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France - von Dez 2024 bis Dez 2025 Alle anzeigenBeschreibung
Sara here! Originally from Barcelona, Spain
After I graduated, I spent most of my time working. Once I reached those things I was supposed to achieve to have a 'successful' life, like stability and money, I realised I was not fulfilled.
Eventually, I decided to follow my intuition, be true to myself, and live the life I always wanted to live. Living a simple, light, and minimal life. Volunteering, helping in meaningful projects, and traveling. I decided to take this step and look for alternative ways of living, learning new skills, getting inspired by others, and connecting with other open-minded people. So far, I think it was the best decision I have ever made in my life.
That took me to travel in different countries like Australia, and Canada where I had the experience to expand my skills as a cook. But also in a wide variety of fields as carpenter and yoga teacher.
I am a curious and creative mind looking to learn, interested in many different fields. Concerned with climate change, and sustainability, and really passionate about sports. When I was kid I sailed for several years and lately I have been swimming, running, cycling, hiking, but I am always trying new sports. I got a Kayak Level 1 certificate in Canada and a 200hr Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. I did a lot of bike-packing trips too. (I build up my own bicycle learning from youtube videos)
I always try to stay positive and take things with humor. I like to socialize, enjoy meaningful conversations, and laugh but I also enjoy spending time on my own. I am drawn to anything challenging, and meaningful. I am a kind and quiet, an early bird, and overall healthy person. Looking to improve my surfer and climber skills :)
I have a bachelor degree in Design, and MA in Cinema and Contemporary Audiovisual. I am a creative person, I am good at storytelling and have a lot of imagination.
For the following years, I wish to expand my cooking, carpentry, sustainable building, and gardening skills. Nurture myself from different experiences, have meaningful exchanges and connections.
GärtnernTischlerarbeitenWintersportMannschaftssportartenGartenarbeitenFitnessArchitekturTiereYoga / WellnessWassersportTechnikNachhaltigkeitSelbstentwicklungOutdoor-AktivitätenNaturMusikFilm & FernsehenGebirgeSprachenWandernZeichnen & MalenHeimwerken & DIYRadfahrenKulturKochen & BackenCampingKunst & DesignErlebnissportartenSprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Catalan: Fließend
Englisch: Fließend
Spanisch: Fließend
Italienisch: Gute Kenntnisse
Französisch: GrundkenntnisseMehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
Dieser Workawayer gibt an, dass er/sie dir gern seine/ihre Sprache(n) beibringen oder selbst eine neue Sprache lernen würde. Bitte wende dich direkt an ihn/sie, um Einzelheiten zu besprechen.Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
ÖkoprojekteHeimwerker- und BauarbeitenKaritative ArbeitGartenarbeitenBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
KunstprojekteSprachenZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieTourismus / GastgewerbeIn der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
Hilfe mit Computer /InternetWas könntest du arbeiten?
I am a graphic designer, storyteller, illustrator, motion graphic artist, animator and video editor. Overall, I am a multidisciplinary digital content creator.
Here is my site in case you want to know more:
As I practice a lot of sports I am a good fit, I would like to help with activities that involve staying active.Alter
Etwas mehr Information
NoSpezielle Ernährung
Apart from a few daily routines, Sara mostly helped us creating new syntropic agroforestry lines on our property, which she did wonderfully. And she´s not afraid to do any type of job: loosening up soil with a pick axe, planting many plants, as well as mulching after chopping up… read more
El trabajo es sencillo y agradable, lo que me permitió… read more
The Yukon is a really special place, really worth to… read more
Apart from a few daily routines, Sara mostly helped us creating new syntropic agroforestry lines on our property, which she did wonderfully. And she´s not afraid to do any type of job: loosening up soil with a pick axe, planting many plants, as well as mulching after chopping up… read more
El trabajo es sencillo y agradable, lo que me permitió… read more
The Yukon is a really special place, really worth to… read more
My stay with Dana was for 6 days, and then I came back for a couple more days. Our communication was always clear, the food is organic, and good quality.
Dana is really organised, she… read more