Bring mir Englisch bei, hilf mit in meiner Rinder- und Pferdezucht und verbessere dein Französisch in der Bourgogne, Frankreich

  • Bisher 19 mal gespeichert
  • Letzte Aktivität: 23 Juli 2024


  • Beschreibung


    Hi everyone! My name is Sébastien and I'm a 27-year old french farmer. I've always been living in the backcountry with my family. I've got one younger brother and one older. My siblings left the nest and my parents are gonna move into a new house in about a month time.
    A friend told me about a her workaway experience as a workawayer...As I'm quite busy with the farm it gave me the idea to join up as a host! So here I'm, open-minded and easy-going. I like to talk about pretty much everything and discover new things. I enjoy going out with friends on my free time and look after my horses. Even if I'm quite busy with work, I'll try to take some time to show you around.
    In the farm I mostly breed cattle: I've got 280 cows around and 15 horses but only one you can read. The others are mares to have foals... :) They are thouroughbred for steeple-chase and races. I sell some of them abroad in england and ireland. I really enjoy my work and I'm dedicated to my horses. The farm is surrounded by green fields, so there's plenty of nature out there, you go cycling, riding...
    You're in Burgundy so indulge...We've got great cheeses and good wines. There are plenty of things to do: visit castles, local museums, wineries go walking, fishing...Lyon is 2h from the village by train, and Paris only 2h as well by TGV (high speed train).

  • Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten
    Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
    Betreuung von Tieren
  • UNO-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die dieser Gastgeber verfolgt

    UNO-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die dieser Gastgeber verfolgt

    Keine Armut
    Kein Hunger
    Gesundheit und Wohlergehen
    Hochwertige Bildung
    Sauberes Wasser und Sanitärversorgung
    Bezahlbare und saubere Energie
    Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum
    Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur
    Weniger Ungleichheiten
    Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden
    Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster sicherstellen
    Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz
    Leben unter Wasser
    Leben an Land
    Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen
    Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele
  • Projekte mit Kindern

    Projekte mit Kindern

    Dieses Projekt schließt möglicherweise den Umgang mit Kindern ein. Mehr Informationen findest du in unseren Verhaltensregeln und Tipps hier.

  • Arbeit


    In winter, we will look after the animals mostly: feed them, clean up the beddings, take care of the new-born veals.
    In spring: go around to check the animals in the fields, fencing, building ( in the farm and in the house: wallpaper, painting...), gardening if you want to.
    You'll have half a day off, half a day at work, everyday except during the weekends. You'll be off then. Sometimes it can be one full working day and the next day off...It will depend also on the weather and what we need to do in the farm.
    First we will work together, I'll show you around and then you'll need to work on your own for some tasks (animals feeding, and beddings cleaning) but for other we will work together.
    Be ready to wake up early sometimes...
    If you want to you can cook some meals and help around in the house, no problem.
    My english is basic ( we filled the form out with a friend), so that'd be awesome if you could teach me some stuff. I could teach you some french as well. We need to understand each other though so it'd be great if you'd have some french basis.
    Driving licence needed. I'm ready to host someone helpful, reliable, and with a previous experience in farming.

  • Gesprochene Sprachen

    Französisch: Fließend
    Englisch: Grundkenntnisse

  • Unterkunft


    The house is quite big but old, we need to renew it a little bit. Though you'll have your own bedroom and bathroom in the house. It's all heating in winter.
    Food is free, I haven't decided yet whether I give you money to buy it or whether I cook for you.

  • Was noch ...

    Was noch ...

    You'll be able to use the internet mostly emails cause the connection is not the best ;)
    You can use one of the bike. Would be great if you have a car as there's no public transport around. I can drop you off at bus stop if you wanna go on excursions.
    Feel free to join me on weekends, I'll be happy to share my interests with you.
    A friend of mine, Aurore might be able to show around on weekends and come around sometimes.

    If you're interested in coming and visiting, please send me an email: describe yourself and your previous experience and motivations :)

  • Etwas mehr Information

    Etwas mehr Information

    • Internet Zugang

    • Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

      Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

    • Wir besitzen Tiere

    • Wir sind Raucher

    • Familien möglich

  • Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal

    Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal


Gastgeber Ref-Nr.: 842535734184

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