Learn about coexistence with nature and help on a sustainable farm in Reka, Croatia

  • Favourited 61 times
  • Last activity: 15 Jun 2024



 Min stay requested: 1 month or more



  • Description


    I wanted to live in coexistence with nature, away from the buzz of cities and the fast pace of the modern work-place. I wanted to live simply. I wanted to live with animals. I wanted to live in accordance with natural laws: eating well, bringing back flavorful fruits and veggies, and preserving all that I had learnt about countryside living. I wanted to live the old Croatian way!

    My farm is a quiet, peaceful landscape near Koprivnica, close to the border with Hungary, and only 1 hour and a half away from Zagreb. Here, on the top of the hill, a wooden house overlooks a little over four acres of land. I have orchards (apples, pears, plums, walnuts), lavender fields, grass fields, a greenhouse, a stable with horses, a vegetable garden, a piece of forest, a barn in construction, and 2 houses -both in repair. There is everything a wholesome farm needs.

    In this environment I live with my five dogs (Rhodesian Ridgeback) and three pony horses. I am a trained cook and I also work shiatshu and energy treatments on humans and animals. You can learn about how to keep a farm running all year round, traditional food preparation, and how to coexistence with animals. Before working, we can meditate together and afterwards, we will share experiences around the dinner table.

    In summary, we have daily chores, seasonal tasks, farm surprises, and larger projects. As you will soon read, there is always work here and more hands will always be accepted with gratitude. I can host up to 10 people at once for bigger projects; but, I prefer 1 until 3 at once. You will soon see how much you can learn here with the right attitude, energy and openness -good energy is a must, by the way, because of the animals! I am looking for responsible people, preferably over 28, who are hardworking and willing to learn, while respecting the way of living of this farm as I have established it for my happiness, my animal’s safety, and the wellbeing of my volunteers.

    Join me on my farm to reconnect with nature!

    Hoping to see you here,


  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    On the matter of cultural exchange, you can get to see what it is like to live in the Croatian countryside and get to experience the live in a Croatian town (Koprivnica). Additionally, you will get to experience Croatian and Balkan food and cooking adapted to a vegetarian and healthier way of living.

    Now, regarding learning opportunities, there is SO much to learn when staying and working in this property. You will learn through work, and also with what I can teach you. There is a lot to learn about farming and gardening: how to breed plants, how to plan a garden, how to care for berries, how to take care of an apple orchard. Then, about organic farming: making and using compost, growing strawberries, controlling for pests, encouraging bee and bird life through plants. There is room to learn about animal care too: tending for horses, or giving dogs a home-cooked diet. I feel comfortable teaching about vegetarian cooking -making tea, conserves, and so on- but, this will be while I cook and you will pay attention!

    The longer you stay, the more you will learn!

    Well, of course, I want to learn from you too!

  • Help


    What happens in my farm changes according to the season we find ourselves in -and, it changes! In this corner of Croatia we have four clear seasons: snowy winters, cold greening springs, sunny summers, and ochre autumns. Living in accordance with nature and its changes is something I wanted. I am happy to live this way. So will you!

    Broadly, I like to say that we have four types of activities: daily, seasonal, surprises, and projects.

    First, the daily ones: we have to take care of those who live with us (cleaning the horses’ stables, making sure animals have good drinking water and enough food, collecting the fruits of our work, going on dog walks through the property or the forests, etc.), we have to take care of the place we inhabit (cleaning our living space and after ourselves, checking the buildings, cutting grass where it is needed, and so on), and, we have to care of ourselves -this is an euphemism for cooking and eating together ;).

    Second, there are the seasonal chores. Overall, the work in the grass fields, fruit orchards, greenhouse, forest and garden will look very different regarding the period of the year we are in. I will try to give you some examples, but I might miss something.

    In Springtime we plan how we want the garden to look like, we sit down and think about this, check which seeds we have available, revisit what worked and what failed last years, and start the seedlings inside the house (where it is nice, warm and toasty). There is a lot of planting by the end of the season -it will, of course, depend on the weather-, weeding, mulching and clearing the leaves are all tasks that will take place. The key is preparing it all for the new season.

    Later, during the Summer, an avalanche of work will come with the nice weather and long days: there is weeding, constant checks of the garden (for pests and invaders). Late summer and the nicer bits of Fall are the ideal time to work on the larger projects: building, fences, things outside, etc.

    In Autumn we can collect the last of the fruits from the season, make conservers/jams/marmalades/salsa/ajvar/pickles/sour cabbage/ or some other Croatian conserve, prepare the garden for the colder months, lay manure wherever it will be needed, make sure the barn is full and stables are ready, walk through the forests collecting mushrooms and nuts.

    Late in this season (and specially in Winter, temperature has to be below 10) is the time to make and smoke vegetarian sausages -following an adapted version of a Croatian classic. Additionally, when it is cold and I am using the wood heating for the house, I will be baking my own bread in the wood oven and not buying it from the stores -mostly with sourdough starter. Lastly, we will be collecting firewood.

    Winter! Well, this one is always a surprise… But, overall, this is the time of the year where time is given back to us, the farm workers: there are plenty hours to hang out, rest, read, relax, travel. This is usually the time I enjoy having some days off for myself, so I will be very happy to have someone (a couple, perhaps?) to care for my animals in case I am away.

    I want volunteers looking for long stays: more than three weeks, a month, a whole season, a semester if you really want to learn about a specific skill -like gardening, or animal care. Also, in my advice, I will recommend long stays through one season, or in the periods in which the seasons change. That way you can either see the farm with one face and really get to know some specific skills; or, you can see the changes and notice how all around you, your work, and eventually yourself adapts to the changing weather.

    Third, after daily chores and seasonal tasks, there are always surprises one finds in the farm when doing anything: something breaks, a horse goes loose, there is no more running water, there is enough good weather to pull a large project through. This is always a wild card, here ingeniousness and creativity, but most of all flexibility, will be extremely helpful.

    Fourth: the projects. These are the large bricks of work, those things that happen to make sure this project keeps on working on the long run. For the upcoming year (2022) I have plans to finish up work in the natural swimming pool, prepare the property for the arrival of new farm animals (probably sheep!), organize the new barn and stable, fix the small apartment house, organize the laboratory (a space to rent and give workshops about a wide array of things), and set up the official website of the farm. New ones will come up though! Work in this projects will depend on the availability of materials, the time we have, outside weather, and your own skills.

    Weather, nature, in this sustainable lifestyle is what determines how, when and what we will be doing!

  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent
    Croatian: Fluent
    Italian: Beginner
    Slovenian: Beginner

  • Accommodation


    You will be living in a wooden house in the middle of the farm. It has been constructed from scratch here in the property, so it fits the landscape and looks over from the hilltop. Your space as a volunteer will be in the first floor, in an open large hall where I can host more people if necessary; in case there are more people here, you will be sharing that space. There is a bathroom with a solar shower for the exclusive use of volunteers. Also, a balcony that looks over to the South. The ground floor is where the more common spaces are: the living-room and dinning-room area, the open kitchen and a side wing where a wood stove is.

    Food is really important to me: I worked in kitchens for most of my live. I am a trained cook for meatless cooking methods such as macrobiotic, vegetarian, ayurvedic, natural cooking and raw food. We can meal plan, and cook together. I love expanding with the recipes people bring, cooking together, and teaching about food -but, I do not have the time to give individualized lessons, if you wish to learn come with me to the kitchen. This I state because you will be having three daily meals through your time here. They will be ovo-lacto-vegetarian, and everything that we use from the farm will be real organic. All meals are eaten together. Help is welcome and volunteers work together in clean up. I must note this: food will be changing regarding the season we find ourselves in: there will be more fresh foods when the gardens are providing, and more conserves and home baked bread when winter is around.

    Finally, all five dogs live inside of the house. They are house trained and are respectful of humans. However, they are a large breed (Rhodesian Ridgeback) and they will pay back with whichever energy you give them: respecting your space if that’s what you want, or hanging out with you if you both like each other. You must feel comfortable around dogs as I am an established breeder. It is very important that people who come are not afraid of dogs, nervous, nor with bad energy, I live with five big dogs who can feel that.

    For the wellbeing of all my animals, this is a drug, tobacco and alcohol free space. Not only does it not go in line with the project, but this is also to prevent accidents with farm animals and farm tools.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    I really wish to spend quality time with interesting people from around the world! People who are willing to build a new world with good vibrations and positiveness. Openness to learn, willingness to work, interest to help, and energy to share experiences and knowledge are all well received here. In order to do this all I think that longer stays are the best: come for three weeks, a month or an entire season!

    There are 2 bicycles available in the property -and tools to keep them up to shape. You can use them to go to the village (Mucna Reka, 10 mins) or to town (Koprivnica, 40 mins). In Koprivnica you will find cultural activities, movie theatre, churches, museums, factories, larger convenience stores, cafés, restaurants, etc. It is like a small city.

    I have a fireplace outside, to make bread on a stick, roast veggies, and ideal for starry nights; shooting stars are a daily thing here ;)

    I insist that I am interested on hosting people for longer periods of time.

    Please note that I am located in the village of Reka, which is in the north near Hungary.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    This host has indicated that they love having digital nomads stay.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 775224881912

Feedback (10)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (4.7)

Cultural exchange: (4.6)

Communication: (4.3)

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