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Actividades que me interesan:
Currently staying near Vialas with dear friends I met through Workaway. Would love to meet up, go caving, hiking or any nature activity really :) Been here for a while so I know some nice spots too.
Mi próximo destino:
Département de la Lozère, France - Desde Jun 2024 Ver todosDescripción
Since 2018 I’ve travelled, on and off, by sailboat and camper, roaming the west of Europe. Through Workaway I discovered I enjoy working and living in a rural place. I discovered my love for gardening, my interest of working the land and to live as sustainable and self sufficient possible. Because of the way of traveling I’m used to minimal resources, creative solutions and conscious of the footprint I’m leaving.
In my free time I love to be outside, go for a hike or just explore. I've in interest in the natural world and am passionate about conservation. I recently started caving and have always loved swimming. I enjoy learning about making products of self produced or gathered ingredients and have some books about gathering plants in nature. For two Workaway projects I've done some videography. Nothing professional though, to be clear! I like storytelling through photos and videos and had a blog while sailing.Intereses
MontañaAgriculturaBaileIdiomasVideografíaAnimalesBloggingTrabajo de caridadNaturalezaSenderismoDeportes acuáticosEscrituraSostenibilidadNavegar / barcosCuidado de plantasActividades al aire libreMúsicaJardineríaBricolaje y manualidadesCulturaCocina y alimentaciónAcampadaIdiomas
Idiomas hablados
Alemán: Fluido
Inglés: Fluido
Holandés: Fluido
Francés: Intermedio
Español: PrincipianteMás información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
English and Dutch I can speak and write without difficulty.Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender
Me interesa:
JardineríaVida en una granjaProyectos ecológicosCuidado de animalesCiertos conocimientos de:
Proyectos artísticosProyectos de construcción y bricolajePuedo enseñar:
Cuidado de niños y juegos creativosCompañía para ancianosMantenimiento generalCocinar para toda la familiaAyuda domésticaHostelería/turismoTrabajo de caridadIdiomasAyuda con ordenadores/InternetEnseñanzaQue habilidades tienes?
My latest payed job was at the oldest bio dynamic farm in The Netherlands. I worked in the shop, coffee bar, breakfast & lunchroom and the bakery. In between I took care of the social media, newsletter and communication about school trips & private celebrations. I also organised the three monthly staff diners and checked in with everyone on a regular basis. It was not my responsibility but I find I very important myself.
During the years I've traveled and joined Workaway projects I also was volunteering for the girl sea scouts back home and for the online travel platform Trustroots. For the last one I organised the weekly meetings, wrote minutes, worked on the newsletter, helped out with social media and almost single handedly managed the support and safety desk of the platform at one point.
I'm good with animals and have studied, after four years of art therapy, one year of agricultural school.Edad
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For me respect goes both ways. Balance where both parties are happy is what I strive for. I like to feel appreciated and am a very open communicator. For me hard work is the result of a good collaboration. I would love to learn about your way of living.
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I already miss them, they left a (sustainable!) print here, as we planted small trees, herbs, vegetables and flowers together.
Erik also transformed an old rusty trailer in a very convenient one to carry the kayak,… read more
They have been… read more