Ich bin gerade
zu Hause
Mein nächstes Reiseziel:
Germany - von Jul 2024 bis Okt 2025 Alle anzeigenBeschreibung
Hey beautiful souls,
I'm Rabie, after quitting my job as a scientific researcher in August 2018 I'm attempting to create a new chapter in my life. Prior to that I studied pharmacy, did my doctoral degree in immunology and then worked for about three years.
I started my Workaway journey in March 2019 and it went mostly spontaneous and unexpected because I believe that's how the magic happens.
I have never felt free in my entire life like the last 23 months. I learned to take things easily, to cut my attachments one after another, to live the magic of the unknown, trust the journey even when I sometimes don't understand it, trying to uncover my inner self, discover new sides of myself, gather some inspirations from all around the world, experience the beauty of our Mother Earth in unexpected ways, sharing happiness with people to truly be happy, creating stories and lifelong memories with lovely souls on this planet.Interessengebiete
Outdoor-AktivitätenFilm & FernsehenMusikSelbstentwicklungFotografieAstronomieTiereGärtnernYoga / WellnessSchreibenVegetarier / VeganerNachhaltigkeitHaustiereNaturGebirgeMode & BeautyLGBTQGeschichteWandernZeichnen & MalenEvents & SoziallebenTanzenHeimwerken & DIYKochen & BackenKaritative ArbeitenCampingBücherKunst & DesignGesprochene Sprachen
Arabisch: Fließend
Deutsch: Fließend
Englisch: FließendBereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Handwerkliche ArbeitenBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
GartenarbeitenHeimwerker- und BauarbeitenSeniorenbetreuungZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieMithilfe auf einem BauernhofÖkoprojekteBetreuung von TierenKaritative ArbeitKunstprojekteIn der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
HausarbeitenWas könntest du arbeiten?
I am interested in alternative lifestyles throughout my life. I love spending time connected to the nature, taking care of animals, playing with kinds and taking care of them.
I have unplanned experience working as a cook in a holistic center in one of my workaways, and another one running an eco shop and plants-based food cafe which helped spark my love for cooking (mostly vegetarian), but I am open to eating all variety of food.
During the my journey I was also lucky enough to make some art, mainly mural wall, painting on different kinds of wood, plants clay pot and canvas.
I am also passionate about photography, floristy, DIY, interior design and any creative work.
I have some experience of gardenwork and I am quite handy in most ways and I learn quickly.
Yoga and meditation belong to my daily life, which help me stay present & calm.
Moreover, I enjoy learning new skills and new ways of doing things.Alter
Was noch ...
I strongly believe in the Healing Power of Listening. One thing I am REALLY enjoying during my travel is spending time listening to Strangers telling me stories, some of them they can’t or haven't shared with anyone else, stories that showed me the breadth and depth of humanity.
Etwas mehr Information
noSpezielle Ernährung
He is a very friendly and unique person, who has a very very deep and beautiful soul!
He should have been with us 7 days but he has remained at least two weeks with us!!
Rabie is an hardworker, he did not waste his time; also he is a clean and polite person, and also a great cook!!!! you will be… read more
Always here to help and always positive.
He is a very friendly and unique person, who has a very very deep and beautiful soul!
He should have been with us 7 days but he has remained at least two weeks with us!!
Rabie is an hardworker, he did not waste his time; also he is a clean and polite person, and also a great cook!!!! you will be… read more
Always here to help and always positive.
If you ever need a sensible and sensitive person around, make sure you invite Rabie. متشكر اوي (Many thanks, this should mean... Pardon… read more