
  • Argentinien
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Super Workawayer
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  • Reiseinformationen

    Ich bin gerade

    unterwegs auf Reisen

    Mein nächstes Reiseziel:

    Spain - von Mär 2023 bis Dez 2025
    Alle anzeigen
  • Beschreibung

    Update: Living in Ibiza for a while now.
    Hello! Hola!

    This is me, Yasmín. Also known as Magda in the recent years from my artist name.
    Thank you for reading this long-story-short, hopefully it will entertain you.

    I was born in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Already 34 years on this planet. I was lucky to visit more than 30 different cultures by myself and to know other cultures while living abroad. I come with stories from my trips and a set of different skills, a bunch of optimism and a huge love for animals.

    If you follow human design, I'm a splenic projector 4/6 and if you follow astrology, I'm Virgo, asc in Pisces and moon in Aquarius.

    Amongst other things, I’m a dreamer and I believe that a few people doing things for this world will bring awareness to the collective. Please, keep planting seeds, raising kids with love for humanity, nature and animals, educating your community and helping others.
    That's one of my biggest motivations in life: make an impact, for the good. With empathy and kindness, understanding that we are all unique, grown up in different settings and we keep learning in our way through life.

    A few things you may be interested to know about me:
    I’m an easy going human, honest, always looking at the glass half full in life. I observe instead of react, I’m curious like a child and I enjoy getting to know humans and their life stories. I’m available for small talks and you will catch my full attention for a deep conversation. I like to hear stories. On the other side, I fully enjoy moments in silence and honour the time I can spend by myself. Is the way I recharge my energy to be later available for human interaction and give the best of me to others.
    I like to think that in this world of 8 billion of people, for a bigger reason that we don’t know (yet) our lives will cross paths to interact and co-create some synergy that will take any shape or go back to the cosmos.
    I believe in circular economy, permaculture and alternative ways of living. I'm more than happy to participate and learn in related projects.
    I'm into reduce/reuse/recycle, I only buy from time to time second hand clothes, or even better: swap clothes with others. I always try to ask myself if I really need it.
    I only use products that are biodegradable, vegan and eco-certified (soap, shampoo, sunscreen etc).
    I have taken a cold shower very often since 1st of January 2021. I practise Wim Hof breathing, journaling, meditation and I love to swim all year if possible, dance and walk in nature. I’m a big fan of listening podcasts about neuroscience, biohacking, ecology, nutrition, psychology, self awareness and spirituality.
    I love to hug trees, dogs and horses. Probably other animals too if they let me hug them.
    I had been doing volunteer exchange on and off for already for 10 years. It gave me the resilience to understand and empathise in many different settings.
    I was interviewed for a podcast called “historias que molestan” (sorry, only in Spanish available) where I spoke about all my experience and why volunteer exchange is an alternative way to escape the city trap, also a way of activism.
    If you wanna listen copy/past the link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5k5NmZDXcL88ykF1rIXnBl?si=19f804fa316f4d28

    Finally: I’m using this platform to connect with future-new-friends-to-be hosts or my soul family, get to know other ways of living, gain experience through permaculture-garden projects, maybe find a new way to earn money, plant my seed as an alternative nanny to your kids (I believe in them as the future game-changers in this world and the moment to influence them is now), bring a different point of view as I’m constantly asking questions, researching and taking the time to educate myself, also exploring the endless possibilities to make an good impact in small and big scale.

    Thank you for reading, hopefully we will meet soon!

    With love and curiosity,


    PS: in *What skills do you have?* section, you can follow all my work experience and skills that I can bring to the table.
    PS1: in *what else* section, you can follow other projects and my experiences doing exchange outside of the workaway platform.

  • Interessengebiete

    Segeln / Boote
    Vegetarier / Veganer
    Yoga / Wellness
    Events & Sozialleben
    Zeichnen & Malen
    Heimwerken & DIY
    Karitative Arbeiten
    Kochen & Backen
    Kunst & Design
  • Gesprochene Sprachen

    Englisch: Fließend
    Spanisch: Fließend
    Portugiesisch: Gute Kenntnisse

  • Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann

    Interessiert mich:  

    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Babysitten und Kinderbetreuung
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten
    Betreuung von Tieren
    Tourismus / Gastgewerbe

    Bereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden  

    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
    Karitative Arbeit
    Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
  • Was könntest du arbeiten?

    Recent work experience:
    January- June 2024: I worked as a forest educator in an alternative forest school located in Ibiza, with 12 little humans from 1,5 y/o up to 5 y/o. Beautiful and intense experience. We were holding space for them to explore, learn, play in different settings.

    August 2022, I worked in a Pilgrims albergue (a kind of hostel) in Galicia where I assisted in
    different tasks: housekeeping, reception, serving dinner, laundry, attending the bar, shopping.

    April 2022, I worked as an English-Spanish translator for the national Danish Kayak team in Castrelo de Miño, Galicia. I was the bridge to make communication smooth while they were staying for 3 weeks.

    I've been working as a user operations specialist and team leader for a Start Up in the field of urban mobility in Sweden (2018-2020)
    Everything related to give support to users, troubleshooting, daily assistance in operations across Europe to different stakeholders.

    I've been working as language tutor for kids and adults in Spanish-English, practicing the language through games, books and activities, also in English.

    In Germany (2017-2018), I worked freelance as house cleaner, also as babysitter.

    I've been working as a Restaurant Manager (2016-2017), organising events, contacting suppliers, designing menus, changing decoration, interviews, waitress, helping in the kitchen, cashier, etc)

    I've been working as a Store Manager and sales lead (2008-2012) everything related to sales, inventory, cashier, closing balances at the end of the month, organice schedule for workers, interviews, exhibition of products etc.

    I've been working as receptionist for an hotel (2012-2013 / 2015-2016) managing bookings, cashier, designing housekeeping shifts, contacting suppliers, creating social media content, socialising with guests etc.

    I've been working as a waitress in a Luxury Ecolodge (2014-2015) preparing tables for 5 courses menu, following protocols.

    What else?
    I can create content and update any social media ( FB, IG, Google, Linkedin)
    Write an article/post/blog in English and Spanish.
    Language exchange in Spanish, English and Portuguese (last one a bit rusty)
    Household chores.
    Help with garden (permaculture)
    Handy stuff.
    Dj and music curator for events.
    Organice an event.
    Help with decoration.
    Recycle, reuse, reduce.
    Facilitate in any kind of event, holding a space.

    I'm easy going on learning and following process, I'm happy to learn new skills and new things!

    Back in Argentina, I studied for mountain guide so I have knowledge in guiding groups, technical knowledge about materials and equipment, psychology applied to groups, transit in different terrains.

  • Alter


  • Was noch ...

    -I enjoy playing music as a DJ in different events.
    -I was a facilitator for a sober dance event in Stockholm called "Free Flow" for a NGO called Noden. The best of it is: no talks on the dance floor and no pictures and videos.
    I'm part of a collective called Tanz Oaze. Our mission is to bring silliness into the dance floor with amazing deco, fresh vibes and we book the best electronic scene artists from all over the world.
    -Ping me for music events, decoration, holding spaces as facilitator.
    If you are a producer-dj- or music lover, let's share time enjoying the music connection, because Music belongs to every HUMAN.

    I believe that sharing is caring and that’s a big reason why I like to do volunteer exchange instead of spend 8-9hs sitting on a chair, working for a corporation. In my opinion, nothing replaces the wonderful feeling of connection with the earth, animals and human beings in a level where no one can set a price to time spent with a good and honest intention.

    Before I discovered Workaway in 2017 as an exchange platform, I was already doing volunteer exchange by my own: 
-From March 2013 until September 2014 in Bariloche, Patagonia I housesit a lovely dog and cat.
    -In September 2014 I moved to an Ecolodge to work as a waitress and also did housesitting, petsitting (this time horses included) and I helped with the indoor and outdoor garden. 

    -In June 2017 I went to Europe, this time using Workaway. I did a language exchange with a lovely german family in Frankfurt.
    -From August 2017 until June 2018 I did an exchange with a half Spanish-half German family in Munich, Germany. I took care of Thiago (3 y/o) and Luna (9 months). As their babysitter, I had a lot of fun and they adopted me as part of their family.
    -In August 2018 I did an exchange with a photographer in Stockholm, helping him to scan and digitalice thousand of photos taken from 1968 to 1998 and created archives with those memories.
    -In April 2020 until August, I did an exchange with a friend, helping to keep the apartment clean and tidy, take the dog for walks and cook healthy meals for us.
    -In mid December 2020 until the end of January 2021 I was volunteering in a small village close to Östersund, north of Sweden. I helped to clean snow, walking the dogs, cooking meals, organising the house, decluttering, cleaning deeply some spaces.
    -September 2021-April 2022 I helped to kickstart an Art residency in Galicia. Tasks involved: cleaning, painting, cooking, gardening, decorating and organising spaces, art projects and social media.
    April 2022-September 2022 I helped a friend in his permaculture project in Galicia. Tasks involved: cutting the grass, weeding, collecting seeds, plant nursery, water irrigation, compost wilding, raising beds, water collection, harvesting, dog-sitting, planting trees and pruning.

  • Etwas mehr Information

    • Raucher

    • Führerschein

    • Allergien

    • Spezielle Ernährung
      Low gluten and dairy intake for health reasons. I'd love to help cooking healthy, tasty and nutritious food!



