
  • Germany
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Profile information

  • Travel information

    I am currently

    At home

    Activities i am interested in:

    I´m interested in any kind of art, music and ecological farming(permaculture). I have a big heart for animals and basically can´t live without. Furthermore I really enjoy doing yoga and cooking(I try)

  • Description

    Hi! My name´s Laura and I´m a 20 year old girl living in a small village located in the east of Germany.

    Why do I wanna travel with workaway? In short, because it feels like just the right thing to do right now.
    I graduated from High School last year, my whole life lies ahead of me and to be honest this new gained freedom can be a bit overwhelming at times. I believe there´s so much more to see, explore and to discover than what I´m used to at my hometown. So many places to go, food to try, people to meet and friends to make, conversations to have, experiences to make, perspectives to gain and just so much to simply enjoy, taking it all in.

    I´m ready and willing to step out of everything that I´m familiar with right now to simply explore; nature, people, culture, food, tradition, art and so much more...

  • Interests

    Cooking & food
    Vegetarian or vegan
    Yoga / Wellness
    Self development
    Outdoor activities
    Art & design
    Plant care
    Movies & TV

    show more
  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    French: Intermediate

    More details about my language interests
    This workawayer has indicated that they would be interested in sharing their language(s) or learning a new language. You can contact them directly to discuss this.

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  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    I'm interested in:  

    Art Projects
    DIY and building projects

    Some knowledge of:  

    Being an elderly companion
    Animal Care
    Babysitting and creative play
    Helping around the house

    Able to teach about:  

    Life at a Farmstay
  • More details about your skills

    I´m willing to learn new things and open to any kind of work. I can adapt to new situations quite easily and always try to give my best in everything I do.
    Due to living on a farm I´m used to do any kind of farm work cleaning the barns, fixing fences and working on fields. At home I live with horses, sheep, pigs, bunnies, chicken, ducks and geese, a donkey as well as 4 cats and 2 dogs.

    I´m a native German speaker and fluent in English, I can also understand French quite well but definitely want to improve my skills in speaking here. I´m also open to learn as much as I can from the language of the countries I´m staying in and to share my knowledge, of course.

    After graduating I spent two months volunteering in Iceland where I was very lucky to have a look into a variety of different working fields such as planting trees, beach cleaning and working in greenhouses.

    After Iceland I worked in a home for disabled children for a year and gained a lot of experience not only in raising and educating children but also on how to truly listen to what they have to say, try understanding why they behave or speak a certain way and how to be more empathetic without making everyone else´s pain my own.
    I learned what it means to work in a team, how to handle difficult situations of stress and discomfort and how to be kind even though you´re not always treated the same way.

    When it comes to my personal qualities I think my friends would describe me as humorous, intent and very straight forward when it comes to any kind of problems or disagreements.
    I myself would consider me as rather quite, especially before the famous "ice is broken", very peace loving and sensitive as well as oftentimes a bit too perfectionistic especially when it comes to things I can improve about myself.
    I´m a good listener, have a good feeling of what is good for me and I´m open to any kind of new adventure.

  • Age


  • What else ...

    I´m living and grew up on a farm so I´m more than used to be surrounded by animals 24/7. To be precise, I can´t even image otherwise.
    I´m not afraid of any kind of animal or getting to work with them. I´m used to getting my hands and clothes dirty and it´s absolutely no problem.
    Since I´m sharing a house not only with my parents but also my grandparents and uncle and also my sister and cousin do not live far away, my family holds a very special place in my heart. During my travels I hope to find a stay that is ready to accept me as part of their family as I want to show you a lot of loving care, honesty, openness and hard work in exchange.

    I really enjoy watching movies, cannot live without music being on basically all the time and also really enjoy looking at or making any kinds of art.
    I enjoy getting physically active, preferable while doing yoga or hiking but also here I´m open to anything basically. I´m absolutely a true supporter of a slow lifestyle which doesn´t mean I want to be lazy or unproductive but simply that I find a lot of joy in the little moments between the lines and hope we can share some of these moments together.

    Do I have any pets?
    Of course I do. Besides my Australian Shepherd lady Rose I also kinda consider my plants as pets as well so that´s that :D

    I wish you a lovely and healthy day.

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements
      I´m vegetarian



