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Wild swimming and off-grid adventure near Oliveria do Hospital, Portugal



 Hospedagem min. solicitada: mínimo 2 semanas



  • Descrição


    Are looking for a longer term escape in nature- back to basics, un-plug from the world and re-connect to your wilder side - or maybe you are interested in a taste of living off grid and what it really means!

    (we ask for a mimimum two week stay)

    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️Vegetarian/Vegan Happily accommodated.
    Permaculture. Natural alternative building. Food forest design. Re-wilding in Nature. Perennial garden design. Wild swimming. Re foresting. Post Fire landscape regeneration, working hard and goofing about with laughter Is our Vibe, and afternoon gin and tonic in the sunshine.

    Hello Hello!

    2025 will be our 14th year of hosting volunteers.

    From experience, we have learnt it is important to give you as much information as we can, for you to manage expectations and make an informed and realistic decision if you would like to come and apologies for the waffle to follow!

    We are Hannah and Duncan.
    An English couple in our thirties and forties. We have been off-grid for 15 years in Portugal.

    WE'VE STARTED A NEW CHAPTER.....after 10 years elsewhere in Portugal, We have bought a new piece of land..... to START completely from the BEGINNING ALL OVER AGAIN!! (suckers for punishment!!)

    in the last decade we have- (at our old farm)
    (using permaculture principles for our growing and life ethos in general)
    successfully experimented with creating different micro climates to extend our food growing seasons,
    built two stone houses
    created water infrastructure, solar systems, sculpted landscape.

    We've messed around with super adobe, clay and cobb.
    We have also built two underground geodesic domes and a HUGE, double reciprocal, green round timber structure, with our own harvested round wood. All, exclusively with volunteers.
    Its been so much fun....
    We are so grateful.

    We still have many more techniques we'd love to try.
    Excited, with help again, from excellent volunteers, to Build lots more fun and exciting things to share with all those who come to stay and learn with us.


    Our new home, new project is still a building site...''the pioneering phase" which is code for - a bit of a mess!
    its been a slow couple of years of progressing in our new adventure.... but we try celebrate the wins
    to us, it remains, our little piece of beautiful wilderness, mountain views, forgotten by people for a long time and reclaimed by Nature.
    Apart from the occasional plane, (and our dog barking at them) the only sounds are the birds, the wind in the few remaining trees recovering post-fire, The occasional shepherd and his sheep or goats and the stream that flows.

    We seek help from those of you who relish living close to nature and have a good sense of humour (this is crucial!!)
    if you have strong work ethic along with a pioneering & creative spirit. Who do not mind carrying water, bathing in a bucket and pooing in the woods you will fit right into our vibe!

    We were hit by the forest fires in October 2017 and again in 2022. So a huge focus is water infrastructure, lakes, dams and ponds and swales
    Re-forestation with native (less flammable!) species of trees.
    and trying to finish our house!

    A large blank canvas that is our new home, is here to inspire you! And probably overwhelm us!

    We'll have lots of ongoing activities, and projects, mostly un-glamorous such as: clearing the stream old dead burnt trees, chopping down broom, mulching, chipping, making paths, throwing cement, chopping down broom, and new steps, throwing cement, building fences, chopping firewood, carrying water, throwing cement, chopping down broom, moving rocks, re-pointing ruins, pruning the regenerating oak trees, weeding and composting. Digging- lots of digging. And lots of dragging dead burnt trees. And did i mention..... chopping down broom and throwing cement!
    the list goes on and on and on! It is literally back to the beginning, so if you have interest in how to start this off-grid adventure (it's not always easy and its definitely NOT GLAMOUROUS!! ) then, perfect.

    We love integrating different ideas and skills and many of our longer term volunteers by this we mean a few months not a few weeks... (longest stay is 14 months!) have had autonomy over certain creations. If you have the time to mess around with an idea- but never had a space in which you can, we invite you to come and try!

    One of our main objectives as hosts, is for you to gain confidence and trust in your own abilities in general. Using a selection of hand tools, to understanding the basics of permaculture and the general vibe of living off grid. Growing and harvesting food, vegetarian/vegan cooking. Holistic approaches to life. Making new friends. being silly.
    And to HAVE FUN!

    Working from 9am to 2pm winter
    7-12pm summer

    *changes due to season, temperature and the type of work and other plans.
    We do work hard! Part of staying here is that you get stuck in to the best of your ability.

    You are then free to enjoy your afternoons/remaining hours/days and weekends however you choose. We have very few neighbours or people to disturb you throughout this entire valley.

    I (Hannah) am a professional cook, and pride myself on creating super-exciting, highly nutritious, seasonal, colourful feasts that are super-duper healthy (95 percent of the time).
    The food and feeding our volunteers as best we can, has been hugely important to us, we can guarantee that we can provide you with utterly excellent lunch and dinner time meals. during the days we ask for your help.
    The diet here is mostly vegetarian, but vegans happily/easily accommodated.

    On Sundays we head to our local market to support local farmers. There we buy the extra fruit, veg, cheese, pulses, dried herbs and spices, bread and honey.

    But most importantly, Sundays are our ''day off''

    we go to eat bbq grilled chicken/vegetables/fish with bread, hand cut potato chips(fries) and fizzy white wine(if you like!) for breakfast!
    We love it when our volunteers can join us!! Its very FUN!
    (this is at your own personal cost usually around 10/12 euros)

    We also TRY very hard to only eat Portuguese seasonal and locally grown produce, so if you cannot survive without bananas or other foods from the other side of the world, you might want to stock up on these too. Likewise with luxury items like sweets/chocolate/crisps etc
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️****️️️️️️️️️️️️️️do you have any special dietary requirements or allergies?*️️️️️️️️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️️️️️️️️PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU DO!!******
    ****if you suffer from DUST allergy- please do not apply!****
    **and the pollen can be pretty bad in the spring**.

    We are trying to live a balanced lifestyle, no drugs and only small amounts of alcohol that we ask volunteers to pay for.
    We operate an ''honesty'' bar ......Or you are welcome to buy (and carry) your own booze. We enjoy a beer after work, a glass of wine with dinner and games around the table, but all things in moderation.

    We do NOT invite you into our home to get drunken..

    We are a fun and easy going couple, who love to play games and joke about, but we do not consider this a party zone. We are up early, we work hard and we like our sleep at night..... most of the time!
    Hannah likes to put loud music on at least one EARLY morning a week and dance (like an idiot) It is her meditation, if you like......

    If you have transport, its easy to take trips up the mountain to swim in the lakes (ski in the winter!) or to the river Mondego for a change of scenery. we can direct you to some pretty incredible secret plunge pools and very cold waterfalls.

    We ask you to be conscientious and tidy and responsible for your belongings and most importantly your LITTER.
    our almost finished house , we share with you, is small... so tidiness and cleaning up after yourself is important to me!
    washing up and general tidying/sweeping floor/trying up is shared by all and not considered part of your volunteering hours- thats just part of life! this goes for sundays is a day off for us, but i still cook and clen and appreciate HELP!
    This also goes for the shared dome accomodation- tidy! tidy! TIDY!!

    Due to the huge fire risk in summer we ask you only smoke in our designated safe zones. NOT in your tent. NOT in the dome.... NO candles or incense or anything with potential to burn, in tents/dome either.
    STRICTLY NO FIRES! (it is against the law)
    We can not stress this enough and sadly we will not hesitate to ask you to leave, if you can not respect these wishes.

    In the summer it get REALLY REALLY HOT!! But at night as it does cool down.
    We recommend you bring loose-fitting long sleeve clothes to get dirty in and a sun hat. We, on behalf of the stream or river's inhabitants- are very much against sun tan lotion, so just cover your skin up.
    Please note, we use only natural products, i.e shampoo/toothpaste, as all our grey water feeds the ground/garden. Likewise if you are enjoying the river, or a ''shower'', no chemicals, i.e harsh moisturisers or sunscreen or heavy make-up. We can supply you with delicious hand made alternatives, for a small fee.
    We have very limited water in Summer and Autumn (or until it rains) so regular washing is only in a simple hot water bucket (heated in the sun) or solar shower.
    You will have to hand wash your clothes, we do sometimes take large amounts of laundry to town and pay to use large machines. (until we get our own machine)

    Winter- believe it or not , gets COLD... -6 Celsius at night through January/february is not rare , and when it rains.... it pours!!
    the dome accomodation sleeps up to six people, mixed sex.
    is essenially a tent! it is not insulated and we only offer hot water bottles and blankets , many blankets....we have spent two winters in a tent- it is not for the faint hearted!

    when the sun is out by day- its what we fell in love with 15-20degree afternoons- yay winter!!!

    Bring stout footwear, a good sleeping bag, head-torch and always know the whereabouts of your towel.....

    or if you travel in your van , plenty of flat space to park up in.

    any questions- don't hesitate to ask!

    our warmest wishes
    Hannah and Duncan

  • Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Projetos artísticos
    Prática de idiomas
    Ajuda em projetos ambientais
    Construção/faça você mesmo
    Cuidar de animais
    Ajuda em fazenda
    Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
    Ajuda a cuidar da casa
    Manutenção geral
    Ajuda com computadores/internet
  • Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir

    Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir

    Objetivos da ONU
    Erradicar a pobreza
    Erradicar a fome
    Saúde de qualidade
    Educação de qualidade
    Igualdade de género
    Água potável e saneamento
    Energias renováveis e acessíveis
    Trabalho digno e crescimento económico
    Indústria, inovação e infraestruturas
    Reduzir as desigualdades
    Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
    Produção e consumo sustentáveis
    Ação climática
    Proteger a vida marinha
    Proteger a vida terrestre
    Paz, justiça et instituições eficazes
    Parcerias para a implementação dos objetivos
  • Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    One of our main objectives as hosts, is for you to gain confidence and trust in your own abilities in general. Using a selection of hand tools, to understanding the basics of permaculture and the general vibe of living off grid. Growing and harvesting food, vegetarian/vegan cooking. Holistic approaches to life. Making new friends. being silly.
    And to HAVE FUN!

  • Ajuda


    We will have many projects beginning.
    Here is a list of a few.......
    And we are always open to volunteers ideas/designs/input.....
    Permaculture design.
    Making compost.
    Making hugel beds.
    Digging swales and troughs.
    Food forest design and planting.
    Green roofing of a ruin.
    Shade house.
    Compost toilets.
    Outdoor shower.
    Water infrastructure.
    Gardening design and planting.
    Perennial Planting.
    Seed collections and germination.
    Cobb work.
    Wood work using our own harvested round wood.
    Peeling trees.
    Chopping wood.
    Carrying water.

  • Idiomas

    Inglês: Fluente
    Português: Intermediário

    Este anfitrião oferece intercâmbio de idiomas
    help us learn Portuguese!

  • Acomodação


    tent/van/ geo dome

  • Algo mais...

    Algo mais...

    flying Into Porto:
    Just outside Porto airport is a metro, take this to stop- campanha, the bus station is a 10 minute walk from here.
    Ask for a ticket to Oliveira do Hospital.
    if you are (or look) under 28 years old ask for a ''bilhetta jovem'' you will get a discount.
    to book online ahead of time is cheaper-
    rede-expressos . pt

    Lisbon is a bit further but the bus is also to oliveira do hospital. above website still applies.

    From Oliveira-we strongly encourage our volunteers to try find their own way to our quinta,
    a taxi will be around 20euro

    or there is a local bus to Travancinha....

    But we are willing and able and can collect you, for a petrol donation, if you are not comfortable to navigate alone.

    please speak to us before you book bus tickets regarding us collecting you from somewhere. we do not like to leave the Quinta after 6pm!! and if we have other volunteers arriving is always nice to car pool.

    Our Quinta is about 15km from oliveira. We try to only visit once per week, so make sure you stock up on the essentials before coming.

    There are a few small bars/cafe/restaurant in local towns, each about a 50 min walk away.
    Lagares and Travancinha and Ervedal

    Our social activities are made by ourselves on the land. We make and play lots of games eg. frisbee golf, ping pong, Klugg, Carcassonne, Backgammon, Dice and Cards and we are always open to learn new games. There is a library (English) of educational books and novels to borrow.

    We are in the foothills of Serra da Estrela mountains which are great for skiing, walking, cycling and swimming. The track along our top boundary is part of route 22 of the Portuguese mountain trails. Its Beautiful.

    We have had many many ''first timers'' volunteer with us and all have loved it and return every year!

    look forward to hearing from you,

    our very kindest regards
    Hannah and Duncan

  • Mais alguns detalhes

    Mais alguns detalhes

    • Acesso à internet

    • Acesso à internet limitado

      Acesso à internet limitado

    • Temos mascotes

    • Somos fumantes

    • Pode hospedar famílias

  • Espaço para estacionar campervans

    Espaço para estacionar campervans

    Este anfitrião pode fornecer espaço para vans.

  • Pode aceitar animais

    Pode aceitar animais

    but this needs to be talked about (my dog is getting old and grumpy!) BUT WE HAVE HOSTED PETS TOO!

  • Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Mais de 2

Nº de ref. de anfitrião: 574159519394

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Comentário (51)


A imagem retrata um rio sereno que flui por uma floresta exuberante, com uma margem rochosa e vegetação vibrante, evocando uma sensação de beleza natural e tranquilidade.


Essas classificações são opcionais e foram dadas junto com os comentários dos membros.A classificação média deixada por cada opção é exibida.

Precisão do perfil:

Intercâmbio cultural:


Join our multi-generational family near Serra da Estrela, Portugal
Help start a home for art and quiet in Castanheira de Pera, Portugal