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Tätigkeiten, die mich interessieren:
I would like to contribute by making murals and mosaics. Work with animals is what I also love, and in the garden.
I can contribute with webdesign, illustrations.Beschreibung
Welcome to my page. My name is Lizzy Leto and I am from the Netherlands.
I am an artist and a mother of two happy young-adults.
A couple of years ago, my daughter participated in some Work-away projects which inspired me to join as well.
And now, by the end of 24, I have been traveling through Afrika making lots of murals in several countries and I am still nomading around doing the same in Europa.
I also do other work than murals. In Tanzania I was asked to socialize a young dog, which was a wonderful experience. In Uganda and South Africa working with children in art projects while making several murals. In Salento Italy I’m part of the olive harvest gaining some muscle.
The Workaway method works for me: being part of a host's inspired plan and contribute/exchange. It has given me, besides working together, some good times with hosts and their circle; walking, talking, exchanging, learning, cooking, eating, taking a little time for each other and enjoying ourselves, as well as taking time for myself...
I am an easy going woman; love to laugh, practice yoga and dance.
Born and raised amongst animals, I naturally connect with them.
As a professional artist I make murals. As well as outdoor mosaics and illustrations for web sites and books.
Looking forward to a good mutual experience.
Warm greetings, Lizzy
All paintings and illustrations on this profile, (also for instance on the background in a school project in South Africa) are done by myself. I cannot showcase a lot here, so if you’re interested, you can visit Lizzy.Leto on instagram or my site
Thank you for your attention :o)Interessengebiete
Yoga / WellnessHeimwerken & DIYSelbstentwicklungKunst & DesignBloggingMusikSprachenGeschichteStrandAstronomieGärtnernWandernFarmarbeitCampingZeichnen & MalenTanzenSchreibenNachhaltigkeitGartenarbeitenNaturTiereGesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: Fließend
Französisch: Fließend
Niederländisch: Fließend
Deutsch: Gute KenntnisseBereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Heimwerker- und BauarbeitenMithilfe auf einem BauernhofÖkoprojekteKaritative ArbeitBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
GartenarbeitenHandwerkliche ArbeitenZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieBetreuung von TierenTourismus / GastgewerbeHilfe mit Computer /InternetIn der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
SprachenKunstprojekteUnterrichtenWas könntest du arbeiten?
Murals and mosaics (design and execution)
Animal care
Garden design
Writing texts
Web design
Art teaching
First Aid (children)
Working with the elderlyAlter
Was noch ...
I like to work with animals, and with my hands; maintenance, garden, and of course art projects in paint (murals) or tiles (mosaics). Or online on your website to help out. The last decades I prepared a lot of family food as a mom, and therefore am not really interested in a regular place the kitchen, other than making a group contribution like cooking, shopping and cleaning like every body else in the household.
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