& Lucy

  • United Kingdom
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Good Workawayer
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Profile information

  • Travel information

    We are currently


    Our next destination:

    Canada - from Jan 2024 until Jun 2024
    View all
  • Description

    My name is Edward Walls and I am a soon to be 19 year old. I have recently left school and I am a taking a year out before I go to university. In the new year my girlfriend and I will be travelling to Canada for 6 months having successfully applied for our IEC working visa. Since I thought about going to Canada, I dreamed of spending time on a ranch in the amazing Canadian outdoors. I get a real kick out of working with and being around animals and surrounded by nature.
    I have visited Canada twice before to spend time with my grandfather and cousins, and I am really looking forward to coming back
    I would describe myself as an adventurous and outdoors'y person. Growing up around my Grandmother's sheep farm in rural Ireland, I discovered that I very much enjoy handling animals and working around a farm. With a mother who's a Veterinary Surgeon, I have grown up being educated about and familiar with animals and how to look after them. I've never been afraid of getting my hands dirty and engaging in some rewarding physical labour.
    I would also very much characterise myself as a people person. I really thrive working within a team and I love throwing myself into new environments while meeting and befriending new people. Having spent 5 years with the Army Cadet Force, I learnt key team work and social skills. Spending 3 years within the hospitality industry has also taught me how important it is be a team player.

    My name is Lucy hall and at time of travelling I'll be 19. I'm currently on my gap year after completing my A levels with the plan of attending University next year. As Edward stated above we are both travelling to Canada in the new year. Unlike Edward I haven't visited Canada before but from all the amazing photos and Stories I have heard from family members I have always wanted to go. I'm really excited to experience all that Canada has to offer us, from the busy cities to the truly stunning outdoors.
    I've always viewed myself as a team player and I love being around people, I currently manage a cafe near Belfast where I'm constantly helping both staff and customers. I also find doing voluntary work very rewarding; I used to help teach ballet to 5-7 year olds and also I helped in a local charity shop.
    I've had limited time working with animals other than helping my nanny look after her 13 cats and occasionally helping on my Friends sheep farm, however I do love animals and would love to spend more time looking after them and learning something new.

  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent

  • Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn

    We're interested in:  

    DIY and building projects
    General Maintenance
    Helping with Computers/ Internet
    Eco Projects
    Charity Work

    Some knowledge of:  

    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Life at a Farmstay
    Helping around the house
    Animal Care

    Able to teach about:  

  • More details about your skills

    (Edward) I have spent lots of time working on farms and with animals. I have experience working with sheep, dogs, cats, horses, chickens and ducks. I have handled sheep for feeding, watering, worming, lambing, footcare, weighing, transporting and general wrangling. In terms of Horses I am very confident around them and have experience of equine care, however I don't have huge experience of riding them yet, I am extremely keen to learn. I also insight into the daily running of farm life, including the tasks that come along with it such as mucking out and fencing.
    During my time in Cadets I learnt key first aid skills and basic fieldcraft. I have very good navigation skills and rarely get lost. I've been driving since I got my license over a year ago. I have spent the last 3 years of my life in customer facing roles, giving me developed customer service skills.
    (Lucy) While I haven't learnt loads of skills from farming I am very comfortable around animals and have had dogs and Degus for many years. I also have herded and fed donkeys,sheep and goats on my friends farm, and am very keen to learn more about farm life. I feel my main skill is my ability to learn which hopefully will help me on the ranch and also has already helped me a lot in my day to day life, specifically in my 3 years in hospitality. in hospitality I've learnt many transferable skills such as managerial skills, communication and problem solving skills. I also have a first aid training from my silver duke of ed and the ability to cook from my Home economics GCSE.

  • Age

    19 & 19

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements



