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Mi próximo destino:
Italy - Desde Nov 2024 Hasta Dic 2025 Ver todosDescripción
Hi everybbody!
My name is Anne-Marie, 38 years, German by passport, Polish by family and Italian by choice.
I am aware of the fact that I am really privileged in life as I was born in a safe and rich country and so far I was really lucky always managing to do and learn whatever I wanted...I've spent the last years of my life in the beautiful city of Perugia in Central Italy. I have lived and worked there for almost seven years and now it’s time to start a new chapter in my life and to move travel goes on and I can't wait to get to know more interesting and nice people, work hard and keep making wonderful experiences.
I love doing manual work as it helps me „relaxing my mind“ and live more consciously. I feel very connected to nature and animals, and I simply believe that what you give is what you get back. I would consider myself a very curious person always searching for new interests. I am always trying to understand why things are how they are, getting to the essential. I am especially interested in ecology and permaculture, I lam crazy about honey, I love learning new languages and cultures, try do trekking and gardening whenever I can and dance wherever I am. What else? I love making up recipes and do some baking with fresh fruit right from the garden.
I am also very interested in craft beer, and I have been working in this domain recently. What else? I am extremely curious I guess and I can’t keep my feet still ...always keen to get to know learn new things...because although the ugly news we are surrounded by every day, life does still offer a loooot of beautiful stuff, you have just to be curious, never take anything for granted. Just keep your eyes open!
I seek a simple life based on experiences and not things which, in my opinion, is the only way worth living - especially in the unsecure times we are facing by now. I do still believe that a better world is possible. However, it depends on us and the choices we make.
Finally, working and getting in touch with people on the ground is really what everybody should do; it's the best way to fight against racism and hate or even better: By knowing each other that kind of problems probably would not even emerge...
cambiare prospettiva
sporcarmi le mani
vivere giorni spensierati
conoscere gente vera e genuina
scoprire nuove piante
badare a galline ruspanti
essere circondati da animali
a fine giornata, sentire di aver fatto la differenza
affamare la mia curiosità
piantare frutta e verdura e vederla crescere
riscaldarmi davanti al falò in inverno
fare il formaggio
comprendere me e gli altri
ridere tanto
lasciare qualcosa di positivo dove passo
contagiare altri con il mio entusiasmo
disfare e rifare lo zaino
ascoltare il silenzio
conoscere ed ascoltare vecchie tradizioni tramandate
conoscere altri dialetti
ballare in qualsiasi posto dove mi soffermo
insomma: vorrei riempirmi gli occhi di cose e persone belle e sentirmi viva, perché la vita finisce in un attimo.Intereses
NaturalezaCuidado de plantasSostenibilidadIdiomasMontañaSenderismoJardineríaCulturaAgriculturaAnimalesCocina y alimentaciónIdiomas
Idiomas hablados
Alemán: Fluido
Inglés: Fluido
Francés: Fluido
Italiano: Fluido
Portugués: Intermedio
Español: PrincipianteMás información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
I love languages, because they are inevitably linked to other cultures: Every language is a window into a new world and learning a language is to get to know another culture and mentality. You learn seeing things from other perspectives and start understanding why people from other countries actually do what they do. I am always up to learn new languages such as deepen my current knowledges (mainly Romance languages). More languages you know, the more cultures you know and the more colorful and interesting is your life!Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender
Me interesa:
Cuidado de animales
Trabajo de caridad
Ciertos conocimientos de:
Vida en una granja
Proyectos ecológicos
Ayuda doméstica
Puedo enseñar:
Cocinar para toda la familia
Que habilidades tienes?
I would say that I'm very motivated, full of joie de vivre, eager to learn and just happy that I can be useful! I love the Italian way of life but I am always searching for new ways of broaden my cultural horizon. I love using my languages, working with people from other countries, helping out where I can, working with animals, building, ...
Algo más...
Well, I think I have been quite exhaustive in the previous aspects above :)
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Dieta especial
Anna really helped me with some of the tougher jobs on the farm and once she started, she was determined to finish, so I am very thankful to Anna and the amazing help she… read more
Marta was a wonderful host, always attentive and making sure that the tasks she gave me would suit me: I did some gardening, painted the bathroom, did… read more
Anna really helped me with some of the tougher jobs on the farm and once she started, she was determined to finish, so I am very thankful to Anna and the amazing help she… read more
Marta was a wonderful host, always attentive and making sure that the tasks she gave me would suit me: I did some gardening, painted the bathroom, did… read more
Pendant nos quatre semaines ensemble on a jamais eu de problèmes de trouver des arguments de quoi parler, aussi parce que Isabelle est une femme pleine… read more
Elle est restée… read more
A lot of luck to you Anne! (I'm sure you will have it!)
The Hostel is located in the… read more