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Hi! My name is Ralf. I worked as a human rights advocate for the most marginalized people, mostly in poor countries, for most of my life. I recently relocated to an amazing property in Palas de Rei, Galicia, where I am working on opening up a non-profit artist residency program. I just can't do it all, alone, and need help with preparing the place for the arrival of artists, social media related to the program, assisting the artists during their stay, maintenance of the garden and grounds, etc. I speak English, German, Italian, French and Spanish and am a 62-year-old gay man who values respect, honesty, openness and tolerance and is passionate about music and the arts in general.
Workawayers will have their own room and bathroom, outside the main house and the artist residence, and would benefit from a beautiful garden.
Palas de Rei is located on the Camino de Santiago, between Lugo and Santiago, and is very lively and full of caminantes from April to the end of October, but it is also threatened by a project to build a huge pulp factory, which would be an environmental disaster and destroy the way of life of many people in the center of Galicia. Workawayers would at a minimum be expected to engage with the challenges posed by the project and could actively participate in the movement that has built to fight the project.Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten
KunstprojekteSprachpraxisHilfe bei ÖkoprojektenGartenarbeitenHeimwerker- und BauarbeitenBetreuung von TierenZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieHausarbeitenHandwerkliche ArbeitenHilfe mit Computer /InternetInteressengebiete
SelbstentwicklungVideoaufnahmenPolitik & SozialesHaustiereLGBTQKulturKaritative ArbeitenStrandYoga / WellnessNaturFitnessDarstellende KünsteFotografieSprachenMusikGartenarbeitenTiereKunst & DesignUNO-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die dieser Gastgeber verfolgt
Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten
There will be many opportunities for cultural exchanges:
1. through contact with the artists from various countries and cultures (the first confirmed artists come from South Africa, Germany, Columbia, Canada, and the United States)
2. though involvement with the local and regional environmental activism
3. through engagement with people walking the Camino de Santiago, with new people arriving in the village every day
4. through discussions about the human rights work I've done and will continue to do
5. through active learning, through exchanges, about how to make the Workaway experience most useful, relevant, appropriate and fun as possible, with learnings by the host translating immediately into an even better experience for Workawayers.Arbeit
Depending on their skills, Workawayers could focus on one or several of the following tasks:
1. developing and/or maintaining a website and FB and Instagram page about the artist residency program and exploring and implementing other ways of communicating about the project and the artists involved; as part of this, taking photos and filming (semi-) professional videos;
2. developing relationships with local, regional, national and international organizations and agencies that the artist residency program could collaborate with;
3. exploring and pursuing funding opportunities;
4. supporting the artists in many different ways, from preparing their arrival to ensuring their needs are met while they are in residency, to follow-up to the residency;
5. developing or supporting events, such as, e.g., open house days at the residency itself, events in schools and universities or other spaces that "bring the artist and their work" into the local community;
6. helping maintain the garden and improving it by planting new plants and trees
7. helping with upkeep and maintenance of the entire grounds.Sprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Deutsch: Fließend
Englisch: Fließend
Französisch: Fließend
Italienisch: Fließend
Spanisch: Gute KenntnisseDieser Gastgeber bietet Sprachaustausch an
I'd be keen to continue learning Spanish and to start learning Portuguese, and to help Workawayers with the other languages I speak fluently.Unterkunft
Workawayers will stay in a small, but comfortable (and heated in winter) accommodation with its own bathroom, separate from the main house and from the artist residence, with its own entrance, adjacent to the main house.
They will have access to the kitchen in the main house, and will be expected to prepare their own meals or participate in the preparation of joint meals.Was noch ...
The house is a 25-minute walk from the village, or a 5-minute bike ride (on a public road, without bike path). A bike will be provided. Public transport is available in the village, with several options for trips to Santiago, Lugo, Coruna etc.
The main house rule is openness and respect and willingness to listen and learn, on both sides.Etwas mehr Information
Internet Zugang
Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang
Wir besitzen Tiere
Wir sind Raucher
Familien möglich
Kann Digital Nomads unterbringen
There are lots of opportunities for digital nomads to contribute to the activities that are needed.
Hier sind Haustiere in der Regel willkommen
Dogs may be accommodated, if they are respectful of cats :)
Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal
max 4 hours/5 days a week