
Enjoy a great experience in rural Southern Queensland, Australia

  • 67 “me gusta”
  • Última actividad : 19 oct 2024



 Estancia mínima:  Al menos 2 semanas



  • Descripción


    Please read the ENTIRE profile as it will most likely answer all your questions. ONLY messages with the key word at the start ( embedded in the profile somewhere) will even be considered.

    PLEASE CHECK THE DATES BELOW. ( we have helpers booked into the dates that aren't mentioned - so ONLY the dates listed below are available)

    Our availability is normally from mid January till late November. Please choose a TWO to THREE week time slot in our available dates.

    ( if a date isn't available - that means we have helpers booked in already)

    2024 Dates - 29 Nov - 13 Dec.

    2025 dates 10 Jan - 15 March , 10 Oct to 1 Dec

    2026 dates 15 Jan to 1 Dec

    Looking for a win/win situation with your next placement? Like to experience real Aussie hospitality, laughter and be part of a positive family?

    We are looking for volunteers and helpers who will be enriched by our lifestyle and those who are genuinely interested in lending a hand across a huge variety of rural based tasks. It can be dirty, cold or hot; but we try to make sure its always fun at the end. We want to do our best to advise you of where to find great places to visit in the district and make your placement what we hope will be one of the BEST you've had in Australia in exchange for your help with a variety of small projects and ongoing tasks. Please note that this is a volunteer position and no monetary exchange is either implied or stated.

    ONLY applications which mention our keyword will be considered. To get the keyword, you must read all of this profile. We do this because we have had alot of spam message and want to ensure you are a 'human' applicant. Please note that we are ONLY offering volunteer exchange and no paid work is ever offered nor implied. Please read our entire listing AND OUR AVAILABILITY DATES. No timewasters. Please, if you commit to a date with us, have the integrity to keep in contact with us and confirm your arrival. Its not only disappointing and inconvenient, but it's unprofessional and rude not to let us know or not to turn up.

    Who are we?

    An extended family living in two separate homes but who work together as a team. Annie and ( now grown up and at University) kids have travelled the world extensively and worked in a number of placements with as a helper both in Europe and in Australia. Annie is a special needs teacher and has worked as an ESL ( English as a Second Language) teacher - so is more than happy to help you out with some English ( and Aussie lingo) Del and Jim are true Aussie 'Salt of the Earth' farmers whose dry wit will catch you unawares but have you smiling all day.

    Where are we?

    Our mixed practice lifestyle farm is on the Granite Belt, in southern Queensland. Alot of your tasks will be with Annie on her 20 acres (with a few very spoilt milking cows and their calves, horses, a spoilt labrador and five crazy chooks) however this is shared with Del and Jim where you will assist on the larger property ( 10 mins away) which has fine wool sheep, a herd of 50 or so cattle and calves . Mustering is done on quad bikes or on foot. Don't panic - you will be taught how to ride the quad bikes! Currently, due to the past drought and then flooding and top this off with continued wild dog attacks on both sheep and cattle, we only run 200 high quality breeding ewes, with other mobs of prime lambs, wethers and rams.

    Annie works part time away from the property, so there will be a number of days that tasks that the helpers do independently and there will be also times that they work with Del or Jim.

    When do we need you?

    Our needs for helpers are mainly during the winter and cooler months - so from late Feb through till around early October / mid November. There are possibilities for assistance required outside of those time, but check with us first.

    Yearly Dates - availability is normally from the start of Feb till late November.

    We fill our diary FAST!!

    Note - this changes quickly - so please contact us about your specific dates as we have enquiries all the time and we will try our best to slot you in to suit your travel plans!

    Again, these dates will alter as helpers 'book in their dates with us', so please check your own travel dates and we can work something out that will suit everyone. Please, if you have committed to some dates, honour these or let us know if you are unable to come.

    Whats the tasks needed to be done?

    Every day on your placement will be different and take you to a different spot on the property for various jobs. There are outside jobs and there are inside jobs - there is always house cleaning, gardening and maintenance to be done!

    Roles are seasonal and task dependant and dependant on the skills of the helper. You might be mustering, helping with fences and repairs, shifting rocks for fences, tracks or roadways, digging holes for shade trees or fences, gardening back at the homestead, cleaning out the kitchen or sheds, sorting tools, cleaning, repairing and maintaining tools and machinery, assisting with a birth of a calf or lamb or helping with weed control in the pastures. You might be cleaning out the shearing shed ready for shearing and crutching times, helping pen up sheep, drafting cattle, assisting with the branding of calves or tailing lambs. While you may not directly be interacting with animals every day, every job and task done is about maintenance, security and care for our animals. (no, you don't get to pat lambs all day - again - you won't believe how many enquiries I get from helpers who only want to pat or brush animals all day) Please also note that 'farm' jobs do actually entail household tasks, gardening and the like. ( again - you wouldn't believe how many enquires I get asking just to do stock work. Our properties are very small compared to the commercial properties who DO stock work continuously )

    Who are you?

    You are enthusiastic and genuinely interested in experiencing a different side of Australia away from glittering lights and beaches. ( which, don't get me wrong - is beautiful!!)

    You are looking for a 2 or 3 or even 4 weeks long placement. ( Please don't ask for a few days or one single weeks placement - it really just mucks both of us around. We like to put time and training into our helpers to ensure they have a positive experience - and a week with us simply does not do anyone any justice. ) We like to keep everyone's options open with placements and don't like to promise longer than 4 weeks . 2 weeks is generally what most people like to commit to . We normally do a catch up after a week to ensure everyone is happy with the arrangements, workload, tasks etc. ...In saying all of this - that we have helpers here for months very often.

    Please, if you commit to a date with us, have the integrity to keep in contact with us and confirm your arrival. Its not only disappointing and inconvenient, but its unprofessional and rude not to let us know or not to turn up.

    Willing, flexible workers need only apply. A good grasp of English is required. Ensure you have your own sturdy boots, a wide brimmed hat, sunscreen and long sleeved shirts for work. Helpers will be carefully selected after considering their application letter, references from past host placements and good communication through either email or if possible, skype chats. You MUST have your own medical insurance ( most travel insurance covers hospital or medical visits - but please check)

    If you are the sort of helper who will lock themselves in their room and only appear for meal times, never bother to do the dishes or lift even their own plate up and to undertake exactly 4 hours of work on work days - STOP READING NOW. Please go to the next host listing and don't bother applying here. We are looking for people who want to be PART of the family, not a guest. We are looking for a cultural exchange where we can chat, find out about each others backgrounds, foods, interests etc. We want to involve you with our family outings and activities. As part of the family, you will be expected to help with meal time chores such as setting the table or washing up afterwards, basic personal cleaning such as cleaning your bathroom, chores which help all the family such as lighting the wood heater if the rest of the family is running late or bringing in the washing from the line. These things would not be considered part of your work hours - its called being part of a family setting; to do otherwise is being a privileged guest - which is not what this exchange is about.

    Placements available for either a single person, two single people/ friends or a couple. Accommodation is generally at Annies ( as she has the wifi!) However, dependent on the season and tasks, you may be accommodated with Del and Jim on the property as there may be early starts and its just easier for you to be there for that.

    We also prefer to host helpers who have references - if not within workaway, then independent references. When you contact us, give a short brief on yourself and your area of skills ( even if its that you are keen, fit, strong and willing to learn!).

    Please also note, you must have an Australian mobile phone number. We keep in contact around the property with our mobiles - its for safety as well. You can easily ( and cheaply) purchase a sim card from most supermarkets or petrol stations and load up credit. As soon as you get your aussie number, please sms me with it.

    From our description, you can see that you will need to be fit and healthy. You will need to have a level of endurance and strength. As much as we enjoy showing people our lifestyle and property, I need to stress that this is not a holiday camp and you will need to work for your keep. Helpers need to understand that this is a working farm with real life jobs and real tasks that must be done. In light of previous helpers experiences, and so that you can have the best experience, please, only apply if you:
    are willing to get up in the mornings ( early starts occasionally - usually summer and springtime start at 5 am)
    have a good level of endurance and fitness
    have some practical skills (you have actually weeded a garden, or used a hammer and nails, can wash up dishes,( knowing you use hot water and detergent - you won't believe how many helpers we have had who have never ever washed up a plate before!), can fold washing, know how to use a broom or a shovel.
    most importantly - have initiative! Think about the job - find solutions and ask questions if they are not sure.

    Smokers are welcome to apply, but note that we are not smokers and when you do have a cigarette, it must be taken well away from the house and your butts disposed of properly.

    Whats on offer?

    All meals and accommodation with good wifi ( if at Annies) in exchange for 24 hours a week. This is normally spread across either 5 or 6 days. (Don't freak out - its not a slave joint - plus - see the above section on other options for other hours) There is a fair bit of travel time included in this 24 hours as tasks can range all over the property - so its not like you will be working 'hard yakka' for 24 hours straight but rather you may be sitting in the ute getting to the next spot for up to 2 hours a day! Your hours may be done over the week ( 4 hours a day normally) - or even less days if you "bank hours" as work can go longer on some days. (dependant on tasks.)
    Work is defiantly not backbreaking or hard and we ensure we take breaks and have fun along the way.


    Meals are family orientated and shared, with meat mainly sourced from our own herds. We are meat eaters, so although supportive of various food and lifestyle choices, specific individual food requirements cannot be catered for. If cooking is your passion, we'd love you to take that on and although this is not normally counted as part of your worked hours, we are happy to negotiate.

    How do we get to you?
    Brisbane is the closest airport. Its about 3 hours drive away. However we cannot come and pick you up from the airport. You will need to organize your transport using Crisps Busline ( the only bus that goes to Stanthorpe) There are no buses on weekends and it only goes once a day during the week. I would strongly suggest if you are flying into Brisbane, to take a few days to explore the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast and all the lovely tourist attractions there, rest and then travel up to us. I will give you more details on how to get to us when we start to chat.

    How do you apply?

    Read all of the profile. Is it what you are looking for? Can you commit to 2 - 3 weeks with us? Have you checked the actual DATES we have available ( not just the colour coded calendar) Look on a map and see where we are - its Dalveen - near Stanthorpe. Can you comfortably get to us? ( I can send you info on buses)
    Use the key word as your first word in your application ( its at the bottom of the profile)
    Tell me what dates you are looking at ( 2 - 3 week span within the dates we have availability)
    Tell me what you hope to experience with us or can bring to our family as an experience?
    What are your passions?
    If you have an aussie phone number - include that.
    I'll get back to you within at least 1 - 2 days to chat further.

    Being part of the family - the Cultural exchange.

    As stated above - you will be part of our family when you stay, you will be expected to 'pull' your weight with daily household chores, such as washing up, hanging washing out and cleaning the table or floors after meal time. We are also happy if you want to cook for everyone as well. These sorts of things don't count as your 'worked hours'.

    Past helpers have taken days off to go camping ( Annie has some basic camping gear you can borrow) at Girraween National Park - a beautiful spot to visit, even for the afternoon. Annie loves to show our helpers around and loves to take them to the wineries and local sights.

    Our family is also very community minded and volunteer at a number of events and organisations for charity. We are generally pretty busy with some activity or another every week and at nights - so helpers need to keep this in mind - they are welcome to join us ( events are sometimes BBQs, theatre nights, community fairs) to assist, or they can stay at home while we are undergoing these activities.

    The "Real Aussie" rural experience

    This may be the "Real Australian" farm placement you are looking for! There is plenty of opportunity to see kangaroos, wallabys and parrots, with chances of seeing other wildlife including koalas, bandicoots, echidnas, waterdragons, platypus, quolls and an abundance of birdlife in their natural habitat.

    Along with all this beautiful nature comes the opportunity to experience our other "less appreciated" creatures. Please be aware that you may see snakes, spiders and other creepy crawlies.

    How do we get there?

    Dalveen can be reached easily by bus from Brisbane on Crisps Bus Line. There is a daily public transport bus into the local town to do shopping, but little other public transport available. If you want to do alot of sightseeing in your time off, a car is necessary.

    Photos on the profile here are of Del feeding cattle, Rusty the Kelpie, Jim and helper fixing cattle yards, a helpers bedroom, dawn from the verandah, Helpers relaxing at the local wineries and breweries, helpers assisting with mustering and sheep work. Our keyword is Rusty. Please use this in your title of your application.

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Práctica de idiomas
    Construcción y bricolaje
    Cuidado de animales
    Ayuda doméstica
    Mantenimiento general
  • Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de las NU
    Fin de la pobreza
    Hambre cero
    Salud y bienestar
    Educación de calidad
    Igualdad de género
    Agua limpia y saneamiento
    Energía asequible y no contaminante
    Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico
    Industria, innovación e infraestructura
    Reducción de las desigualdades
    Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
    Producción y consumo responsables
    Acción por el clima
    Vida submarina
    Vida de ecosistemas terrestres
    Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas
    Alianzas para lograr los objetivos
  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    We are a true Aussie family with strong ethics in fairness and 'having a go.' We believe in friendships and loyalty and helping others, regardless of their situation.

    Annie enjoys cooking and showing helpers Aussie styles of food, the slang and our way of life.

  • Ayuda


    Every day on your placement will be different and take you to a different spot on the property for various jobs. Roles are seasonal and task dependant and dependant on the skills of the helper. Outside and inside tasks including home maintenance and cleaning as well as farm work and gardening - all depends on the skills and talents of the helpers available.

    Work within Spring and Summer can begin around 5 am dependant on the task.You MUST be prepared to get up early for these seasons. If you are not a morning person or find it really hard to get up and be bright in the morning, then perhaps this placement may not suit you. We are very flexible with work days and building up hours for days off as we want you to enjoy your time in the district as well. Your own transport to see these places is best.

    All year round tasks involve herd and pasture maintenance - weed control and fence repair. Mowing, pruning trees and bushes and general gardening tasks is pretty constant as well.

    Seasonal tasks will include lambing patrol ( early morning/ late evenings while ewes lamb) and shearing ( we have professional shearers, but there are plenty of tasks to do while its shearing time)

    Specific current tasks involve deep clean of the house as its being overrun by spiderwebs, cleaning cupboards and floors, organisation of tool shed, pulling down old fences, carting rocks for fence repairs, weeding an overgrown garden, more weeding, replanting garden beds, building an extra chook yard and re - establishing a vegetable patch.

    Some building projects are waiting for specific helpers with this skill. These include building a chookshed, compost heaps, mini putt putt course and if you've ever made a pizza oven or can lend a hand making a BBQ area - let us know!

  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Inglés: Fluido

    Este anfitrión ofrece intercambio de idiomas
    We would love to learn Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish or Italian!

  • Alojamiento


    Currently we have rooms at both Annies home and space at Dels house. Annie has a private bedroom with a bunk bed int it for a single person or for two friends. At Dels there is a room which has a single bed and a double bed in it. Please note that there is high speed wifi at Annies, but at Dels there is NO wifi. If wifi is an issue - you are better staying with Annie - however, if you are looking for more animal farm work, you are best placed at Dels as they live on the farm itself. There will be a mix of work at both Annie and Dels wherever you stay. ( so you need to work out what is important to you)

    Wifi throughout the house and garden at Annies.

    3 meals a day ( you will be shown where breakfast things are so you can make y our own. Lunch sometimes is left overs microwaved to warm up or making yourself a sandwich)

    Dependant on where you are accommodated there is a full sized pool table for friendly games of snooker or pool, a PS4, Wii, games, a creek and a few dams with fish to catch and a BBQ area to relax in.

    Dalveen is a tiny, but friendly village with a post office that sells snacks and newspapers. We have a community run "pub/ bar" on a Friday night which sells an excellent, inexpensive two course meal and has an alcohol licence till 10.30pm. Its a great way to meet the colourful locals.

  • Algo más...

    Algo más...

    The Granite Belt is 2 hours drive from Brisbane and is Queensland's Wine Country, with wonderful wineries, breweries, gourmet delis and cafes in area. Good bushwalking National Parks in area with plenty of natural beauty. The Gold Coast and Byron Bay area are an easy day trip and worth going to while you are here. You will be encouraged to go and do the touristy things and be given flexibility with time off around the work to do this. Annie is happy to help you plan your larger trip around Australia with some great tips.

  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    We have had NBN for 9 years and its been both reliable and strong connection. We have unlimited data, however the speed is as fast as we can get in the rural sectors, so its not super dooper fast. Zoom, Skype and facetime is fine with no issues, but streaming movies can take a while as it buffers.

  • Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    We have parking space for a campervan or motorhome.

  • Podría aceptar mascotas

    Podría aceptar mascotas

    Sadly no pets can be accepted. We have an indoor/ outdoor dog and cat as well as chooks and cows. We are surrounded by sheep and horse farmers who do not appreciate wandering animals on their property. It would be cruel for you to have to tie your pet up 24/ 7 as it would not be expected that they could not resist wandering and exploring the environment.

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?


  • ...

    Horas esperadas

    4 hours a day, 5 days a week (Max. 24 hours/week)

Número de referencia de anfitrión: 284865214381

Comentarios (19)


Son opciones de calificación adicionales para cuando los miembros dejan sus comentarios. Se muestra la calificación media dejada en cada opción.

Precisión del perfil:

Intercambio cultural:


Help in our family home in Katoomba, Blue mountains, New South Wales, Australia
Assist in the regeneration of land and waterways, near Mullumbimby, Australia