Conscious family at Itata Valley's vineyards, Chile

  • Favourited 51 times
  • Last activity: 18 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SPANISH BELOW::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    JOIN US FOR A 6 WEEK GRAPE HARVEST AND WINEMAKING (from the begining of March until the mid April) Limited slots available! >>> This slot are already full for 2024's grape harvest. We only have availability from the 17th of April ahead<<<

    We are a young family, Pablo is a farmer and winemaker (born and raised) and Daniela runs the family business. Among our kids Luan and Mayra, we live in a small patch of land, with mostly vines, a summer green garden and a few fruit trees.
    We practice regenerative viticulture, live in an earthship inspired house and have a wine cellar mostly made out of mud and straw.

    PARTICIPA DE NUESTRA VENDIMIA DE 6 SEMANAS (desde principios de Marzo hasta mediados de Abril) ¡Cupos limitados! >>> Esto cupos ya no están disponibles para la vendimia 2024. Solo tenemos cupos desde el 17 de abril en adelante. <<<

    Somos una familia joven, Pablo es campesino y vitivinificador (de toda la vida) y Daniela lleva el negocio familiar. Con nuestros hijos Luan y Mayra vivimos en un terreno pequeño, en su mayoría cubierto con viñas, una huerta de verano y algunos árboles frutales.
    Practicamos la viticultura regenerativa, vivimos en una bioconstrucción inspirada en una nave tierra y tenemos bodega vitivinícola hecha principalmente con tierra y paja para hacer la quincha.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Farmstay help
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SPANISH BELOW::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    They will share, first hand, from a farmer and wine maker that has all the traditional knowledge and also has made the transition to natural farming and knows about permaculture. On one side you can have the experience of a born a raised country man and, on the other, Daniela has made the change from living in the city and traveling overseas, to a rural lifestyle.


    Las personas compartirán, directamente, con un campesino y fermentista que tiene todo el conocimiento tradicional, que ha hecho la transición a la agricultura natural y que sabe sobre permacultura. Por un lado tendrán la experiencia de un campesino, nacido y criado, y en el otro lado, Daniela ha hecho el cambio de vivir en la ciudad, viajar al extranjero, hacia a un estilo de vida rural.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SPANISH BELOW::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    As everyone that lives in the countryside, help is always welcomed. Here are some permanent and seasonal needs:
    - BABYSITTING AND COOKING: year round we need a hand at home and with our son Luan (5 years old) and Mayra (2 years old). From creative playing, to go for a walk or teach them your language.
    - GRAPE HARVEST: from the begining of March until mid April we need extra hands for grape picking mostly.
    - BOTTLING WINE: during January or February we bottle our wine.
    - CONSTRUCTION: builders, carpenters, plumbers, pelmacultors or people with experience in construction are welcomed year round as we always have something to be finished or fixed.
    - MEDIA: Is not our priority, but one of the activities mentioned above can be combined with with making videos, photography, graphic design or social media content for our Mingaco wine project.

    Como para cualquiera que vive en el campo, la ayuda siempre es bienvenida. A continuación algunas de nuestras necesidades permanentes y temporales:
    - CUIDADO DE NIÑOS Y COCINA: todo el año necesitamos ayuda en casa y con nuestro hijo Luan (de 5 años) y Mayra (de 2 años). Desde juego creativo, a salir a caminar o enseñarles tu idioma.
    - VENDIMIA: desde comienzos de marzo a mediados de abril necesitamos manos extras, principalmente para la cosecha de la uva.
    - EMBOTELLADO DE VINO: durante enero o febrero embotellamos nuestro vino.
    - CONSTRUCCIÓN: constructores, carpinteros, fontaneros/gasfiter, permacultores o personas con experiencia en construcción son bienvenidas durante todo el año ya que siempre tenemos algo para ser terminado o reparado.
    - MEDIA: No es nuestra prioridad, pero las actividades anteriores se puede combinar con realización de video, fotografía, diseño gráfico o creación de contenido para redes sociales para nuestro proyecto de vinos Mingaco.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    I am always interested in practicing English or teaching some Spanish. I would also love to learn French one day.

  • Accommodation


    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SPANISH BELOW::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Camping but we recommend to bring warm gear as nights are chilly. Outdoor shared bathroom with COMPOSTING TOILET and COLD SHOWER!
    Breakfast, lunch and dinner are communal, is cooked by volunteers and eaten as a group.


    Acampando pero recomendamos traer abrigo ya que las noches son frescas. Tenemos un baño compartido en el exterior con BAÑO SECO y DUCHA CON AGUA FRÍA.
    El desayuno, almuerzo y cena son comunitarios, cocinan los voluntarios y se come en conjunto.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SPANISH BELOW::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    We are located between Concepción and Chillán. The nearest town is Coelemu. To get directly to our place, you need to catch the night bus from Santiago to Tomé, using Eme Bus, which takes 6 hours and costs about CLP$15.000 and departs from Terminal Sur Estación Central Metro Universidad de SANTIAGO

    To our place, CHECURA, there's buses only on TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS from TOME'S bus terminal at 7:30 AM (confirm previously at the drivers mobile)

    Estamos ubicados entre Concepción y Chillán. El pueblo más cercano es Coelemu. Para llegar directo a nuestro lugar, debes tomar el bus nocturno de Santiago a Tome usando la línea Eme Bus, que tarda 6 horas y cuesta alrededor de CLP$15.000. Sale desde Terminal Sur Estación Central Metro Universidad de SANTIAGO

    Hacia nuestra localidad, CHECURA, solo hay buses los días MARTES Y VIERNES desde el terminal de buses de TOMÉ a las 07:30 AM (confirmar previamente al celular del conductor)

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    We've had volunteers in their campervan before and it's a great alternative as we only have one cabin, so volunteers mostly use camping as accomodation.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    4 hours, 5 days/week maximum

Host ref number: 324591272755

Feedback (15)



These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (4.5)

Cultural exchange: (4.5)

Communication: (4.3)

Organising and tidying help and let's practice languages in Santiago, Chile
Join our team in Punta Arenas and discover Patagonia, Chile