Teach English at a Bourdingschool in the beautiful mountains near Puno, Peru

  • Favourited 74 times
  • Last activity: 14 May 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 1 month



  • Description


    The School is located in the highlands of Peru in the province of Azangaro, close to the pueblo of Muñani - exactly in the middle of nowhere in the Puno region.

    The primary school created by a nonprofit association gives disadvantaged children access to good education, accommodations, food and health care. The children develop personal and occupational skills to study techniques and language communication through specialized workshops after school and to maintain and to enrich the Quechua language, culture, and identity of the children.

    As the teachers themselves don’t speak English, English lessons can only be done by international volunteers that visit the School. This is why we need you!

    Everything Short:

    - teach English at a nonprofit boarding school in the Peruvian highlands near Puno
    - you need to: bring warm cloths, give 2 lessons (2,5h each) per day 5 days a week, speak fairly good Spanish (intermediate), stay minimum 3 weeks, and wanting to have a different and authentic experience
    - you get: private accommodation, delicious local food (3 times a day + possibility to cook your own),
    free time opportunities on weekends (Alpaca farm, horse riding, Trip to Lake Titikaka or Pucara)
    All right? Please read the profile carefully before applying.


    Everything Explained:

    This Text was written by one of their former Volunteers who organized her stay without workaway and now wants to use the platform to give this amazing volunteer experience to more enthusiastic volunteers and meanwhile support the lovely children of the boardingschool.

    Philosophy of the school:

    This School was the idea of a Norwegian couple that visited the Alpaca farm close by in the Highlands of Peru back in 2005. During that visit, they made an excursion through the farm, when they met two young children; Marisol and Alex, who were children of alpaca shepherds. They were impressed by the charismatic simplicity of the children, especially of the girl Marisol. They also saw the reality of the lifestyle of the Andean people and children. They saw the difficulties the children had in the region to attend school. The fact was that most children had to walk every single day, between two and three hours to reach their school and the same time to return home on either a cold, rainy or snowy day.
    So they came up with the idea of building a boarding house, where children could board from Monday to Friday to be closer to their school and make other activities.
    Under Peruvian law and in cooperation with the Alpaca Farm they formalized the an Asociacion Civil back in 2006. With the support of many companies and individuals the construction was finished in 2008. Since than 40-63 children studied and lived at the School getting good education and and a home.

    Volunteering at our School:

    When I was in Peru, I fell in love with alpacas. So I googled “Alpaca Farm” and got in contact with Lourdes. They offered me to work at their school, teaching English to the children and therefore get the possibility to join the vet and learn about Alpacas. I have had a teaching experience in Peru before and did not like it that much. At the other organization we needed to pay for teaching, got bad food and the school was not really interested in supporting us in order to give good lessons.
    But this School seemed different to me so I drove by bus to Juliaca and got picked up by Willy (the cook) and the headmaster Jessica at the Bus station. We drove 2h through the beautiful countryside to reach the primary school. There I was introduced to the cooks’ wife Lucia and their 2 children who live at the school also on the weekends. I was lodged in a separate building with private bathroom, private sleeping room and a big living room. The whole school was surrounded by a fence so I always felt really safe, but at the same time I was able to also get out and go for walks in the nice countryside with rivers, mountains and the alpaca farm only some Minutes away. I’ve never been on a quieter and more refreshing place. The Peruvian countryside is basic and as it was high up in the mountains it was very cold, it even snowed sometimes. But this was what made the experience for me: The silence, the simplicity, the authentic people…

    On Monday the kids came to the school. Their families live high up in the mountains most work with alpacas or are basic farmers. First the kids where very shy, as foreigners seldom come here, but at the same time keen to get to know me. With the help of Jessica the headmaster I arranged I timetable for the following weeks. In the school there are 3 classrooms. 1&2 Grade, 3&4 Grade and 5&6 Grade are in the same classroom. I taught each class for two times 2,5h a week and was given a little desk to prepare my classes. The teaching experience was so amazing and different to the one I’ve had before. I could really feel how much the children know, that they need English in order to get a good job later on. I had a wonderful time in the classes and was fully supported by all the teachers and the headmaster. The food, Willy and his wife cooked for the children, teachers and me was always very delicious and authentic Peruvian food.

    On separate days I went with the vet to attend the alpacas. One time with a bigger group with the tractor and we attended several groups of Alpacas in order to check their health. This was an amazing experience, You can see the pictures at the end of the page. Another day I went by horse through the beautiful countryside joining the vet on his control around where we checked the health of other alpacas. At the end I went to the beautiful Lake Titikaka and visited the world famous floating villages of the Uros.

    I can recommend this hosts to anyone who wants to work in an efficient nonprofit project to help Peruvian children in order to have a better future and wants to have an authentic experience of how locals live in the epicenter of Quechau culture and far away from the touristy places.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Babysitting and creative play
    Help with Eco Projects
    Help around the house
    Animal Care
    Language practice
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    The volunteers joining us in this experience will gain a cultural exchange with the children and parents who live in that area of the Peruvian highlands.

    On your weekends you will have the possibility to see more of Peru. Therefor we have some suggestions for you and will help you to organize it.

    1. Right next to the school is the Alpaca Farm. We can organize that you can join the vets on a day to the Alpacas.

    2. You can go horseback riding within the ranch.

    3. We can organize that you can go to Pucara, which is near Azangaro and where the original Inca culture arose. There is a couple of museums and some pre-Inca ruins, you can take a guided tour too. This area is also famous for pottery. –As we are a nonprofit organization we can’t pay for your expenses on this trip but we can help and advise you.

    4. We can organize a trip to the the famous Lake Titikaka where you can take the boat to the Uros. – Same: We can’t pay for this trip but we can advise you.

    You can also go hiking in the surrounding of the school or plan your own activities after consulting with the school.
    Did we convince you to come and work at our special project?

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    What you need to bring:

    You should be enthusiastic about helping the local children by teaching them English and interested in the Peruvian lifestyle and culture. As none of the teachers speak English you should be able to communicate in Spanish in order to teach and manage life there. Be aware, after your time at the school your Spanish will have improved immensely!
    You also need to bring warm cloths (honestly I wore 2 pants and a blanket in October which is spring in Peru – but: in the kitchen it is always warm), a towel and if you want special food/snacks. Sometimes they run out of power so a torch and a power bank for your phone would be useful.
    The school just received WiFi as of June 2019. If you want a sim card we advise that you get Claro, which is the only company with coverage in the area.
    You also need to have a health insurance!

    Please note that you can arrive only on Mondays and leave only on Fridays. Mallkini/Mirasol is aprx. 2 hours from Juliaca, which is a well-connected city infrastructure-wise with other destinations such as Cusco (6 hours) and Arequipa (5 hours).

  • Languages spoken

    Spanish: Fluent
    Quechua: Fluent
    English: Beginner

  • Accommodation


    The volunteer will have a private accommodation within the premises, delicious local food (3 times a day + possibility to cook on your own)

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    At Muñani (the nearby pueblo) public transport is available in the morning until 3-4 o’clock, but we also have are own transport which can be used in emergency situations plus for shopping every 15 days. The car is also available to do any other services for the guardian school.

    How you can I get involved:

    1. Contact the school through Workaway as soon as possible (preferred more than 3 weeks in advance). Here you will be in direct contact with Javier and Lourdes in the Arequipa office of the school whom will be more than happy to help you with any question you may have.

    2. You will get the link to a form you need to fill-out that gives us the information we need and also gives you the opportunity to ask questions.

    3. We will hopefully have availability for you to become a volunteer and arrange your pick-up and drop off.

    4. You will be picked up on Friday and have the weekend to settle down and get to know the place.

    5. The following weeks you will teach English and live with the children and teachers at the school. Weekends are free.

    6. At the end you fill in a form what you did with the children for the next volunteer and give us a feedback what we can improve and keep, and write something on the Workaway profile.

    Now we hope that you are convinced to get involved and stay as long as you can. Look at the Pictures and feel free to ask us any questions you might have.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 851562868299

Feedback (2)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (4.5)

Help around our place and discover life with our family near Urubamba, Peru
Help with our bio construction project in Cieneguilla Lima Peru