
  • Brazil
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Good Workawayer

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  • Travel information

    I am currently


    Activities i am interested in:

    Learning language

    My next destination:

    Brazil - from Nov 2023
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  • Description

    Saravá! Hello! Ciao! Hallo! Salut! Oiêê!

    We are Cath(erine) and Gab(riel) and we are looking for new experiences! We want to contribute to the world we live in and we feel that self-knowledge is the fundamental way to do this.

    In 2023 we met and from the first meeting we connected in a way that rarely happens, something truly special. Gabs, coming from a lifestyle already on the move, met Cath who was looking for just that, to put time and energy into things that make the heart beat and conventional employment isn't exactly that.

    Both Cath and Gabs did what was expected of them: college, a job, a car and moving out of their parents' house. Cath studied Design in Florianópolis and soon afterwards entered the technology market working with User Experience. Gabs studied business administration in Campinas, worked for two multinationals and then decided to accept a study programme in Germany, where he stayed from the end of 2020 until 2023.

    Of the many things we have in common, one of the things that most delights us is that we've had experience with volunteering. In fact, we've both idealised our own projects. Cath, through @rotaadota, rescued dogs in situations of abuse (Florianópolis, SC - Brazil), transforming the lives of more than 180 dogs between 2020 and 2022. Cath sees that not only were the lives of these dogs transformed, but also those of their respective adopters, with whom she is still in contact today.

    At the same time, in 2020, Gabriel was in Campinas, São Paulo and together with his group of friends decided that they would help people impacted by the crisis caused by COVID19. They started the @acaocomvida and aimed to distribute food and basic hygiene items to those who had lost their jobs.

    The two of us talked a lot, did some hiking and decided to go on a journey together. We want to be part of projects that add good things to the world and good energy. We strive for an environment of peace, mutual contribution, harmony and respect. And we are constantly questioning ourselves about standards, our attitudes, how we can treat our home (planet Earth) in a kind and sustainable way. We dream of building a place that gives children and adults the chance to develop intellectually and spiritually.

  • Interests

    Vegetarian or vegan
    Sailing / Boating
    Outdoor activities
    Self development
  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    Portuguese: Fluent
    Italian: Intermediate

    More details about my language interests
    it is fascinating to learn a new language and communicate with people in it, it is such a big world of opportunities, new cultures, thoughts, it enchants me!And the same goes for teaching a new language, although I speak few, the one I feel most comfortable teaching is German, but of course Portuguese too, and English and Spanish.

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  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    I'm interested in:  

    DIY and building projects

    Some knowledge of:  

    Babysitting and creative play
    Helping around the house
  • More details about your skills

    Our mother raised us in such a way that we had our own chores at home from a very early age, a way to help them, since they worked all day. So when it comes to order at home I have examples from the strictest to the most relaxed (for example, living in a student residence). Both in our house in Brazil and in my exchange in Germany I helped with the garden, cutting grass, pruning flowers, etc... (I just remembered the afternoons at my grandmother's house pruning her flowers, beautiful garden).
    Since 2017 I have been living alone or sharing a house, and in the meantime I have learned a few things: I made a sofa out of pallets, sanded and varnished some decks, helped a mason in construction, and painted.
    I also carry with me skills related to my study, Business Administration. Notions of marketing, logistics, finance...

  • Age


  • What else ...

    I like to play Catan or Risiko with my friends, as it brings back good memories, but I like card and board games in general.

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements



