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Profile information

  • Travel information

    I am currently


  • Description

    Hey I am Lisa,
    I am 22 years old and I just finished my studies.
    I want to experience all the things I can before choosing my future. I think Workaway is the perfect mix to do everything I care about at the same time : Exploring the world, meet people and work for something that matters.
    I am travelling with my two friends Adrien3012 and Romeo25, and we want to work away together ! :)

  • Interests

    Movies & TV
    Outdoor activities
    Politics / Social justice
    Winter sports
    Team sports
    Events & social
    Drawing & painting
    DIY & crafts
    Art & design
    Charity work
    Cooking & food
    Adventure sports
  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    French: Fluent
    German: Beginner

    More details about my language interests
    Why not, the more you know stuff the better !

    Find a language buddy

  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    I'm interested in:  

    Charity Work
    Art Projects
    Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Life at a Farmstay
    General Maintenance

    Some knowledge of:  

    Being an elderly companion
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Helping around the house
    Helping with Computers/ Internet
  • More details about your skills

    I would described myself as an easy going person !
    I can adapt to every situation, I really care about helping people so I always do the best I can !
    I love learning new things, I don't mind trying all different kind of tasks. I can cook, do meticulous work and take care of a garden.
    I adore animals : me and my brother are asking my parents to have a dog since we are 5.

  • Age


  • What else ...

    We are 3 really close friends,
    We know each other since highschool.
    Every summer we go somewhere together and this year we heard about Workaway and we hope to be able to experience it !
    We are doing different studies that took us a lot of time, but it has never torn us appart, we always wait for summer to spend good time together !

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements


