Come and volunteer in this beautiful ranch, in La Caudalosa, Mexico

  • Favourited 31 times
  • Last activity: 17 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description


    *contact host in Spanish

    The ranch that is located in La Caudalosa, a ranch located 40 minutes from Acayucan, has been working on a dream that many believed impossible when the ground (peeled) was acquired in 2003: reforesting, re-greening, filling with fruit trees and Diverse vegetation throughout the area, to attract more moisture, more biodiversity, and therefore more food and abundance for the villagers.
    Nowadays our noble trees give us humidity. Guanabanas, mangos, zapotes, guavas, oranges, lemons, papayas, bananas, etc., give us delicious flavors. Hens, rabbits, cows, bees, cohabit with us harmoniously and contribute much of our food. Extensive beds of biointensive crops shelter fresh vegetables.

    The dream begins to come true, and the family wants to share it. That is why it invites people with goodwill from all over the world to come and join the project with positive actions.

    El rancho que se ubica en La Caudalosa, pueblo ganadero situado a 40 minutos de Acayucan, viene trabajando en un sueño que muchos creyeron imposible cuando el terreno (pelado) fue adquirido en el año 2003 : reforestar, re enverdecer, llenar de arboles frutales y diversa vegetación toda el área, para atraer mas humedad, mas biodiversidad, y por consiguiente mas alimentos y abundancia para los pobladores.
    Hoy en dia , Pinos, jaracarandas, mulatos, cedros, Encinos entre otros nobles arboles nos brindan humedad. Guanabanas, mangos, zapotes, guayabas, naranjas, limones, papayas, plátanos, etc, nos regalan deliciosos sabores. Gallinas, conejos, vacas, abejas, cohabitan armoniosamente con nosotros y aportan gran parte de nuestra alimentación. Extensas camas de cultivos biointensivos albergan hortalizas frescas.

    El sueño comienzo a hacerse realidad, y la familia quiere compartirlo. Por eso invita a personas con buena voluntad de todo el mundo a que vengan a sumarse al proyecto con acciones positivas.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    DIY and building projects
    General Maintenance
    Farmstay help
    Help with Eco Projects
    Help around the house
    Animal Care
    Language practice
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Volunteers can experience pure Mexican culture, in a rural area, away from tourist places. In the village, the Mexican essence is kept alive.

    Los voluntarios pueden conocer la cultura mexicana pura, en una area rural, alejada de lugares turistios, En el pueblo se mantiene viva la escencia mexicana.

  • Help


    Requests: honesty and goodwill to work, as the family is not found during the week relies on volunteers and is usually open to you to propose personal projects. We believe it is more convenient for couples, or small groups. Opening hours Open and flexible, . Very advanced level of Spanish, people of the town practically have no contact with foreigners so you need to be respectful, humble and patient when it comes to living together. Don Fausto, is a hard worker who chambea hard all day at the ranch, does everything on the ground except sleeping, with him you can coordinate work, offer your help, dissolve concerns,

    Projects underway:

    COMPOST: After volunteers, they began a composting area. The land requires a lot of fertile substrate for vegetables and fruit trees. You can make hot composting, Fertilizer Fertilizer Type Bocashi, Biofertilizer anaerobic. It is a place for experimentation and learning.

    GARDEN FOR THE COMMUNITY: recently started a communal garden, for those neighbors who do not have much space on their land and want to have more crops. It is an excellent opportunity to help in the orchard, planting, preparing Biointensive beds, making irrigation canals, applying compost, watering and maintaining vegetables and especially relating to the community.

    WORKSHOPS AND PLACES FOR THE COMMUNITY: We look for people who can talk to the people about Ecology, Sustainability, Nature, or what you find interesting to share with the settlers.

    Future project:

    GUEST HOUSE: People who are knowledgeable in natural construction are looking for an Adobe brick home to host family, friends, volunteers.

    MANGO CONSERVATION: we want to conserve the huge amount of food we have in the mango harvest season (March-April) for the next few months. We ask people with knowledge of Construction of solar dryer, preparation of jellies, jams or duces, or other practical ideas of conservation.

    We hope you are part of this dream, to join forces, exchange ideas, share experiences, and work together on sustainable development to improve the quality of life of the community in La Caudalosa.

    Se Solicita: honestidad y buena voluntad para trabajar, como la familia no se encuentra durante la semana confía en los voluntarios y por lo general es abierta a que propongas proyectos personales. Creemos mas convenientes parejas, o pequeños grupos para retro motivarse en el desarrollo de las actividades. Predisposición horaria Abierta y flexible, Nivel muy avanzado de español, la gente del pueblo prácticamente no tiene contacto con extranjeros por lo que necesitas ser respetuoso, humilde y paciente a la hora de convivir. Don fausto, es un trabajador que chambea arduamente durante todo el dia en el rancho, hace de todo en el terreno excepto dormir, con el puedes coordinar trabajos, ofrecerle tu ayuda, disolver inquietudes,

    Proyectos en curso:

    COMPOSTA: Pasados voluntarios, iniciaron un area de compostaje. El terreno requiere de mucho sustrato fertil para hortalizas y frutales. puedes hacer compostajes calientes, Abonos Fermentados Tipo Bocashi, Biofertilizante anaerobicos. Es un lugar para la experimentación y el aprendizaje.

    HUERTO PARA LA COMUNIDAD: recientemente se inicio un huerto comunal, para aquellos vecinos que no cuenten con mucho espacio en sus terrenos y quieran tener mas cultivos. Es una excelente oportunidad para ayudar en el huerto, sembrar, preparar camas de cultivo Biointensivas, hacer canales de riego, aplicar composta, regar y mantener las hortalizas y sobre todo relacionarse con la comunidad.

    TALLERES Y PLATICAS PARA LA COMUNIDAD: Se buscan personas que puedan platicarle a los pobladores a cerca de Ecología, Sustentabilidad, Naturaleza, o lo que te parezca interesante compartirle a los pobladores.

    Proyecto a futuro:

    CASA PARA HUÉSPEDES: Se busca a personas que tengan conocimientos en construcción natural para hacer una casa de ladrillos de Adobe para recibir a familiares, amigos, voluntarios.

    CONSERVACIÓN DE MANGO: queremos conservar la enorme cantidad de alimento que tenemos en la temporada de cosecha de mango (marzo-abril) para los próximos meses. solicitamos a personas con conocimientos de Construcción de secador solar, elaboración de jaleas, mermeladas o duces, u otras ideas practicas de conservación.

    Te esperamos a que seas parte de este sueño, a que sumemos fuerzas, troquemos ideas, compartamos experiencias, y trabajemos juntos en el desarrollo sustentable para mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad en La Caudalosa.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Spanish: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    Tengo una familia de 5 integrantes contamos con una propiedad en el campo y una en coatzacoalcos me interesa conocer nuevas culturas y que a su vez ellos aprendan nuevos idiomas

  • Accommodation


    It offers: a private room, camping area or hammocks. All meals (access to the kitchen to prepare your food), access to the pool. Usually the family is only at the ranch at the weekend and offers delicious typical meals for the volunteers and leaves in the refrigerator a great rest for the next few days. You can collect eggs, fruits, peas, some vegetables, species. It also offers a market with foods such as rice, beans, flour, biscuits or whatever the volunteers have.

    Se Ofrece: un cuarto privado, área de camping o hamacas. Todas las comidas (acceso a la cocina para que prepares tus alimentos), acceso a la alberca. Por lo general la familia solo esta en el rancho el fin de semana y ofrece exquisitas comidas típicas para los voluntarios y deja en el refrigerador un gran resto para los próximos días. Puedes colectar del terreno huevos, frutas, guisantes, algunas hortalizas, especies. También se ofrece un mercado con alimetos tales como arroz, frijoles, harinas, galletas o lo que tengan preferencia los voluntarios.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    This host has indicated that they love having digital nomads stay.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    This host has said they are willing to accept those travelling with a pet.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    5 horas al dia por 5 dias

Host ref number: 628835167252

Feedback (5)


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