Help with daily tasks on a little farm and language exchange on Hasslö, Sweden

  • Bisher 127 mal gespeichert
  • Letzte Aktivität : 2 Sept. 2024



 Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer:  mindestens 2 Wochen



  • Beschreibung


    Hello! We are Louise, Tim and Sixten. We are having a little farm on an island in south Sweden. On the farm we have horses, sheeps, hens, cats and a dog. We grow our vegetables, berries and fruit at the farm. We want our farm to be a place for people from all over the world to gather and share our passion for animals, nature, climate and health. Our farm is not a business it’s a familyfarm.
    The food you get is from the garden and eggs from the hens. We eat most veggies but Tim eat meat as well.
    In the beginning of the season there is not super much to eat in the garden so then more food come from the grocery store.

  • Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Betreuung von Tieren
    Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
    Babysitten und Kinderbetreuung
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten
  • UNO-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die dieser Gastgeber verfolgt

    UNO-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die dieser Gastgeber verfolgt

    Keine Armut
    Kein Hunger
    Gesundheit und Wohlergehen
    Hochwertige Bildung
    Sauberes Wasser und Sanitärversorgung
    Bezahlbare und saubere Energie
    Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum
    Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur
    Weniger Ungleichheiten
    Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden
    Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster sicherstellen
    Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz
    Leben unter Wasser
    Leben an Land
    Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen
    Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele
  • Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Louise love nature and love to sleep outside in the forest and hike. She has study at Folkhögskola and is a nature guide. She will share her knowledge about living outdoor. She is a biosphere ambassador for Blekinge archipelago and can show you around in the beautiful biosphere area here. Blekinge is one of seven biosphere areas in Sweden because it’s fantastic nature and historical culture. Karlskrona is also a world heritage.

    Louise has been teacher in Swedish as a second language and she is very interested in language. Louise also love horses and train liberty dressage with the horses.
    She also do acroyoga so if you are interested in that you might fly together.
    She has her own company and been working as a medical massage therapist. It’s classic Swedish massage. Nowdays Louise is home with her and Tims little baby Sixten who is born in april 2023.

    Tim is very handy and can share his knowledge about building and repairing things. He also loves machines.
    He knows how to drive boats and navigate at sea. He was long manager over the sea rescue team at the island. Now he works as a ambulance nurse.

  • Arbeit


    What we'd like help with is taking care of the animals and the farm. We are not selling anything from the farm.
    It can be heavy tasks like mucking out the stables, fencing, clean weed from the garden, bring water to the sheeps.
    But also easier tasks like painting, harvest and repairing stuff.

  • Sprachen

    Gesprochene Sprachen
    Englisch: Fließend
    Swedish: Fließend

    Dieser Gastgeber bietet Sprachaustausch an
    Dieser Gastgeber gibt an, dass er dir gern seine Muttersprache beibringt oder selbst eine Sprache lernen möchte.
    Bitte wende dich direkt an ihn, um weitere Auskünfte zu erhalten.

  • Unterkunft


    We got a small guest house with outdoor kitchen and outdoor toilet.
    We share our garden with you and you are free to pick veggies, berries and fruit.

  • Was noch ...

    Was noch ...

    Hasslö is an island that is located in Karlskrona which is south east in Sweden.
    To get here you can take:
    The train straight from Copenhagen airport. Karlskrona is the end destination, and then we pick you up at the train station.

    You can also take the ferry (Stena Line) from Gdynia in Poland to Karlskrona.
    There is also one ferry going from Lithuania to Karlshamn which is 40 minute drive from our home.

    On the island there is a grocerystore that you can take the bike in 10 minutes to go shopping. You can take the bus or boat to town, it takes around 35 min with bus and 25 min with boat.
    The nature around here is fantastic with the Baltic Sea just outside the door and lots of big forests.
    Feel free to borrow our bikes and explore the surroundings.

    Since we got little baby Sixten we cannot always eat all the meals together with the volunteers. But we want to eat lunch together at least.
    So breakfast and dinner you might eat by yourself. We usually only have one volunteer here unless you come two together. If you think it feels lonely to be in your own company a lot then this place maybe is not the best place for you.
    We have got a lot of couples coming over the years and many of them bring their dogs and they have loved staying here.

  • Etwas mehr Information

    Etwas mehr Information

    • Internet Zugang

    • Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

      Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

    • Wir besitzen Tiere

    • Wir sind Raucher

    • Familien möglich

  • Platz zum Abstellen von Camper Vans

    Platz zum Abstellen von Camper Vans

    Dieser Gastgeber bietet Platz für Wohnmobile.

  • Hier sind Haustiere in der Regel willkommen

    Hier sind Haustiere in der Regel willkommen

    Dieser Gastgeber ist bereit, Reisende mit Haustieren bei sich aufzunehmen.

  • Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal

    Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal


  • ...


    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Gastgeber Ref-Nr.: 579399485869

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