Si NO eres ciudadano europeo ni suizo y quieres ir a Suiza para trabajar, hacer tareas de voluntariado o estudiar, NECESITARÁS EL VISADO ADECUADO. Si quieres más información, ponte en contacto con la embajada de tu país ANTES de viajar.
Meaning of the colours:
Workawayers necesitados
Workawayers posiblemente necesitados
No disponible
By default (toggle switch to the left) hosts who have both yellow AND green indicated for the months
you have selected will be shown. If you move the toggle to the right ONLY hosts who have indicated
green will be shown.
Meaning of this:
By default (toggle switch to the left) will show hosts who have ANY of the months you have chosen
marked as available. This means that some of the months might be marked red (no availability.) If
you need to see ALL of the months you have selected as available move the toggle to the right.
This is a Farm Sanctuary and we work very hard for our animals and we expect the same from our volonteers. We have sheep, horses, cattle, dogs. The Farm is connected by cable car as there are two barns, one up in the mountain for the sheep and one ......
We are a Swiss couple with 2 children (12&13years old), and one foster child, 13 years old. We live with our 8 horses on a lovely ranch in the west of Lucerne.
We have a dog & a cats and we live at the foothills of the alps. In our garden we have ......
We are a Swiss couple and live in our house with a change in beautiful Toggenburg. We have three dogs of our own, a cat, 4 dwarf rabbits, a few dozen guinea pigs and 10 aquariums with lots of fish. We run a sanctuary/sanctuary for guinea pigs that ......
We are a little family (men, woman, child, cat), that does parttime homesteading with vegan-organic permaculture on 2 ha in the Swiss Jura Mountains. We homeschool our child.
We live outside of the village in a more than 200 year old house with a ......
Hi : )!
Im searching from mid september 2 - 3 weeks (or longer term stay) handy, natureloving, alert person to look after my two petgoats and help in garden and house.
you love sharing time with the goats (cleaning stable, feeding, playing, evt. ......
We are a small family and live in a little row house with a garden on the outskirts of a city, close to a lake.
We like animals and therefore also have cats and our daughter recently got a hamster. We enjoy travelling, going out into nature and ......
Hello everyone,
I have created something very special for animals and people with my lifefarm in Heimisbach in Emmental, - a place where you can JUST BE. I have made this philosophy the name of my farm. Whether cow, chicken or horse - no animal has ......
Hosts Karin & Joe
3 adult sons
3 horses 1 dog 2 cats
Lake view, 20 minutes' walk from the lake. Kayak available on the lake
Languages D F E
Family & environment close to nature
There is the possibility to hike, ride a horse, cycle, ski, visit ......
Si NO eres ciudadano europeo ni suizo y quieres ir a Suiza para trabajar, hacer tareas de voluntariado o estudiar, NECESITARÁS EL VISADO ADECUADO. Si quieres más información, ponte en contacto con la embajada de tu país ANTES de viajar.