
Immerse in co-creation of healthy alternatives, simplicity, truth and kindness on the island of Cretè, Greece



 Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer:  Keine Vorgaben



  • Beschreibung


    In a world where disconnection has become the norm, we are developing a new paradigm: a Community where sense meets dense; where Care meets the Other; where Home meets the Land.

    We’re establishing a center that embodies therapy, art, permaculture, ethics, leadership, and changemaking alternatives. This is not just about individual growth; it’s about collective transformation. Think eco/zero waste festival - but permanent.

    Perhaps you too are ready to be part of the pioneering and join in co-creation?
    Let's find out if that's the case - because interest alone won't be enough...

    That is why we're currently looking only for other motivated Change-Makers that align, resonate and already embody (with) foundational elements mentioned on this long description.

    IMPORTANT: ✅ Our only request: 🙏

    PLEASE take ⌚30 minutes to read this whole page BEFORE messaging (continue scrolling until the bottom because we've done a lot in order to answer and display information) .
    We will template-decline applicants who clearly didn't intentionally apply and fulfill the requirement-questions listed at the bottom of this page.

    Let's be Thoughtful about each other's energy!😊

    Dear Other, (Care/Home/Land seeker) – if you:
    ® are ready to both Listen and be Heard while we take harmonious turns at it;

    ® are comfortable with your own self and NOT indulging in distractions from being in your conscious power. Numbing/high risk behaviors or substances does not appeal to you because you understand their functionality as a destructive solution and rather Choose a Holistic & Loving path, honoring your mind, spirit and body as well as those of others;

    ®are CHALLENGIG the Addictive (programs) ways/habits/automated actions ( for example smoking, drinking alcohol/coffee OR any substance / behavioral dependency ). You dedicate towards mindfulness, tenderness: both yours and that of others: Basically, say NO to drugs & PLEDGE to be sober: (yes, tobacco, coffee and any substance/behavior that you need/crave/can't go without regular use - counts as a drug)

    ® will find a way to hold/create safe space and communicate perspectives and observations in a constructive way.

    ® think in terms of US ( and not I );
    are conscious & inclined towards regenerative, sustainable ways to co-exist with others, nature and the environment around; You are Considerate;

    ® identified the silly, sickening ways of the mass consumer mindset & want to build alternatives for the whole spectrum of actions and being;

    ® resonate with concepts like: (semi)nomadic, hitch hiking, walking, cycling, DIY, counter-consumerism, non-violence, waste prevention and natural products. You avoid packaging as much as possible and try to limit your trash/waste generating plus - you're ready to handle it yourself;

    ® go for SLOW travel and purposeful connection;

    ® are ready to be present in yourself and switch to either idle or offline, limiting your digital time - otherwise used for research/study. Technology will be used only in designated spaces - thus - assuring a peaceful and more natural kind of environment and inspire others to 'have to' go to a certain place for using such tools.

    ® are a seeking mind, knowing that action in alignment with values & common sense – will deliver fulfillment which is Superior to happiness.

    We are here to CHALLENGE vices, consumerism, comfort, dependencies & think of health, PREVENTION, gentleness and togetherness.

    If you're UNquestioning reality & the general systems and support a limited/closed/fixed take on life; if you're fancy, cozy, EGOdriven, unconsciously consuming, substance/behavior dependent, and not dedicated to seriously change these aspects -then - this place is NOT for you, and you'll save time by NOT reading further!



    The place and approach is that of an extended 'family' that comes together around three main elements: ✨ Care, home, land✨

    We focus on connecting with people who like to approach Life LITERALLY & this three words are concepts we draw inspiration from.

    For those interested in an exchange or activity co-operative/tribe building - this is more than a general workaway experience and will NOT accommodate touristic visits:

    Keep in mind: this project is in EARLY days, and even though the concept was designed a couple months ago, I myself am in this place since November. However, I've been designing this project and travelling to this point of creation - my whole Life & started to design its blueprints more actively around 8 years ago...

    THE SPACE: 🎪

    Currently we got a safe base of operations: a caravan - which is definitely NOT optimal but enables us to get together with dedicated and passionate souls who are ready to take on a challenging project, in its very incipient stage.
    We are restructuring and working towards achieving a new place.
    You must be ready on the wild side and like challenges.
    This stage is about building a core team that will focus on co-creating products, do research, pioneer, co-live and focus on roots establishment.

    (Liited) WiFi, electricity, toilets, shower, water.

    SLEEPING: 😴💤
    One campervan that can squeeze 4 people.
    Space to park your van too. Be ready to share the space.

    The city of Moires is close: ~4km - central bus station is there.

    20km to the Sea/Beach!!! ⛱️
    12 km to Tymbaki
    45km to Heraklion

    THE PLAN: 📜

    'COME AROUND AND JUST DO IT!' (Olivia, 2025)
    Be part of it!

    We envision a place - a bit like a Festival-Home that keeps on keeping on... an Oasis with medicinal plants/herbs, fruit trees, and veggies of all sorts to be added/planted/cared for.
    Therapy, healing, meditation, workshops, jam sessions, dancing, yoga, stretching, hiking, small concerts, circles, gatherings and more!
    Feel free to insert your ideas here and we'll together make them come forth!

  • Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Karitative Arbeit
    Hilfe bei Ökoprojekten
    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Betreuung von Tieren
    Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
    Babysitten und Kinderbetreuung
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten
    Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
    House sitting
  • Interessengebiete


    Vegetarier / Veganer
    Zeichnen & Malen
    Heimwerken & DIY
    Kochen & Backen
    Kunst & Design
    Yoga / Wellness
    Segeln / Boote
  • Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Being around like minded people will be a juicy cultural exchange and learning opportunity;

    Additionally, English practice, arts, music, poetry, amazing photography (if you want memories through images or if you'd like a personal portfolio while flowing your art/performance - we would be interested to consider your project and application as we are passionate about photography and filmmaking.

    The intention of the place is to set the tone for a holistic and therapeutic feeling.
    A thriving inner & outer world.

    Flow is the driving essence - even though discipline comes in most cases with a bit of strictness, I believe we can organize our days and micro-plan activities and interests according to alignment and resonance.

    We can offer you conscious minds which will accompany you on the journey to your inner self and the world and our combined outer self. If you are interested in refining communication, inner work, harmony, clarity, developing your business, truth, relationships (of any kind), and the list can go on, my interest and experience is rather general and dynamic - it would be an honor to be a guiding companion for you.

    I can share Knowledge about alternative travel, hitch hiking, cycling and wild camping. I have been traveling for the last 10 years and I have done so mostly in alternative ways. It has been the best time of my Life and now I choose to travel through the minds, perspectives and connections I create, as I exhausted pretty much all curiosities of overland experiences and no longer represents an interest.

    👀 What else is here for you: 👀

    A chance to digitally detox.
    A chance to meditate and invite the new.
    A chance to build momentum and energy.
    A chance to enjoy all kind of alternative ideas and activities.

    A chance to accompany me on a day to an animal sanctuary and give me a hand with things as well as enjoying 22 cats, 33 donkeys, 4 dogs 👀
    I mean ...not necessarily give me a hand with the work itself, unless you want to, otherwise I'll introduce you to the animals and thennnn: good luck loving so many souls with only two hands, LOL 😂

  • Projekte mit Kindern

    Projekte mit Kindern

    Dieses Projekt schließt möglicherweise den Umgang mit Kindern ein. Mehr Informationen findest du in unseren Verhaltensregeln und Tipps hier.

  • Arbeit


    Practical and Gentle hands will always be welcome - as long as they are attached to conscious minds:

    Where we are now, it is definitely a challenging place in a rather unconventional setting:
    But you might be able to help: Let's manifest a better place together - while we gather at our 'meanwhile' base!


    Community Building & co-creation (even if it is on a remote basis for now): Land research and Greek speaking people are very important - so are any multiple language speakers that resonate with the project;

    Computer work, social media, podcast/film making, community building experience, research, grants, NGO/foundation, accounting, Law, social reach-out, editing, article writing.: if you have knowledge in these areas - please get in touch, so we can make a plan of action.

    We need PIONEERS: Creators and initiative takers, logistic geeks, internet benders, podcasters, filmmakers, writers, journalists, social-carers, networking magicians, multi linguists, designers, nomads, Yesmads:

    It's all experimental and we’ll be co-creating a sense of unity and community, host events, cook, organize hikes and (insert your ideas here) soon establish ourselves in a better location, as the current one it is more of a safe base to come together for short term meetings rather than to set roots - as the location does not allow it.

    This is an alternative Gig - that's for sure.
    We envision & build a place of Freedom and Expression - and you too - CAN play a part!

    Some activities that might happen here, as we are slowly tapping into the local and remote community of the island: babysit, eldersit, petsit, cook, organize jam sessions, circles, and you name it, so a lot of dynamism to be experienced here, for sure! On top of that, research, translation, applications, community products creation will be the main focus.

    Our place is a philosophy of Life that goes beyond theory 🙏
    It's up to each of us to build it 😊
    Remember key elements:🗝️ Care, Home, Land!

  • Gesprochene Sprachen

    Englisch: Fließend

  • Unterkunft


    A caravan which can squeeze 4 people.
    Room for parking a van or two

    FOOD: I can provide some but NOT all - unless involvement is very serious.
    We'll cook together and all contribute for food - unless some of us do not have an income - case in which the others will support it. HOWEVER - it is quite inexpensive - and the plan is coming Together to generate events and experiment as a mini tribe; to manifest by intention combined with action so that we will create abundance and enjoy the fruits of our activities😁Therefore - such expenses shall be covered completely by our doing.

    This is definitely NOT a place you go for a 'tour; or a 'holiday' - but - a place for you to come and create THE Permanent Holy-Day. Thus:
    We are NOT looking for tourists or shallow visits.
    We are looking for dedicated hands that want to join the movement.
    We are Change-makers.
    Are you one also?

    The project is pretty wild, but it's an Honest place that invites creativity, consciousness and an experimental open and creative mindset✨
    We're open for discussion, questions, ideas, interviews, any feedback 🙏
    We're NOT asking for any fee from Workawayers nor planning to!

    If you'd like to donate/support the cause, we can accommodate your contributions, in a number of ways: 🌊
    Physical: 🪃
    (travel) Bicycles, Musical instruments, Boomerangs, travel solar panels/external batteries, seeds, a mini camera tripod for recording purposes, a GoPro, a podcasting microphone, external storage like HDD/SSD's. Later, once a permanent Land has been achieved: plants, trees - especially ones you'd like to look after or come back to later in time;
    Metaphysical: 🌌
    Spread the word, tag, print, share your feedback, become an ambassador for this place, ask for more info and inspiration if you want to get involved and this place inspired you, so it can easily go further and spread inspiration! ✨

  • Was noch ...

    Was noch ...

    In an often silly 'mankind' world, I think it's up to us to find the proper vibe and 'roommates'.
    This Workaway entry is an extension/tool for the matching search:

    a bit like a Lighthouse🗼 for the seekers at sea who resonate and recognize the spectrum of Light and would like to come Home - and build additional accommodating rooms - if there's not enough of them yet;

    Meals cooked here will be either vegetarian or vegan, as our zero compromise approach towards creatures being killed and consumed.
    We treasure Life and all hardworking grinding species.


    In order to show how and why you would contribute to this project, please consider providing an informal and personal letter of intention and answer to the following, as we invite you to share about your passions, your needs, and your self - too!
    Please keep it simple and flowy, we're cool beams and we don't care for grammar checks. We only care about the message and energy being transmitted and understood!

    introduce yourself and tell us more about the journey of Life & Nature through your perspective:

    - What makes you feel fulfilled / grateful.
    - Where are you leading your Life? Why?
    - What's your approach to the guidelines and profile so far: critiques/feedback/inclinations
    - Are you a type of person/group that - needs a program/design - or - you are willing to contribute, be part of the 'tribe' and bring your initiative /curiosities forward?
    - State your intention, plans and exercise your imagination on what we might do together and where and what your contributions will be inclined towards, based on the 'Help Needed' section.

    We invite you to be part of building this project and to get in touch if you want to learn more! 💜

    Feel free to contribute to the feedback section of our Workaway Profile - so that others can see, learn and better understand through other experiences and perspectives - how this project looks/feels like.

  • Etwas mehr Information

    Etwas mehr Information

    • Internet Zugang

    • Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

      Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

    • Wir besitzen Tiere

    • Wir sind Raucher

    • Familien möglich

  • Kann Digital Nomads unterbringen

    Kann Digital Nomads unterbringen

    we are open to accommodate digital nomads - depending on the match and involvement in the project.

  • Platz zum Abstellen von Camper Vans

    Platz zum Abstellen von Camper Vans

    Dieser Gastgeber bietet Platz für Wohnmobile.

  • Hier sind Haustiere in der Regel willkommen

    Hier sind Haustiere in der Regel willkommen

    Only friendly and social creatures please. Problematic/hectic/harassing/dangerous behavior can't be allowed as there are cats and other dogs around

  • Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal

    Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal

    mehr als zwei

Gastgeber Ref-Nr.: 987915324431


Feedback (1)

Weitere Bilder

Das Bild zeigt ein kleines Wohnmobil, das auf einem Schotterplatz geparkt ist, mit einer Holzspule und einer Kühlbox in der Nähe, vor einem wolkenverhangenen Himmel.
Das Bild zeigt einen Mann in schwarzer Jacke und Hut, mit der Hand auf dem Kopf, vor einem wolkenverhangenen Himmel und einem großen Objekt hinter ihm.
Das Bild zeigt drei Personen, die an einem Holztisch sitzen, umgeben von einer Auswahl an Speisen und Getränken, in einer Außenumgebung.
Das Bild zeigt eine heitere Sonnenuntergangsszene mit der Silhouette einer Person, die inmitten von Wildblumen und einem Hügel im Vordergrund steht, vor einem leuchtenden Himmel.
Das Bild zeigt einen Mann und eine Frau, die in einem schwach beleuchteten Raum Schlagzeug spielen, wobei die Brust und die Arme des Mannes sichtbar sind und das Gesicht und der Oberkörper der Frau teilweise verdeckt sind.
Das Bild zeigt eine ruhige Landschaft mit einem mit Olivenbäumen bewachsenen Hügel, einem wolkenverhangenen Himmel und einem entfernten weißen Gebäude, das ein Gefühl von ländlicher Ruhe hervorruft.
Das Bild zeigt eine ruhige Landschaft mit einem Regenbogen, sanften Hügeln und einem wolkenverhangenen Himmel, mit einem Baumzweig im Vordergrund.


Learning new skills while petting our lovely animals at a small animal sanctuary in Aetos Messinias, Greece
Join the pioneering spirit and help us in nature on Corfu island, Greece.