Ich bin gerade
zu Hause
Tätigkeiten, die mich interessieren:
Interested in: Traditionally churning butter, cheesemaking, carpentry, self-sufficiency .
I would love to learn more about Raw Milk and its processing into byproducts like cream, butter, cheese etc.Mein nächstes Reiseziel:
Switzerland - von Dez 2024 bis Dez 2025 Alle anzeigenBeschreibung name is Ferhat and I'm currently 21 years old.
I'm always open for farm-work and especially work that is linked with dairy and dairy animals.
Interested in: Traditionally churning butter, cheesemaking, hunting, carpentry, woodworking,
I would love to learn more about Raw Milk and its processing into byproducts like cream, butter, cheese etc.
Whoever I will meet next I promise You that as a helper I will do my best to help you in every matter with my dedication, motivation and discipline!
I'm on my way to learn as much as possible in the fields farming, handcrafts and in general about living autarkic because in the future I want to live self-sufficient as much as possible myself. Currently I'm doing an apprenticeship as a Carpenter in Germany.
In relation to my environment, I'm more of someone who would like to live in the countryside.Interessengebiete
TischlerarbeitenTechnikKulturGeschichteGärtnernArchitekturWandernNachhaltigkeitStrandMannschaftssportartenGebirgeGartenarbeitenSelbstentwicklungHeimwerken & DIYFitnessSprachenOutdoor-AktivitätenRadfahrenYoga / WellnessNaturFarmarbeitTiereSprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Deutsch: Fließend
Englisch: Fließend
Französisch: Gute Kenntnisse
Kurdish: Gute KenntnisseMehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
I would love to learn more languages, I could teach you German, English, French and Kurdish :)Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Bereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
In der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
Betreuung von Tieren
Handwerkliche Arbeiten
Was könntest du arbeiten?
- Good knowledge about gardening
- Some knowledge about DIY and construction things, which by the way I'm very interested in
- Knowledge about farm work and animals. I have experience in milking cows and taking care of them
- I have been working with handicapped and disabled people such as doing medical trips for the German Red CrossAlter
Was noch ...
I don't drink alcohol, smoke, party or take any drugs to me. I never had the desire to do so.
Health and having a healthy mindset such as keeping my highest awareness are very important to me!Etwas mehr Information
Spezielle Ernährung
Animal Based Diet
I‘ve spend about 4 months at this lovely place which I want to call home if you allow me. Since the first day I felt being part of the family due to their great hospitality.
The main work consists of milking the cows and in general taking care about the animals. However the work never gets boring and every… read more
Even though we stayed for a short time at Their place, we truly enjoyed every little of it. The guesthouse that was available to us was more than beautiful with incredible views… read more
Ferhat: We hope to see you again. All the best wishes from Dear and Jeppe.
Jeppe is a SUPER intelligent and good-hearted person as well as… read more
I‘ve spend about 4 months at this lovely place which I want to call home if you allow me. Since the first day I felt being part of the family due to their great hospitality.
The main work consists of milking the cows and in general taking care about the animals. However the work never gets boring and every… read more
Even though we stayed for a short time at Their place, we truly enjoyed every little of it. The guesthouse that was available to us was more than beautiful with incredible views… read more
Ferhat: We hope to see you again. All the best wishes from Dear and Jeppe.
Jeppe is a SUPER intelligent and good-hearted person as well as… read more