Posts tagged with: "millennials"

  • about 7 min
Why it’s never too late for a grown up gap year

Life is too precious to be wishing it away for retirement when we’ll have the “time” to travel. Now more than ever, we have the time to plan, time to find your perfect host and to research our dream destinations... so why not use this time to plan your grown up gap year?

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  • about 4 min
The highs and lows of long term travel

Welcome to the age of millennial where nomads call the world their home and have no plans on returning back to ‘real life’. Everything we could possibly need is at the touch of our fingertips, travel is cheaper than ever, and we are reminded everyday of others travelling the world. There’s an influx of us travelling the world for extended periods of time. But what are the effects of this kind of lifestyle?

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