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11 Apr. 2024
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Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer: mindestens 3 Wochen
We are a group of biologist who are working in some projects to develop sustainable production alternatives in Peru, to improve the quality of life of the people. We are working in coastal areas (Paracas - Ica, Bayovar - Piura) about seaweed farming (aquaculture) and we have a seaweed pilot production and processing center. Our objective is develop this technology and give it to the fisherman....there are many social and economic problems along peruvian, we try to give them more chances to live well
Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten
Hilfe bei ÖkoprojektenUnterrichtenGartenarbeitenHausarbeitenHandwerkliche ArbeitenUNO-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die dieser Gastgeber verfolgt
Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten
They can learn about social work, logistic, management or formulation of can be a leader...can learn about another cultural perception, spanish, food, music...can learn many biological activityes in work not in boring classes....we can give certificated or some paper they need. Also, if you wanna be involved in some research, we are able to colaborate with you and follow the good ideas!
We receive many requests from volunteers around the world who wants to participate in our project. Unfortunately we cannot accept everyone because we don't have much space and we priorize a professional exchange. We do a selection based on the background of candidates like proffesional affinity and previous experiences.
We respect any type of belief and ideology. We have no problem with it, but we are not an organization that seeks to improve the life’s quality of people based on spirituality ideologies (like meditation, yoga, chamanism, etc.). We receive many volunteers’s requests who wants to connect to nature in another way than us. We respect it, but we prioritize scientific knowledge and social work based on the development of sustainable technologies (socially and environmentally). We believe that as professionals, we have the responsability to be actively involved in social change. Therefore, we will be grateful if you can write to us only if you share our way of thinking and you consider that you have a lot to contribut.
At the moment, our work aims to develop sustainable activities in two regions: Paracas in Pisco Region and Bayovar in Piura region: production or good management of natural resources. Actually we are focus on seaweeds and waste reuse!
The work could involve work in the production center (non-axenic), work at sea (sowing, harvesting, monitoring), evaluation of experiments (physiology and reproduction of algae) and daily living activities (cleaning, cooking, etc.). We prefer a minimum stay of 3 weeks to organize the work with the volunteer... depending on the situation we can make some exception!
We can provide you basic accomodations (Also, we have a good internet connection just in Pisco). Normally we provide food, but the last months we have budget problems because pandemic and we have to buy our food, Well i dont think so would be a problem because everything is really cheap here and we all split costs...Normally our volunteers have free days when they can take relax or do the things they wanted.
Please, dont hesitate to write us if you are interested and you are into the field!Sprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: Fließend
Spanisch: FließendDieser Gastgeber bietet Sprachaustausch an
Dieser Gastgeber gibt an, dass er dir gern seine Muttersprache beibringt oder selbst eine Sprache lernen möchte.
Bitte wende dich direkt an ihn, um weitere Auskünfte zu erhalten.Unterkunft
The accomodation of the 2 places are quiet different: First, the processing center in Pisco have an special area to live in the second floor... We have a living room and a room with cabins (for 6 person). Our location is in front of the sea, so you have an special sensation when you wake up. the bed are personal (1 place) and there is a place for students of university came (they finished they work, so...we have space). We have a kitchen... we normally organize for prepare and cook, we have electricity, public water and the place is near to some touristic areas (Paracas, Ica), Also we have stable internet connection and public light. In the other side, the production center in Bayovar is a field work center, the nearest hometown is at 40 min. We also have basic acomodation, but more rustic: We dont have internet conection.
Was noch ...
We are near to Paracas turistic area, there are beautiful beaches...and we come back to Lima often (we are at 3 hours from lima). Normally, during the weeknds can come back to the city and visit many places...there are transport and many alternatives to enjoy the free time.
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Familien möglich
Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal
mehr als zwei
25 hours per week
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Kultureller Austausch:
I had an Incredible time staying with Samuel, Arturo, Stefano, Max and the other workawayers. The project is clever and important, well conducted. They are doing an amazing job and it's great to be able to join in for a couple of weeks. You get to learn a lot about… read more