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Gardening, animal care and bioconstruction projects in Cunco, Chile

  • Favourited 48 times
  • Last activity: 21 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    We are an initiative, ecovillage and educational space on development, created in the commune of Cunco, Andean Araucanía, Chile. Our motto is the care of the forest and the whole ecosystem, by sharing knowledge to live aware of the human impact and reduce it, linking with empathy and generating affective networks of collaboration between everyone to sustain and care for life.

    We live in the beautiful basin of the Huichahue River, on its banks, surrounded by grasslands and diverse native precordilleran forest and all its characteristic fauna, such as: kingfisher, fox, snake, puma, chucao, Chilean partridges, pintails, among many others.

    Today we are in the process of raising and caring for this space, moving forward step by step in field work, orchards, workshops, waste management, dry toilets, camping, among others. We live in the Community House that we restored. Where we share diverse knowledge, which we put into practice in our daily lives, learning from each other on the practice.

    Somos una iniciativa, ecoaldea y espacio educativo en formación, gestándose en la comuna de Cunco, Araucanía Andina, Chile. Nos mueve el cuidado del bosque y todo ecosistema, el compartir saberes para habitar conscientes del impacto humano y disminuirlo, vincularnos desde la empatía y generar redes afectivas de colaboración entre tod@s para sustentar y cuidar la vida.

    Vivimos en la hermosa cuenca del río Huichahue, a sus orillas, rodeados de praderas y bosque nativo diverso precordillerano y toda su fauna característica, tales como: martín pescador, zorro, culebra, puma, chucao, perdices chilenas, rayaditos, entre muchxs otrxs.

    Hoy nos encontramos en el proceso de ir con mucho cariño levantando y cuidando este espacio, avanzando paso a paso en labores de campo, huerta, talleres, manejo de residuos, baños secos, camping, entre otros. Habitamos en la Casa Comunitaria que restauramos. Donde compartimos diversos saberes, que ponemos en práctica en nuestro cotidiano, aprendiendo un@s de otr@s en el hacer.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Babysitting and creative play
    General Maintenance
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Travelers will be able to have a significant experience of community life in an ecovillage in development, cohabiting in a place where we cultivate a culture of human and environmental empathy that promotes personal and collective transformation processes.

    It is a meeting space between different realities and cultures: peasant culture, regenerative culture, young people who return from the city to the countryside, travelers from different countries who come to contribute and visit us, ecovillagers who live in the place, among others. All this cultural diversity allows us to generate an enriched exchange, where we share in our daily lives various forms of conscious eating, self-sufficiency practices, community life dynamics, communication forms, languages, rural traditions, among others.

    It is also generated a learning and a daily exchange of different knowledges that are necessary for the life and co-building of this collective initiative, such as: agro-ecological farming, making biofertilizers, carpentry, self-production of seeds, bioconstruction, making farm products, community life management, identification of flora and fauna and moments of connection with oneself, the group and nature.

    Los viajeros podrán tener una experiencia significativa de vida comunitaria en una ecoaldea en gestación, cohabitando en un lugar donde cultivamos una cultura de empatía humana y ambiental que promueva procesos de transformación personales y colectivos.

    Es un espacio de encuentro entre diferentes realidades y culturas: cultura campesina, cultura regenerativa, jóvenes que retornan de la ciudad al campo, viajeros de diferentes países que vienen a contribuir y visitarnos, ecoaldeanos que habitan en el lugar, entre otras. Toda esa diversidad cultural nos permite generar un intercambio enriquecido, donde compartimos en nuestro cotidiano diversas formas de alimentación consciente, prácticas de autosuficiencia, dinámicas de vida comunitaria, formas de comunicación, idiomas, tradiciones campestres, entre otras.

    También se genera un aprendizaje e intercambio cotidiano de diversos saberes que son necesarios para la vida y co-construcción de esta iniciativa colectiva, por ejemplo: cultivar agro ecológicamente, elaborar de biofertilizantes, carpintería, autoproducción de semillas, bioconstrucción, elaboración de productos del campo, gestión de la vida comunitaria, identificación de flora y fauna, momentos de conexión consigo mismo, el colectivo y la naturaleza.

  • Help


    We want to invite you to offer 4 hours of daily volunteer help, from Monday to Friday, in tasks such as: garden management (weeding, making seedbeds, establishing terraces, mulching, harvesting, sowing, application of biopreparations), as well as other field tasks such as cutting firewood, enabling or repairing infrastructure, bioconstruction, waste management, animal care, among others.

    Queremos invitarles a entregar 4 horas de trabajo voluntario diario, de Lunes a Viernes, en labores tales como: manejo de la huerta (deshierbe, hacer almácigos, establecimiento de bancales, poner mulch, cosechar, sembrar, aplicación de biopreparados), así como también otras labores de campo como corte de leña, habilitación o reparación de infraestructura, bioconstrucción, manejo de residuos, cuidados de animales, entre otras.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Spanish: Fluent
    English: Intermediate

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    You can sleep in a bed located in the living room of the cozy and warm Community House. There are good facilities such as good dry bathroom and hot shower. Also the kitchen where together we will prepare food and we organize ourselves collectively through a rotating system to carry out cleaning tasks in our house. You will also have a space to store your clothes.

    Podrás dormir en una cama ubicada en el living de la acogedora y cálida Casa Comunitaria. La que cuenta con buenas instalaciones de baño seco y ducha de agua caliente. Además de la cocina donde junt@s prepararemos los alimentos y nos organizamos colectivamente a través de sistema rotativo para realizar las labores de aseo de nuestra casa. Además contarás con un espacio amplio para guardar tu ropa.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    We are in a region of sublime nature, with multiple alternatives for walks nearby, we can mention some that stand out, for example: the Conguillio National Park, where we find the imposing Llaima volcano in the middle of a prehistoric natural setting, with abundant forests of ancient araucaria. One of the most beautiful nature reserves in the country. We are also near the beautiful Lake Colico, with crystal clear waters and native forest landscapes to enjoy.

    Right here in the ecovillage we are immersed in a very beautiful natural environment, surrounded by native forest and crossed by the waters of the Huichahue River.

    Nos encontramos en una región de naturaleza sublime, con múltiples alternativas de paseos en las cercanías, podemos mencionar algunas que destacan, por ejemplo: el Parque nacional Conguillio, donde encontramos el imponente volcán Llaima en medio de un escenario natural prehistórico, con abundantes bosque de araucarias que llegan a ser milenarias. Una de las reservas naturales más hermosas del país. También nos encontramos cerca del precioso lago Colico, con aguas puras y paisajes de bosque nativo para disfrutar.
    Aquí mismo en la ecoaldea estamos inmersos en un entorno de naturaleza muy hermoso, rodeados de bosque nativo y atravesados por las aguas del río Huichahue.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    This host has indicated that they love having digital nomads stay.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    4 hours a day, 5 days a week 4 horas al día, 5 días a la semana

Host ref number: 664625442262

Feedback (1)



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