Posts tagged with: "kids"

  • about 6 min
Family Travel with Workaway

Planning for a Workaway trip with your children can be challenging, but it's absolutely worth the effort to take your family out of your comfort zone and on a worldwide adventure of a lifetime…

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  • about 9 min
Family travel tips: on the go with kids in tow

The prospect of international travel with kids may seem a bit daunting — especially when they’re still very young — but let us reassure you that you don’t have to give up your nomadic lifestyle as a parent. Travelling with kids in tow just means that you’ve got to plan your trips a little differently! Read these useful advice and hacks on how to make your kids’ travel experience as satisfying and memorable as your own.

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  • about 5 min
How this workaway family is taking a gap year travelling the world

Does family travel with young kids seem unrealistic to you? Have a look at the story of the Durand family, who left their home to pursue their dreams with Workaway, travelling across Asia harvesting the knowledge required to be able to build a self-sustaining farm when they get back.

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  • about 5 min
Bring Out Your Inner Child – Workaway at a Play Lounge on Skiathos

Finding out more about a Workaway host on Skiathos where volunteers help with a children’s play lounge and bring the world to their door!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Kids dancing in the street” (Kariba, Zimbabwe)

The right moment and perfect framing – here are some of our favourite shots taken by workawayers and hosts during their travels. Explore the snapshots of July 2015’s Workaway travel photos competition and find out how you can win the €100 prize!

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  • about 5 min
How Workawayers Are Being ‘Teachers’ to the Unschooled

Unschooled certainly does not mean uneducated, in fact the proponents of this type of teaching would say that the education is far more relevant!

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