Información de perfil
Información de viaje
Ahora estoy
Hello and welcome to my profile. I've been hitchhiking around Europe from November 2018 till October 2019, since march 2019 with my dog called Luna. After that I kept on traveling by car for a year and lived and traveled in my camper for two more years.
After some time back home now it's time for same backpacking again.
I was always very interested in permaculture, gardening and community living. Through workaway I was able to learn a lot about these topics while seeing the world and meeting amazing people.
For this reason I'm always looking for a place, where I can learn more skills that will be handy or even a existing community to join.
Volunteering is a great opportunity to get new skills, help others and share knowledge.Intereses
Deportes de aventuraAgriculturaMascotasMúsicaNaturalezaDeportes de inviernoSenderismoVegetariano o veganoAutostopAnimalesIdiomasAutodesarrolloActividades al aire libreSostenibilidadVida en autocaravanaCocina y alimentaciónBricolaje y manualidadesCuidado de plantasMontañaJardineríaIdiomas
Idiomas hablados
Alemán: Fluido
Inglés: Fluido
Español: PrincipianteMás información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
Deutsch als Muttersprache, english fluent , very basic Spanish (would love to improve)Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender
Me interesa:
Proyectos ecológicosProyectos artísticosCiertos conocimientos de:
Proyectos de construcción y bricolajeCuidado de niños y juegos creativosMantenimiento generalAyuda domésticaCuidado de animalesTrabajo de caridadPuedo enseñar:
JardineríaCocinar para toda la familiaVida en una granjaIdiomasAyuda con ordenadores/InternetEnseñanzaQue habilidades tienes?
Having done quiet a lot of different workaways I'm still always excited about all the great people and skills you get to know. I worked at a vineyard, avocado farm, kiwi and olive plantation and different vegetable farms. Also I helped to fix fences, preserve food (drying, Pickling, jam, jar...), weeding, bio construction (clay oven and strawballhouse), spitting firewood, pruning fruit trees, gardening, pet sitting etc.
I have basic computer skills and know how to use word, excel, outlook etc.
I really enjoy cooking and could help you with German or English.
I'm a ski instructor and worked with kids as well, furthermore I'm young and fit and learn quick.Edad
Algo más...
I'm very interested in permaculture, being self-sufficient and an alternative way of life close to nature.
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Thank you very much