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26 Aug. 2024
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Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer: mindestens 2 Wochen
Michel, 35 years old. self-taught: builder, peasant, artist. skeptical towards capitalism, willing to find ways to get out of this crazy system. A bit workaholic altough this got better by burning out :). Daily medidations keep me in balance. Believe we humans are part of nature and should work with nature rather than against it. Single. Hetero. Like to cook, eat and share good quality food. In winter I tend to fold back on myself to open up when days are becoming longer again in februari
I bought an old (anno 1850) farm two years ago on the countryside in Hoegaarden. At about 40 km's from Brussels. I used to be a proffessional farmer and have been living from the land for several years. In that former life I grew cereals, potatoes, pigs, cow, vegetables, flowers. The farm was a organic cooperative CSA farm in wish I worked myself to a burn-out. I was forced to leave the project and reorganise my life. So doing i rolled into ecological building, straw building, wood building etc... which I am doing untill today. More precicely I currently work in restauration of heritage buildings; chapels, churches, old farms. The farm I bought has huge potential to become a living farm plenty of life. Since I landed here two years ago loads of work has been done. The farm was in a very abandoned state wich immediately reveals the reason why I was able to afford it.( Prices of real estate are crazy in Belgium). There's 1.5 ha at the farm and about 10ha further away land. With the help of friends and family we already did alot of work. All barns have new roofs, loads of garbage has been thrown out, An orchard has been planted, there's a big family vegetable garden, self pick flower garden and a herd of about 20 sheep grazing the meadows. On the farm site we currently live with two people. Gerd, a 49 year old womand lives in a 1950's gipsy trailor and I live in the main farm house. In 2024 I quit my job to fully engage on the farm. Not really knowing where it goes... or I manage to set up activities that make me a living on the farm, or I go back into construction an make a living out of that. Whathever it will be, I decided tot quit and take time to work on the farm. From march on I start working the land for the vegetable garden and the flowers. About 20 lambs will be born from februari on. From march on I start working the land for the vegetable garden and the flowers. In may an june I wil be doing the roof of the house. In autumn I would like to build a rocket mass heater stove to warm the house for winter. Also in autumn I make cider from local apples with a bunch of friends. If there's time we start transforming one of the barns into a living space... Weekly or two weekly we bake bread in a wood oven. It's sort of the beginning of a project. I'm looking for somewone willing to learn on various domains and helping me in daily chores on the farm. A day on the farm begins with meditation. Workweak ends on friday with singing in the villages quire (non religious, mostly simple repetitive mantra, verry accessible not to much tralala). Weekends are free of work.Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten
KunstprojekteHilfe bei ÖkoprojektenGartenarbeitenBetreuung von TierenMithilfe auf einem BauernhofZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieHandwerkliche ArbeitenUNO-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die dieser Gastgeber verfolgt
Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten
Hoegaarden is a village with about 6000 inhabitants. There's quite some 'village life'. The farm is on the 'language boarder' splitting our country. Both the French en Flemish 'culture' are present.
Vegetable and flower garden: soil and land preparations in spring, sowing, weeding, harvesting and processing harvest.
House: cooking, baking, gathering wood, keeping the stove hot etc...
Building: making a new roof (eco) on the main house. I will be hiring proffessional help as well. assistance is welcome for this job but only if you feel so. Providing help with other daily chores while the roof building equipe is on the roof is very welcom. I currently live in the house and we have quite a rainy climate so once the roof is open we should continue as possible. In this period there might be an exception on not working in the weekends...Sprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Französisch: Fließend
Niederländisch: Fließend
Wallon: Fließend
Romanian: GrundkenntnisseDieser Gastgeber bietet Sprachaustausch an
For Winter: Verry Verry simple room in an old, old house with a bed. Shared bathroom in the barn. With hot shower and landry machine. One tap of streaming water in the kitchen. Heating only in two rooms downstairs in the house.
For summer: plenty of place outside. Anyway, winter or summer: do not expect any luxury, cosy it is!Was noch ...
Belgium is small and we have good public transport to all cities. Brussels, Gent, etc...
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