario, por supuesto esta nuestro vivero con muchas plantas incluyendo plantas de la zona por lo que sin duda van a poder aprender sobre la flora de Bolivia y diferentes usos de estas.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    Our hostel has been closed since the pandemic so we are rebuilding and remodeling the place. There are many things to do, the idea is to reopen by the end of the year. We need a hand in gardening, cleaning, construction, carpentry, painting, any help is necessary so we are also open to listening to opinions and putting together projects together.

    Nuestro hostal se mantuvo cerrado desde la pandemia por lo que estamos reconstruyendo y remodelando el lugar.
    Hay muchas cosas por hacer, la idea es reabrir para fin de año.
    Necesitamos una mano en jardineria, limpieza,construccion, carpinteria, pintura, cualquier ayuda es necesaria por lo que tambien estamos abiertos a escuchar opiniones y armar proyectos juntos.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    The accommodation is in a room shared with other volunteers (if there are any), inside the room there is also a private bathroom. There is the option of sleeping in a tent if you like (you have to bring your own tent). We have an equipped kitchen available to volunteers and as long as there is food such as quinoa, noodles, rice, eggs, fruits, vegetables, etc., they can use it. We do not have a washing machine but there is a laundry and soap so you can wash your things by hand. We have a washing machine that can be used by volunteers

    El alojamiento es en un cuarto compartido con otros voluntarios (si es que lo hubiesen), dentro de la habitacion tambien tiene un baño privado.
    Esta la opcion de dormir en carpa si asi gustan (tienen que traer su propia carpa).
    Tenemos una cocina equipada a disposicion del voluntario y siempre que haya comida como quinoa, fideos, arroz, huevos, frutas, verduras etc, pueden utilizarlo.
    No contamos con lavarropa pero hay una lavanderia y jabon para que laven sus cosas a mano.
    Contamos con lavarropa que puede ser utilizado por los voluntarios

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    You can get to Samaipata from Santa Cruz by trufi which is very economical and from other more distant places by bus. In this little gem of the department of Santa Cruz there are tourist places that you cannot miss, such as: The ruins of 'El Fuerte'; which were declared cultural heritage by UNESCO and are considered the greatest work of rock architecture in the world. Amboro Park; It is one of the parks in Bolivia with the most diversity, its location is unique since three ecosystems converge: The Amazon, the north of the Chaco and the Andes Forest of giant ferns; It is an attraction widely visited by tourists since there are ferns of 15 to 20 meters, which in general do not grow more than one meter. Elbow of the Andes; This separates the tropical forests of the Amazon basin from the subtropical Chaco plains.

    Se puede llegar a Samaipata desde Santa Cruz en trufi el cual es muy economico y desde otros lugares mas lejanos en bus.
    En esta joyita del departamento de Santa Cruz hay lugares turisticos que no te podes perder, como lo son:
    +Las ruinas de 'El Fuerte'; las cuales fueron declaradas patrimonio cultural por la unesco y son consideradas la mayor obra de arquitecura rupestre del mundo.
    +Parque Amboro; es uno de los parques de Bolivia con mas dioversidad, su ubicacion es unica ya que convergen tre ecosistemas: La Amazonia, el norte del Chaco y Los Andes
    +Bosque de helechos gigantes; es un atractivo muy visitado por los turistas ya que se encuentran helechos de 15 a 20 metros, los cuales en general no crecen mas de un metro.
    +Codo de los Andes; este separa los bosques tropicales de la cuenca amazonica de las planicies chaqueñas subtropicales.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 977755887642



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