Celebrate New Beginnings, try our daily off grid adventures in Viseu, central Portugal



 Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer:  mindestens 1 Woche



  • Beschreibung


    Hello EVERYONES!!

    We are LIGIA,TOMÉ, ZÉZÉ and PEPE!
    Our family is part of a group of 57 beings from all over the world, that got themselves together in an amazing valley to experiment a more conscious and cooperative action in this planet.
    2011 was the start of our big adventure, we start 17 people and together we bought 40ha of land in the Beira Alta area of Portugal. Slowly slowly we've been growing in our resilience!! Especially the KIDS :)
    It is a very interesting project, that energies flow from the individual towards the collective!! 
    We are still setting the physical, emotional and spiritual bases of our common spaces. ... Our foundations are pretty much settled on giving the space that actions start organically with the respect of everyones timings!
    We are Dreamers and life followers, having like everyone in everywhere big challenges :) but for sure doing our best!!

    We are a family of 3 adults Ligia, Pepe and Zeze and 1 tweenager Tomé , 1 dog (HiperiCÃO) and some chickens.
    We are now in the process of building a new nest in the community!! and it has been a really nice experience!!
    We want to dedicate our time and energy on this family new beggining project this year, thats one of the reasons we need your help a lot!!

    We arrived in 2016 in our sweet paradise, since than we been experiencing loads of Good productive challenges regarding peace and happiness. Trying out collective cooperations, nurture authentic relationships, and hold on our true essence, in the middle of pure nature, where silence constantly asks for reflection! MEANS...a lot of inner work! But it's definitely worth it.
    Its not always easy as they say in the fairy tales!! I can tell you... but it is very important to remind us constantly that this is the DREAM and this is what we choose for ourselves :D

    The 40 hc of land is pure and wild, has 1,5 km of river that crosses the valley with one waterfall most of the year.
    We can count now 17 houses. 36 Adults and 21 children.
    The farm is 3 km away from the nearest village, which is very very small. So for shopping and different needs we go to "Sátão" the bigger village that is 11 km from us.
    We are in the mountains so sometimes is fresh :) specially after sunset, but it is possible to put a tent or arrive by campervan.

    We try as much as we can to be off-the-grid, so we have:
    - renewable energies as a source of electricity,
    - 1 compost toilets
    - nice hammocks
    - super cozy corners in the woods that's for sure!!

    I can tell you a little bit about our greatest gifts, but the rest you will have to come here and see, hear and feel for yourselves, hehehehehe
    One of my great passions (Ligia) is the collaborative work between different beings, so I have been deepening my studies and practices in Sociocracy 3.0, a social tool for the evolution of resilient projects where the tensions in the groups are always evaluated as collective wisdom that intends to emerge. It's an art of collaboration that I've applied in most of the projects I'm involved in, and I recommend it to everyone.

    Important info for you to know is that we check the messages only twice a day.. one in the morning to see if there is important stuff and other in the evening to reply what needs to!!"

    Now we have this missions:
    - Working in garden !!  :) we have a big beautiful garden! We do it biological and we try to do some biodynamic also!!
    - Help in the kitchen !
    - Prepare to transform fresh veggies to conserves so we have food in winter time also!
    - Start the structure for an Agroforest, so is ready for the next autumn.
    - A big beautifull forest to clean.
    - Building light straw walls

    Our preferences are:
    To host 2/4 helpers at the time!! 
    That helpers stay minimum 1 week!
    Work 5 hours p-day (but we can always see the group dynamic, it changes all the time!! ) :) 

    If you think it might be an experience for you and you are willing to help us please let us know soon in order to make a more realistic and proper plan for all of us!
    You can arrive any day till 8pm to Satão that is 11 km from us and we can pick you up! 
    There are buses
    Please communicate your intentions at least 1 week before you're coming.
    Thank you, even if only use your time to Read US :)
    with Love, 
    Li, Pepe, Zeze and Tomé

  • Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Hilfe bei Ökoprojekten
    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Betreuung von Tieren
    Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
    Babysitten und Kinderbetreuung
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten
    Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
  • UNO-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die dieser Gastgeber verfolgt

    UNO-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die dieser Gastgeber verfolgt

    Keine Armut
    Kein Hunger
    Gesundheit und Wohlergehen
    Hochwertige Bildung
    Sauberes Wasser und Sanitärversorgung
    Bezahlbare und saubere Energie
    Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum
    Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur
    Weniger Ungleichheiten
    Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden
    Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster sicherstellen
    Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz
    Leben unter Wasser
    Leben an Land
    Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen
    Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele
  • Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    We can share all the knowledge we have:
    -off-grid lifestyle experiences,
    - collective growing processes,
    - individual growing awareness inside collectives,
    - different building techniques and skills,
    - magic gardening
    - share all our facilities.
    - and more.... much more come to see by yourself !! :)

    we live in a very quiet valley of 40hc, basically is mother nature that can offer you a lot..not us... and i tell you she is very kind with us!! :)
    We dont believe in coincidences, so if the universe conspires for you to join us, for sure its gonna be greatttt!!! :D

  • Arbeit


    - Working in garden !!  :) we have a big beautiful garden! We do it biological and we try to do some biodynamic also!!
    - Help in the kitchen !
    - Prepare to transform fresh veggies to conserves so we have food in winter time also!
    - Start the structure for an Agroforest, so is ready for the next autumn.
    -preparing bottles for conserves!
    - Clean the forest!

  • Sprachen

    Gesprochene Sprachen
    Englisch: Fließend
    Spanisch: Fließend
    Portugiesisch: Fließend
    Französisch: Grundkenntnisse

    Dieser Gastgeber bietet Sprachaustausch an
    Dieser Gastgeber gibt an, dass er dir gern seine Muttersprache beibringt oder selbst eine Sprache lernen möchte.
    Bitte wende dich direkt an ihn, um weitere Auskünfte zu erhalten.

  • Unterkunft


    We can only host people in:
    - tents (sometimes is cold in the night time after sunset, so please come prepared for that).
    - campervans

  • Was noch ...

    Was noch ...

    Our valley and the surroundings are still very pure and clean!! You can take beautiful walks in the mountain and forest!
    We have also 1,5 km of river in our land that you can swim,
    We ask all respect for nature and also the neighbors privacy!!

  • Etwas mehr Information

    Etwas mehr Information

    • Internet Zugang

    • Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

      Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

    • Wir besitzen Tiere

    • Wir sind Raucher

    • Familien möglich

  • Kann Digital Nomads unterbringen

    Kann Digital Nomads unterbringen

    We have internet at home a not very fast one but enough to work with!

  • Platz zum Abstellen von Camper Vans

    Platz zum Abstellen von Camper Vans

    the road to the valley is not a easy one, we have had workawayers in the past with motorhomes and the only complicated thing is with big big trucks, we have a very small bridge that you need to cross, so cars above 4tns can't pass!

  • Hier sind Haustiere in der Regel willkommen

    Hier sind Haustiere in der Regel willkommen

    we have animals in the valley, horses, chickens, goats, lambs, cats and dogs, we can only host pets that are capable of living among all this friends! :)

  • Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal

    Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal

    mehr als zwei

Gastgeber Ref-Nr.: 615854515588


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