Aufenthalte bei Gastfamilien, Volunteering & Working Holidays in Sinaloa, Mexiko

Wichtige Informationen für die Einreise: Mexiko
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  • Bezahlte Arbeit Bezahlte Arbeit
  • Sprachaustausch Sprachaustausch
Welcome to our ranch, join us to make a positive change for people and animals in Mazatlan, Mexico
***We are now also looking for people who are interested in helping us out in return for payment. Important: You need to stay here for one month or longer.*** **Since I (Amanda) will not be in Mexico in August and September, we are looking ......


  • Nachhaltiges Projekt Nachhaltiges Projekt
Volunteering in bio-construction & permaculture in Sinaloa, Mexico
We are a building ecovillage. Actually we are 5 members, 1 visitor and 1 Arquitech on Bioconstruction. Our project is asking for people willing to help and co creat together in our community, Actually we are working with bamboo construction and ......


Connecting Projects & Ideas with People- Mazatlán Mexico
My name is Irmalicia and I'm from Mazatlán and I love my hometown, the style of life that we have here is amazing - we are aware of that but we don't know how to make the best out of it. Many people with many good ideas are wandering and I want to ......