
  • Argentina
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Profile information

  • Travel information

    I am currently

    At home

    Activities i am interested in:

    Im currently workawaying at the Lake Atitlan in Guatemala 🇬🇹

  • Description

    Hello there! Welcome to my profile. Here's a little bit about myself:
    I am a 28 years old argentinian who is currently trying to figure out what she wants in life.
    I grew up in Argentina but I am also half swiss (on my mother's side) therefore I also have a swiss passport. Since forever I was interested in other cultures, languages and had this urge to travel the world. Even if I was not sure what it meant or how it was done. I guess it all started when my best friend from highschool hosted an exchange student and opened up the possibility of such things. Because of that experience I also ended hosting an exchange student from Denmark for a year while we were in highschool with AFS (American Field Service, a volunteering organisation) and also went on an exchange to Germany for a year. There I learnt german and lived with a german family where I really got the chance to learn their culture beyond the touristic point of view. Hey, it was before smartphones and social media, I could realy dived in the culture. It was a very hard experiencia being so far away from home for the first time and really put me out of my comfort zone, but gosh am I gratefull for it cause it completely changed the way I see life.
    After that I went back home, went to college, finished Med School for some reason (Yep Im technically a doctor but a very bad one, I never felt the passionate about it my collegues did).

    I always knew I wanted to travel the world but for one reason or another I never got to it. It was really expensive (and making money in southamerica is veeeeeeeeeeeery hard) and I had all this "family mandate" that put me through med school and made me start working right after it, putting my dreams behind.

    It was during Covid 2021 that I got sick of it all. My countrie's economies, people dying like crazy, missing my family so very much, and mostly, working confined by white walls surrounded by sick people. I quit all my jobs, packed my apartment, and decided to move to Switzerland to "see how it goes". I ended up staying for almost 2 years at a hotel (Zurich Marriott Hotel) as a recepcionist. During those 2 years I got to travel a lot more than I did in Argentina and of course to save more money, but it still wasnt enough. 35 days vacation a year will never be enough.

    So what did I do? I quit my job. I deregistered from the swiss town I was living in, and Im writing this profile from my empty apartment that Im leaving in two weeks.
    I am not sure what Im doing next, but it was never more clear to me that the answers of Who I am and what I want to do, I will discover by travelling.

    Im argentian, which means Im pretty extrovert. Well, Im very extrovert even for an argentinian. One of the toughest things I had to learn during covid is to be alone by myself again. Now I feel comfortable with the balance I found. But I still really really really LOVE to meet new people, share their cultures, hear their stories. I want to collect as many different stories as I can. I wanna hear all about your countries values and your own, ,but I also wanna hear about your last heart break, and lie on the beach all night just laughing at our teenage years drunken stories. What I look for the travelling is to connect with people. I am nothing without the people I meet along the way, without the hearts I touch.

    That's what I look from the travelling. Adventure? Sure. Being able to connect with a part of myself I have longer forgotten. To escape from this capitalist life that only wants us to consume. I have nothing against "living in the system" but I believe our societies lost their balance.

    I love the mountain and the beach. I love working with animals. Im not the greatest cook ever but I can cook, yes, and I love cooking for others. I have great communication skills and I am 100% a people person. I hate conflict, I tend to avoid it.
    What I want from life are experiences, and I believe experiences are made by the people in it.

    "I believe in a world made richer by travel and travel made richer by connection".

  • Interests

    Self development
    Events & social
    Cooking & food
    Charity work
    Performing arts
    Outdoor activities
    Yoga / Wellness
    Van life
    Sailing / Boating
    Water sports

    show more
  • Languages spoken

    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    Italian: Beginner
    Portuguese: Beginner

  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    I'm interested in:  

    Being an elderly companion
    Eco Projects
    Animal Care
    Charity Work
    Art Projects

    Some knowledge of:  

    Life at a Farmstay

    Able to teach about:  

  • More details about your skills

    I would say my strongest skill are the people. I am great working with people, have a positive leadership profile, tend to lessen the conflict and have great communication skills. Dont mean to enlarge myself, it really is THE THING I am good at. I remember a question from a former job interview, "what would you say it's your supepr power?" And I said, "That people always like me. I can make friends with pretty much everyone".

    In addition to that, I have a medical degree with experience handling Emergencies and started my formation in Psychiatry. I am not looking to volunteer in something medical related, but the knowledge can come in handy.

    I worked for the last 12 months as a receptionist at Zurich Marriott Hotel. We handled over 256 rooms and 300 guests at a time and I got promoted to Shiftleader. I learnt it all from scratch, with no previous experiencie in the Hospitality industry, and I did pretty good. Other than check in and out guest, we needed to coordinate the hotel activity with other departments, provide touristic information, handle complaints, help out at the restaurant as a waitress from time to time. So everything in the Hospitality/Service area is something I could do.

    I speak fluently german and english both written and spoken plus spanish which is my mother thongue and I took courses on how to teach foreing people. So basic levels of languages I can also teach.

    I have a minor degree in Events Organisation, from Weddings, Foundraisers, Baptisms, Birthdays, and so on.

    I gave freewalkingtours around the city of Zurich and previously in Cordoba Argentina as well. I love doing that, I am a big history passionate and I can communicate it pretty well.

    I am not the best cook in the world, but I can do it pretty well, I can easily be in charge of managing group meals for example.

    I love working with all sorts of animals, I love and respect them all, and would love to do something related to conservation of endangered species.

    I am pretty good with plants and managing a home vetegable garden.

  • Age


  • What else ...

    I already said a lot in the description about being a people person, but the last years I founded myself needing more time to be alone. I think I am finally in a great balalnce between the imporatnce of company and being comfotable all by myself. Therefore I developed some "lonely" hobbys. I love going for long walks by myself. I love to read, I am a real bookworm. I love watching movies and am a big cinephile, bit Tarantino fan here.
    On the other hand for my groups activities, I LOVE BOARDGAMES more than anything, from Cabo Monopoly Dixit Ticket to ride Qatar and the argentinian Truco. I love organizing groups outgoings to the mountains. I LOVE hiking and camping. And I completely and anbsolutely adore, by myself or with groups of people, being in NATURE.

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements


