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    Mein nächstes Reiseziel:

    Ireland - von Feb 2025 bis Dez 2025
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  • Beschreibung

    Hey, welcome to my profile.

    I'm Robin, from the Ancient city of Colchester in the South East of England. Since my first workaway experience in 2017 I've made a lifestyle out of travelling and either working or volunteering in different countries.

    I'm easy going, get along with people easily. Enjoy hearing other peoples stories and experiences as well as sharing my own.


    I've had some pretty incredible experiences during my time on workaway. I've fought forest fires, farmhouse fires, flash floods and angry street dogs (OK, to tell the truth I ran from the street dogs). I've seen some of the most incredible landscapes, met some of the kindest, most generous people. I've returned to some hosts 4+ times and have stayed for over a year with one, I've also left an unsuitable host within 2 days. I've had many teachers, a few mentors and more and more I'm finding myself having students and mentees of my own.

    The vast majority of my time spent volunteering is within the context of farms, homesteads, outdoor resorts or other similar places that need assistance with maintenance, landscaping, construction, renovations etc. This is the work I enjoy most and as I gain more skill I realise just how much I have left to learn.

    Thankfully learning is one of my primary drives and a rewarding experience. I try to be as valuable as I can to my host whilst soaking up knowledge. If I can take some ideas, knowledge or skill from one context and apply it in another then I'm a very happy man.

    I'm also happy when I'm used efficiently. When I'm put on a task that I'm well suited to, able to do a good job of and that I can be proud of then I'm satisfied.

    So for me the perfect host would give me a combination of jobs that I can already do well and some that are a bit outside of my comfort zone. I'm not beyond (seemingly) menial tasks. Some of my favourite things to do are to dig, shovel, rake, move heavy objects etc. I like to know the reason for such jobs. The design, the plan. If I see the bigger picture I can be much more efficient and take more initiative. This way in my spare time I can also do some research, watch some YouTube videos and get some extra knowledge on the topic. If I'm pointed in a direction and given an order without context then I can do that thing but expect me to be coming back to you in short order asking for the next task (I don't really like to work this way). If you have a list of things that need to be done - clean this, move that, shovel that, feed them - then give me the list and I can work through it more smoothly.

    I like to complete large 6 week long projects and I like the hit of completing 5 odd jobs in a day. Seeing progress and overcoming challenges motivate me. I can work to differing levels of precision. I know that often 'farmer jobs' need to be completed quickly, need to be functional and aesthetics are a second thought. I also know that customer facing work often has to be precise and aesthetically pleasing in order to give a good impression of the thing that it is representing. If you let me know how precise a job needs to be then I'll work towards that end. Oftentimes common sense and context give me the required level of precision but if there's a particular way you would like things done then just let me know.

    I'm interested in permaculture, natural building, restorations, renovations, regenerative agriculture....the list goes on.

    I'm fit and strong, like to exercise, hike (especially in mountains), kayak etc. In the last few years have put more of a focus on physical longevity and preparing my body before a solid day of labour.

    Whilst I love the embodied aspect of experiencing the world directly, I'm also interested in a range of more abstract topics such as psychology, culture, society, complex systems, geopolitics, philosophy and any other lens through which I can find greater richness in the world around me.

    OK, that's probably plenty about me. If you think I could help you then feel free to send a message my way. If I've messaged you then please respond. If you can't accept my proposal then no hard feelings and if you do then I promise you we'll get a ton of work done together.


    Have a good day,


  • Interessengebiete

    Film & Fernsehen
    Heimwerken & DIY
  • Sprachen

    Gesprochene Sprachen
    Englisch: Fließend

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  • Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann

    Interessiert mich:  

    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Betreuung von Tieren
    Tourismus / Gastgewerbe
    Karitative Arbeit

    Bereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden  

    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten
    Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
    Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
  • Was könntest du arbeiten?

    While I'm not a skilled tradesman in any particular field I am semi skilled in a few. I seek to be a jack of many trades and when I spot a principal that crosses the boundaries between different areas of understanding it lights me up.

    In pursuit of this and in order to augment the skills I've gained through experience I have recently completed a multi-skills course on carpentry, bricklaying, plumbing, plastering and painting/decorating.

    So, to give you an idea of the kind of things I've done in the past.....

    Lots of landscaping. I worked for 6 months as a greenkeeper on a golf course which involved lawn care on a large scale - mowing/strimming, seeding, fertilising, top dressing, turf repairs etc. Aside from that have dug out and landscaped paths, installed steps (stone and trail style), dry stone walls, completed lots of cut and fill jobs (by hand) to level areas and at this point land clearance is practically my middle name.

    I've done a load of farm maintenance. Installing and repairing gates, stock fencing, post and rail fencing, dug and built 3 shallow Wells, constructed a couple of polytunnels, completed lots of drainage jobs - French drains, waste pipes, guttering, installed a culvert, dug a leach field for a septic tank, located a long buried septic tank, basic diagnosis of septic tank issues (Inlet vs outlet issue, blockages, replaced old clay pipes, repaired damaged pipes) and I've done a little bit of irrigation work too.

    I've done some forestry. Felled medium size trees with a chainsaw and small trees with axes and handsaws, I've been the 2nd man in forestry work with larger trees countless times - loading and stacking logs, clearing areas etc. I can cross cut with a chainsaw no problem and have plenty of practice splitting logs by hand and with splitter. I have also done a bit of milling with both an alaskan saw mill and a logosol (a similar kind of portable chainsaw saw mill).

    I've done a lot of rough/framing carpentry work, building a large firewood shed, a rough wood roundhouse, a couple of compost toilets, an outdoor shower, stud walls (internal and external), sheds, chicken enclosures, pergolas etc. At this point, if I know what materials are available and what the requirements are, then it should be no issue to design and build these kinds of structures for you.

    Some agricultural work. I'm mostly involved in the preparation side of things. Broadforking, tilling, getting beds ready for planting. I have done some planting - asparagus, onions, garlic etc. I'm ok working with annuals, however, if you are designing and implementing a perennial garden, food forest or something along those lines then I'd be really interested in helping out. I've also done some work helping to maintain a vineyard.

    I've done a bit of masonry. Quite a lot of work with concrete, repointed stone walls with lime mortar, cob rendering, tiled floors and roofs and I can put up/take down scaffolding and acrow props.

    A bit of painting/decorating. Lime plaster/wash, basic painting, treating wood. I get some satisfaction from taking something old and dilapidated and making it look nice and new.

    I've got a load of experience with dogs and some with other animals ducks, chickens, bees, pigs, geese, sheep.

    I would love to get more experience with a broader variety of livestock and to understand this aspect of farmwork to greater depth.

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