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English speaker needed to help with driving and taking care our two young children near Tarragona, Spain

  • Bisher 286 mal gespeichert
  • Letzte Aktivität : 19 Sept. 2024



 Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer:  Keine Vorgaben



  • Beschreibung


    Hello guys!

    Welcome to our lovely family of 5 members: My husband Jorge, me (Yolanda), Sara who is 12 years old, Hugo who is 9 years old and a cheeky but cute dog Milù.
    We are living in a big house and we have a lovely garden with vegetables. After a hot day in Spain you can cool down and relax in our pool. It's a lovely place to spend amazing days and nights!
    We need workawayers for taking care of the children and for some maintenance in the house. We would like to have women instead of men.

    Our home is nearby the beautiful city Tarragona, La Secuita. It is a town where you can find everything you need! And the best thing is: You can easily go everywhere on foot or by bike. You can also find a lot of activities: zumba, padel, pilates, yoga, gymnastics, horse riding and so much more! As you can see, you will definitely not get bored here.

    After you have seen the most of our lovely town you can go to Tarragona which is just 9 kilometres away from our home. You can easily reach it with a bus nearby or I can drive you sometimes. When you arrive there, you can either relax at the one of the beautiful beaches, take some diving-classes or do other activities. In the evening (or also in the afternoon) you can grab one or maybe more drinks in one of the plenty bars in the city. ;) There you can find a lot of young people partying and having fun!

    If you prefer getting to know some amazing monuments, Tarragona is also perfect for you. It is a World heritage city where you can find many incredible and well-preserved monuments from the Roman times.
    I`m a busy woman who is always on the road. This allows me to take you with me to show you a lot of amazing places nearby if you want to.

    I am working as a foreign language teacher in a secondary school from the morning till 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Jorge is a fireman. He has to work one day for 24 hours and 3 days after it he has three days off to rest.

    If you want to get more information about our family or the work, you can ask us anytime and we would love to receive message from you! :)

    We would like to have women instead of men.

  • Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Betreuung von Tieren
    Babysitten und Kinderbetreuung
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten
  • Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    The lifestyle here. We do lots of things , activities outdoors, we go for walks in the mountains, to many festivities around the towns and these hosts we would really learn about the culture, the language and family life.

  • Projekte mit Kindern

    Projekte mit Kindern

    Dieses Projekt schließt möglicherweise den Umgang mit Kindern ein. Mehr Informationen findest du in unseren Verhaltensregeln und Tipps hier.

  • Arbeit


    To help mostly with the children. When we are doing things in the house or in the garden, they would be playing , entertaining the children, so that we could be a bit ore concentrated and have more time with our daily work. Also they should bring and collect the hildren from school and talk to them in their native language. English I'd like the most.
    To do some household chores at home and also in the garden.

  • Gesprochene Sprachen

    Catalan: Fließend
    Deutsch: Fließend
    Englisch: Fließend
    Spanisch: Fließend

  • Unterkunft


    A big room for herself.

  • Was noch ...

    Was noch ...

    There are lots of things to do, like horse riding, jogging in the middle of the nature, trekking, activities like padel, zumba, swimming...they can go to Tarragona for the night activity or the beach or to try different restaurants, to visit the city, a world heritage city of Roman times. Lots of exciting and interesting things to do.

  • Etwas mehr Information

    Etwas mehr Information

    • Internet Zugang

    • Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

      Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

    • Wir besitzen Tiere

    • Wir sind Raucher

    • Familien möglich

  • Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal

    Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal


  • ...


    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Gastgeber Ref-Nr.: 798694628381

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