Claire & Thierry

  • Frankreich & Niederlande
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Good Workawayer
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  • Reiseinformationen

    Wir sind gerade

    zu Hause

    Tätigkeiten, die uns interessieren:

    Baby sitting & Child care, animal caring , gardening, cooking, yoga , Art project

    Unser nächstes Reiseziel:

    Catalunya, Spain - von Feb 2024 bis Mär 2025
    Alle anzeigen
  • Beschreibung

    Edit: We’ve found a first host to welcome us in the south of Portugal until around December 16th, and we’ll be available for a new adventure starting from that date!

    ✨️Hey there!✨️

    We’re a French-Dutch trio: Solal (born 2023, Apprentice walker, animal lover, joy-maker and cuddle expert'), Thierry (1992, everyday life singer, amazing cook, and part-time clown—always smiling! ), and Claire (1992, dragon hearted treehugger and enthousiastic goat milker). Since January 2022, we’ve been living in central France with our tiny but big hearted curly one.

    We’re packing our bags and hitting the road for Spain and Portugal from mid-November 2024 until March 2025. We're on the hunt for places where we can reconnect with nature, make valuable (and potentially long lasting) connections with people, learn, share and co-operate, hang out with animals, and let Solal make some new tiny human and animal friends .

    We’re ready to roll up our sleeves and volunteer as a family, and we’re flexible! Depending on the project, we can contribute financially for food costs since we might not always be able to do 5 hours of volunteering per day (because, you know, parent life).

    ✨️About Thierry ✨️

    ⭐Hi, I’m Thierry, 32 years old. I’ve spent most of my adult life living in a small commune in a tiny house cluster in a park in Amsterdam. We focused on hosting events like zero-waste dinners (veggie cooking with produce that didn’t quite make the cut for supermarkets), arthouse cinema, ‘DIY hot-tub nights on wood stoves,’ and we created a breeding ground for emerging talent in music, literature, and performance, including circus and dance. I also spent a considerable amount of time (mostly failing) trying to set up a large permaculture garden (slugs… so many slugs!).
    ⭐I’ve got plenty of experience working in hospitality, from being a barista, bartender, waiter, and runner to working as a mover—I'm definitely not afraid to roll up my sleeves. I love singing, dancing, philosophizing, yoga, and meditation (although the latter has been on the back burner recently), world politics, music, nature, long walks, and swimming. I enjoy sports too, though I’ve been slacking a bit in that department lately. Oh, and I’m absolutely crazy about animals and people—a real social butterfly.
    ⭐I’d love to dive deeper into permaculture, the circular economy, positive parenting, meditation, yoga, and massage—I’m really looking to get back into living a more conscious life.
    ⭐I can also teach judo (black belt), I’ve got experience in Thai massage, and I’m pretty well-versed in global politics and news. People tell me I’m a decent cook (as long as it’s for a reasonably sized group). I enjoy writing, reading, and drawing, though those hobbies have taken a bit of a back seat lately. I’ve also dabbled in Osho active meditations, and have even led some sessions in a few styles.

    ✨️ About Claire ✨️

    🌺 I am Claire, curious chatty 31 year-old French artist
    I started my workaway-life in June 2019 in Dave & Eli's farm ( Serra da Estrela, Portugal), helping them with goats and guests , having a really good time !! So far I came back 3 times to give a hand to this amazing family
    🌺 From November 2019 to August 2020 I was living off grid at Tomorrow Land (Portugal, Castelo Branco) in a little cute wood cabin, growing some vegs and improving the place . I was involved in cob building, gardening, wood process, decorating, art project...
    🌺 During 2021 I was living in a spiritual community in the center of France and was involved in different activities: gardening, harvesting, cooking, cleaning, welcoming guests, organising the volunteer program and having a role of mediator, leading women and mixt circles and session of art therapy ...
    🌺 In an other life, I used to be an administrative and commercial assistant in a communication agency and different others places. I also used to work at the welcoming desk of a Tourist Office , as a kitchen help for few restaurants, as a beautician ( I was doing massage - it s still one of my interest) and I also used to take care of children of various ages.
    🌺My hobbies: creating art, forest bath, yin / hatha / bakthi yoga , intuitive dance, sharing circle, vedic astrology
    I like to meet new people, I am often in a very social mood but I also need quiet moments to meditate, read or create. I like to work as a team or in autonomy, organize, adapt, understand, learn, transmit. I love sincere relationships above all.

    Thank you for reading our profil 🌈

  • Interessengebiete

    Politik & Soziales
    Karitative Arbeiten
    Darstellende Künste
    Kunst & Design
    Events & Sozialleben
    Kochen & Backen
    Vegetarier / Veganer
    Yoga / Wellness
    Zeichnen & Malen
  • Sprachen

    Gesprochene Sprachen
    Englisch: Fließend
    Französisch: Fließend
    Niederländisch: Fließend
    Deutsch: Grundkenntnisse
    Italienisch: Grundkenntnisse

    Mehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
    Dieser Workawayer gibt an, dass er/sie dir gern seine/ihre Sprache(n) beibringen oder selbst eine neue Sprache lernen würde. Bitte wende dich direkt an ihn/sie, um Einzelheiten zu besprechen.

    Einen Sprachpartner finden

  • Bereiche, die uns interessieren oder in denen wir anderen etwas beibringen können

    Interessiert uns:  

    Karitative Arbeit
    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten

    Bereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden  

    Babysitten und Kinderbetreuung
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
    Betreuung von Tieren
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten

    In der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:  

    Tourismus / Gastgewerbe
    Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
  • Was könntest du arbeiten?

    We can help by taking care of children , animals and plants, gardening, cooking, housekeeping , building , art project, giving workshops about various topics, teaching different languages ...
    In general, we are good at interacting with people and we adapt easily to new situations and work. we are always ready to learn!

  • Alter

    32 & 32

  • Etwas mehr Information

    • Raucher

    • Führerschein

    • Allergien

    • Spezielle Ernährung
      we don't eat meat



