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Be a playmate for my boys in Sodegaura, Japan

  • 201 “me gusta”
  • Última actividad : 13 sept 2024



 Estancia mínima:  Al menos 3 semanas



  • Descripción


    we are international-marriage family, who try to teach Spanish and English at same time.
    we are very happy and fun people and also fare, hard-working, active, motivated. and considerate family. loved by neighbors so much!.

    the problem is i(mother) is Japanese, so the boys always respond me in Japanese, to my English/Spanish talking. though they understand Spanish perfectly, and 70percent(?) English.
    ...im stressed out to tell them to answer me in Spanish/English all the time.. would you help me...TT
    my husband is Mexican, but he is typical salary-man(you know what it means? lol) he just absent mostly on weekday and my hometown is far far part.

    if someone is willing to help while you have your free time in the day time till4pm or 5pm, and you are free after 830pm again. after kids sleep.
    of course some days when you wanna go somewhere far, you can skip one day and another day you can cover for the absent day.
    weekend, mostly you are free, but i request to cook, or you cook other day beforehand.

    i start to feel like two person is better with your friend or family, because one of you guys can do things while the other one is doing something else. it's easier, thanks!!

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Práctica de idiomas
    Construcción y bricolaje
    Cocinar para toda la familia
    Ayuda doméstica
  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    we can tell you about japan from many directions cuz we have unique background.
    i know well about Japanese food ingredient and im very happy to share with you. though im not very good chef, ^^;
    you can also learn(survey ?) how it would be if the international (south America and Asia)couple make a family and have kids...? (i hope it sound good enough to encourage to contact us... cuz i know it sounds like chaos, and it is! )
    my kids are so fine, healthy but little one is shy at the beginning but im sure they will heal you with their smile, sounds attract enough?

  • Proyectos con niños

    Proyectos con niños

    En este proyecto podría haber niños. Para obtener más información, consulta nuestras directrices y consejos aquí.

  • Ayuda


    be a playmate with my kid 9 and 6 years-old boys. that's the main part.
    help some light chores at home and cooking. dinner at least 5days in a week.
    (but anything is negotiable so talk to me please*)

    and i want you to help me reminding my kids to what is their task on that time, because they always tend to forget what they have to do and i'm stressed to keep nagging them take them back to the track... lol.

  • Idiomas hablados

    Japonés: Fluido
    Inglés: Intermedio
    Español: Intermedio

  • Alojamiento


    a room of tatami mattress, (built in 2021, brand new.) i say its not bad. but not a bed, hope you dont mind it?
    kitchen, living room, bathroom, shared.
    if you dont mind to share a room, though it's small, i don't mind you are 2,3,or a family. as long as you fit in lol
    let's say the food bill can be shared, if you prepare it haha. it's negotiable but unless you eat so much. haha

  • Algo más...

    Algo más...

    our house located in 10mins-walking from JR line. called sodegaura station.
    it's 1hr 20 mins to tokyo stn.¥1170/ one way. not too bad I hope.
    neighbors is quiet, not like fancy High-Tec city but I hope you like the natures too.
    we ride a bike a lot too. it's more green focused city, such as tokyo german village,

    let me write about us here,

    ①strict rule,
    we are kind of strict for raising kids, no TV, no junk food and video games (only on weekend maybe they are allowed, haha) i am hoping that you are supporting my way of thinking , not spoiling them... (I know it's way outdated we are, but so far we want to stick to it... )
    and about the food, I am very grateful if you can cook for us too, because i am exhausted to cook everyday's meal since i try to cook so much variety of dishes, dont use the can/ microwave/ instant food. i wish you can help and since we are very SDGs family(^^?), i promise that i appreciate all the meal you cook and don't leave them unless it's not something I told you that i can't eat, same as kids too.(like organs or particular part of meat, or very smelly fish lol.) (most of the kids are so used to leave foods if they don't like and parents allows to do so, but this family, no.><)

    and no japanese is preferred for the first some days, cuz once they know u speak /understand japanese, they only talk to u in japanese as i describe lol... my kids r pulled to easy way no exceptional lol. but u can talk with me pure japanese n i can teach u even kansai accent too! …as a bonus! 😋

    if you are already visiting japan, and have a place to stay, hope to meet you first before i welcome you to stay over! if possible.
    we both feel safe to know better about each other. what do you say,, or you are sure that we are harmless to you lol.
    because i did working-holiday stay in canada before i married, and the host was well-prepared the keys and cameras and alarms and everything and that way i could feel relieved if something missing, they dont suspect me,,,, that kind of things.
    and do you expect to do that? i mean should we do that? for our safety? what do you say...
    at least we may have to ask you to leave home when we are not at home like 830am to 5pm 2 times a week is definitive. sometimes 3,4days but not that long. like 3 hours?
    my husband is super suspicious, (i guess because he is from mexico, too, i know i am rude 😅 no offence, please. ><)
    i complained, and have a fight with my husband lol, but he says "as a father of this family, i need to make sure nothing bad will enter to this house"
    ...it kind of make sense. so im sorry we might ask to show us your ID and things... like that, and we also do so!

    over all, i think we should talk on Zoom or anything to see how we think about each other and to let you know how much im easy-going ( cus i know after all these description i sound so difficult to be with ....hahaha.) i just wanted to make sure you are ready for these conditions??

    hope to hear from you!

  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    Más de dos

  • ...

    Horas esperadas

    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Número de referencia de anfitrión: 227541722817

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